
Darker Shade [SHRKr]

Founded By:Halcyon Founded On:05JAN15 00:04

Darker Shade

Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence

Darker Shade is a sister alliance to Dark Shade.

We are recruiting. Any of our members can invite players to join.


We accept all races and sizes. New members are required to move their cities to Darker Shade's area in the west from north Kumala through The Western Realms, Fremorn and The Wastes. Parts of Lan Larosh are also acceptable and even NewLands in Broken Lands!

We specialize in helping new members move to Darker Shade's area with all that is required, including resources and advice. The move may be lengthy, but it is worth it both for protection and the ability to participate in alliance activities such as tournaments.


Darker Shade is first and last a team. We have an excellent group of mature, fun people who work together and help each other to grow stronger and achieve our goals.

Why should you join Darker Shade?

Because we are one of the best alliances in Illyriad with some of the best people on Earth.


Our rules do not allow any attack, military or diplomatic, on any active player that we are not at war with.


Players who wish to settle, Exodus or Tenaril within 10 squares from a Darker Shade city must contact our leadership and obtain permission before doing so.


A low alliance tax may be in effect to gather funds for times of need.


For the glory of Dark and Darker Shade!


To set the cause above renown,

To love the game beyond the prize,

To honor, while you strike him down,

The foe that comes with fearless eyes;

To count the life of battle good

And dear the land that gave you birth,

And dearer yet the brotherhood

That binds the brave of all the earth.


Sir Henry Newbolt
