
Unseated Ant

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

Harvesting policy: like a good neighbor stay over there

Sairane's Best Friend. You'd better know 
My guardian angel carries a pitchfork

Faction Play Opt-in Badge




Since she decided to be a pain in the ass. Get the hell back here you pain lol #/Player/Profile/405050

This table illustrates the maximum size per faction army of troop types:


Troop Type

# of T1

# of T2














[04:53]<Unseated Ant> Karak I Love Running Marathons 
[04:53]<Duran Shadowfist> You shut your whore mouth Ant. I hate marathons


[03:04]<Wartow> You had a good run.

[03:05]<Wartow> Be a kind chap and take your runes down before you depart.


[03:07]<Duran> Ant is that friend you don't want to get too drunk with. Because you aren't sure if you end up in a shed naked working on a car. Or in a shed not naked working on a car.


[01:26]<Sairane> I was going to ask who the dumbass was who left him in charge, but then I realized- it's me, I'm the dumbass


[00:28]<Sa'Belle> I'm currently regretting having Nub and Ant in the same place, and the temp dropped below 0C this morning, but otherwise I'm doing pretty okay


[07 Aug 16:05]<Asuha> I should use you as a weapon Ant. You could be like an EMP


<Angrim> i might enjoy the response from management if i suggested a bucket of hammers be kept in a common area.
<Angrim> "to enhance communication."


[01:11]<Bolism> Row row your boat gently down the stream if you seen an ant in fire don't forget to screammmmmm


[01:14]<Unseated Ant> ** News flash: Ant [DUMMY] declares war on Autocorrect [PITA] typos will begim immediatelie...


<Kaladin> I have no idea why ac topics went towards fecal matter
<Sa'Belle> Ant. Ant is why


<Viperone> ant moment




Aziel> One: Once, we were grocery shopping and Sair was getting chips while I was looking at fruits. Suddenly, I hear her scream "No, that's mine!!" Followed by, "GIVE IT TO ME, YOU EASY BAKE OVEN!!!" A guy took the last bag of cheesy poofs. She was not happy.

Aziel> Two: We were on our way to the beach, and this guy cuts her off when she was about to turn and she keeps driving and I hear her muttering "what the cinnamon toast f*ck, f*cking bitch ass expired coupon"


[01:37]<Sa'Belle> I'm sorry my brain is mush today, I need you to use more words in a gramatically correct order
[01:38]<Unseated Ant> Gribble gronk gribble yaka foob zoothai namaputs?
[01:39]<Sa'Belle> I knew I should have specified English



[00:48]<Unseated Ant> @whoever make sure you drag her by her hair so her ... Ummm... Yeah... Anyways.. don't fill up with sand
[00:48]<Jadefae> lmao
[00:48]<Kojak> ROFLMAO
[00:48]<Kojak> Her hooha
[00:48]<lonewolf> hahahahahaha you are bad
[00:48]<Eerik> Wouldn't want that!
[00:49]<Kojak> Doesn't sound pleasant for either of them
[00:49]<Willd Dwarff> 
[00:49]*Unseated Ant waits for the banhammer to crashing down
[00:49]<lonewolf> making love on a beach is a no no
[00:49]<Kojak> Yep
[00:49]<Willd Dwarff> Kojak said hooha...


[00:31]<Sa'Belle> Kick them in the junk
[00:31]<Sa'Belle> It won't fix anything but you'll feel better for a bit


[03:36]<Picky Princess> ant is a blackmarket salvager kys
[03:37]<Kysuruk> yea thats kinda what I figured
[03:37]<Picky Princess> you name it, he got it
[03:37]<Kysuruk> not to you PP I dont think ant works for the black market lmfao
[03:37]<Kysuruk> that would be cool though


[05:03]<Kodabear> DAMMIT
[05:03]<Kodabear> [05:02]<Kodabear> PSA from the great and wise magic bear. "DON'T GO TO WORK HIGH AS SHIT
[05:04]<Kodabear> Forgot you can't say shit in gc
[05:44]<Artefore> Joke's on you Koda, the key is to get a job you can do while high as shit


[04:02]<Krull> ant is demented 

[04:03]*GM Duran shudders.
[04:04]<Tubman> I shall scrible this knowledge on the walls of the vatican
[04:05]<Krull> ant shall forever be called demented ant 
[04:05]<Unseated Ant> Be sure to stick around for more bad life advice 
[04:06]<GM Duran> I'll try and avoid it when possible.
[04:06]<Krull> lol
[04:06]<Lone Wolf> He is Ant, him being demented is given lol
[04:06]<Krull> hahaha true


[04:05]<Sonorous> My dumb name for you is Uncle Ant


[22:58]<lonewolf> true a lot hate the pop up friends
[22:58]<Lemon Grenade> Indeed
[22:58]<Unseated Ant> Pop up friends make for a loving game of whack-a-mole
[22:59]<Tensmoor> Only problem I have with paypal is they keep trying to get me to use their credit thing
[22:59]<Unseated Ant> It's loving because you use a toy bat instead of an aluminum bat 
[22:59]<Cutter> I am sometimes logged in but doing other stuff at the same time, if I don't always respond
[22:59]<Tensmoor> That's where I went wrong Ant, used a pickaxe 
[23:00]<Unseated Ant> Roflmao
[23:01]<Lemon Grenade> Lol
[23:01]<Lemon Grenade> Howdy Ant

[00:44]<Unseated Ant> DorcUkunaWreckaLaLaJuice is his new name

[00:56]*Rue'gs catches ant and throws him towards duran
[00:56]*Duran Shadowfist lights the anti-insect torches.
[00:56]<Duran Shadowfist> Not today Satan, you keep that thing.


[19:10]<Smoking GNU> that's why you need to supervise the setting-up every time, looming menacingly holding a nedieval style weapon, like a morningstar or a flail
[19:10]<Smoking GNU> the message gets carried over quite well
[19:11]<Smoking GNU> dar mr FBI agent, that was a JOKE
[19:11]<Smoking GNU> *dear


[00:10]<Sonorous> Happiness comes from Pie
[00:10]<Sonorous> Marriage is about finding someone to share the Pie


[03:19]<Duran Shadowfist> You are the reason I have safety briefs at work Ant. Or people like you.
[03:19]<Duran Shadowfist> I think I hate you.


[00:21]<Turgon> due to totally foreseen circumstances well within my control, I will not be at work today
