
History of LePue (Abandoned)

Player Alliance Ticker From To
LePue (Abandoned) Invictus [VIC] 27DEC15 13JAN16
LePue (Abandoned) SAINTS [SAINT] 03DEC15 27DEC15
LePue (Abandoned) Wheel of Time [WoT] 11NOV15 29NOV15
LePue (Abandoned) The Unfettered [TUF] 30SEP15 10NOV15
LePue (Abandoned) Blood Moon [MOON] 22SEP15 29SEP15
LePue (Abandoned) Darker Shade [SHRKr] 21SEP15 22SEP15
LePue (Abandoned) Illyria Fairy Nation [Fairy] 07AUG15 20SEP15
LePue (Abandoned) Stomps [Stomp] 08JUN15 27JUL15
LePue (Abandoned) Darker Shade [SHRKr] 06JUN15 08JUN15
LePue (Abandoned) EAGLES EYRIE [EE] 21MAY15 05JUN15
LePue (Abandoned) Illy Training Ground [ITG] 05MAY15 14MAY15
LePue (Abandoned) Darker Shade [SHRKr] 02MAY15 05MAY15
LePue (Abandoned) The Cave [CAVE] 27APR15 01MAY15
LePue (Abandoned) Blood Moon [MOON] 25APR15 27APR15
LePue (Abandoned) Knights of Winter [KnOW] 22APR15 25APR15
LePue (Abandoned) SAINTS [SAINT] 21APR15 21APR15
LePue (Abandoned) SAINTS [SAINT] 07APR15 20APR15
LePue (Abandoned) SAINTS [SAINT] 29JAN15 05APR15
LePue (Abandoned) Darker Shade [SHRKr] 20JAN15 29JAN15
LePue (Abandoned) SAINTS [SAINT] 20SEP14 03OCT14
LePue (Abandoned) SAINTS [SAINT] 13AUG14 01SEP14
LePue (Abandoned) SAINTS [SAINT] 13JUN14 14JUN14
LePue (Abandoned) SAINTS [SAINT] 03MAR14 01JUN14
LePue (Abandoned) Murder of Crows [mCrow] 17NOV13 03MAR14
LePue (Abandoned) Celtic Knights [xCKx] 02JAN13 16NOV13
LePue (Abandoned) Eagles First Flight [~FF~] 09JUN12 27OCT12