

Human Male
Human Male Character Portrait


Artorious sat his upon his armored black war-horse. A good eighteen hands, the horse was large, thus giving it the ability to smash through infantry formations easily. The breed, a Friesian were bred by his people as war-horses. Arthur as he liked to be called, looked around the valleys below. His troops would soon be ready for the days ride. His lands were good, prosperous. His people were united, and driven by their pride and honor. Here Human, Elf, Dwarf and Orc had come to live together under the the leadership of the Alliance of Persona Armoniosa. Small towns were growing into mighty cities. trade was up and the crops especially abundant this year. Far below, the emerald forests stood out among croplands. Azure blue lakes shimmered in the sun. Light glimmered off the towers and spires of the cities.

The Border Legion

Arthur Hawkwing had been born 32 years earlier, during a time when war had spoiled such views, as the emerald valleys below. His father had fought and won many battles against the barbarian hordes. Since then the people had rebuilt there lives and towns and cities. Patrols of the confederation patrolled the lands. Arthur's Border Legion was composed of mostly human and elven knights, but a few dwarves and half-orcs had also joined. The Border Legion rode the borders of the local lands now governed by Persona Armoniosa. Things had been quite of late, though scouts and rangers brought troubling news. Strange men and beasts had been lurking around. Arthur thought it best to add more troops to the Border Legion. Several more divisions were being added to the legendary Border Legion. The Border Legion had been around for centuries, winning countless engagements. In the past it had been only humans from the Middle Kingdom and surrounding lands. But since the barbarian wars, its ranks were being filled by any member of the four races who wished to join. Its strength was now again growing stronger.

Arthur strode through the halls of High Horn. In his left hand he held a parchment. It was word of his Sister Bronwyn Hawkwing, Priestess of Tyr. She had been doing well since passing her trials and becoming a High Knight. Her Orphanges were full of children being trained in various arts and sciences. Many young new warriors, rangers, and war priests would be joining the Church of Tyr and the Border Legion. Arthur smiled, for the first time, things in Perrigor looked stable, except for the nuisance caused by the suddenly appearing trolls. Well trolls burned easily and he liked his flaming sword. Grinning he walked out and summoned a brigade of Knights. "Lets hunt trolls" he yelled, swing his flaming sword over his head. Oh the day was going to be a bright and cheery one. A good day to hunt.
