
Children of Ilúvatar [CHILL]

Founded By:Grishnar Founded On:31OCT12 21:58



Children of Ilúvatar

A training alliance under the Shield of VALAR


“It came to pass that the Valar held council, and Yavanna spoke before the Valar, saying: The hour approaches, and within this age our hope shall be revealed, and the Children shall awake.”

JRRT, Valaquenta,The Silarillion

"And the Valar drew unto them many companions, some less, some well nigh as great as themselves, and they laboured together in the ordering of the Earth and the curbing of its tumults.” 

JRRT, Ainulindalë, The Silmarillion


We offer training and support from experienced players, graduates of CHILL are free to choose their own destiny although we intend the natural progression to be to VALAR.

CHILL is a neutral training alliance: it's members will not undertake open or clandestine action on behalf of VALAR but may act in self defence if necessary.



Children of Ilúvatar like the Order of the Valar is guided by the ideals of the primordial spirits - 


Creation, Order, Leadership, Fellowship,  Free Will,  Honour,  Good Over Evil




Please contact Aelgar in relation to any inter-alliance matters which might arise



CHILL are actively recruiting suitable players:

Please contact Aelgar or Rider of the Nine, Taelin or Gangas of VALAR to discuss an application


We are looking for maturity, a degree of dedication and the ability to work as part of a team

There is no minimum population requirement but as a guide we would say that no harm will come in waiting until you are at least 200 pop before entering even a training alliance.
