
Steel Foundry [FORGE]

Founded By:Artorious Founded On:09AUG12 15:35


"We train, we trade, we serve to protect"





"Forged from iron and tempered into steel by skillful blows of the hammer! By our fires shall you be crafted into Illyriad's master merchants and artisans; heated, tempered, and drawn into blade, worked with tirelessly, until at last you are worthy of any and all. Lords and ladies will offer great fortunes to have their halls and keeps decorated with your finest wares, while soldiers will come from afar to browse your finest arms and armors. You are forge, master merchants and artisans! You will be trained in the art of crafting, trading, diplomacy, magic, and military."

FORGE is the training alliance for the STEEL confederation. Our graduates will join the ranks of STEEL and its knights. FORGE's goal is to help you along with city growth and learning the game, including mysteries.




All races welcome, we are actively recruiting new members who wish to become part of a active and growing training alliance. extra focus will be spent on the new merchant trade system.

If you are interested in joining, please contact one of the following:

Alterou, Artorious, Fellos, ShockDoctor or Roguemoth  



If you have a diplomatic issue, please inform Alterou, and we will resolve it in a timely manner,  in a way satisfactory to all parties. If Artorious cannot be reached, please contact Androu, ShockDoctor, or any of our other Vice Chancellors. We are above all a peaceful merchant trading/training alliance.


Settlement and Sovereignty Policy

We at FORGE are actively colonizing several areas for the purposes of peaceful growth, trade, and protection amongst ourselves and our allies in STEEL and other Alliances. As such, we ask that the community respect our members’ rights to the 10 squares around their cities for all potential sovereignty claims and settlement. If you would like to add a settlement near one of our members, please send a message to the player in question and to Artorious BEFORE sending your settlers or using your Tenaril Spell. Please understand that we reserve the right to refuse your request and will remove the offending settlement should we not be able to come to some  more  peaceful agreement.

Harvesting Policy

As a Trade and Training Alliance, FORGE depends on steady and secure sources of raw materials in our endeavors. Please respect our members’ rights to own and harvest from the resources within 5 squares of our cities, be they Herbs, Rare Herbs, Minerals, Rare Minerals, Grapes, Hides, Animal Parts, or Equipment. We should not have to claim Sovereignty or actively Occupy these squares (and as many of our members are new to the game, they cannot do these things) and do our utmost to ensure that we do not trespass on others’ territory in this manner. Non-Allied Armies of any sort Occupying resources of these types within 5 squares of our members’ towns without prior permission from the player in question are subject to removal should we not be able to come to some more peaceful agreement for the withdrawal of the encampment. Again, all FORGE members will respect this edict in kind when dealing with other players and Alliances. We do not “poach” and ask that others refrain from doing so when engaging with us.

