Units travelling on the world map now show their rough direction of travel as well as the rough speed at which they are travelling.
The number of arrows on a moving unit indicates the rough speed, as follows:
Stationary Unit = No arrows
1 arrow = 1-7 squares per hour
2 arrows = 8-16 squares per hour
3 arrows = 17-25 squares per hour
4 arrows = 26-41 squares per hour
5 arrows = 41+ squares per hour
All military units are visible on the map at all times (ie nothing is changing here).
However, when military units are within the Vision Radius of a scout or spy, an indication of the number of units is now given as additional information when you mouseover the army, expressed in the following ranges:
"Few": Less than 4 units
"Handful": 5 to 8
"Several": 9 to 21
"Pack": 22 to 81
"Many": 82 to 128
"Gathering": 129 to 227
"Horde": 228 to 462
"Throng": 463 to 815
"Host": 816 to 2,500
"Legion": 2,501 to 9,999
"Myriad": 10,000 to 25,000
"Sea": 25,001 to 49,999
"Cornucopia": 50,000 or more