
Skorn [*SKR*]

Founded By:Assendous Founded On:13SEP11 10:12


Forged from Strength, 

Endured through Flames,

Remade into Glory.

We are Skorn


We are the warriors of Illyriad, we safeguard the weak and destroy the corrupt. We do not believe in invading without cause, but should we be attacked, prepare to truly feel our skorn.  We are skorned with purpose and authority to free Illyria of  any and all that is corrupted. We cannot be shunned nor outclassed, we believe in honor through war and power through peace. 



Skorn Mottos:

We are glad to help those in need but frown upon bullies and abusers, we aide as we can but do not encourage violence without cause. We acknowledge our power and our right to prosper in peace. We encourage new members into our alliance, so that as they would build so will we.  

Skorn Oath of Honor:  

We will Fight only when needed and only for a just cause. Life is not for Vendetta but for Honor. For those that take the Skorn oath should they be put in danger we will fight until the last drop of blood to protect them. This is our Cause, this is our Life.




At the Fall of the great Alpinian Empire, there stood only one, Prince Eretori, the last of the Alpinian Elves. He stood there amidst the ashes of his great civilization, reduced to rubble in the everlasting war with the Orcs of the Wastes, a brutal and vile species of unintelligent brutes. As he stood there, he fell to Darkness, he realized that all that was good in the world had vanished just as quickly as it had come. He faltered, he tried to breath but gasped as the smoke filled his lungs, it was over there would be no return for him.

He laid there in the ashes of his brethren, awaiting his doom, but instead a silent calm grew over him. He heard the thrust of an eagle's wing as it flew overhead. He studied the eagle as it flapped its wings up and down, up and down, and then time itself seemed to be non-existent. He learned the lessons of the eagle, a creature whos reputation is untarnished and unshakable, he had learned that even if he were to die no one would be able to deny his glory or honor. So he let fate decide, and it chose life. It was here and now that he took up the name Assendous, a name meaning never-ending and relentless. He drew his newfound knowledge to help mold the foundation of a new clan, one that would keep the honor of his people. They would be Skorn.


Recruitment Process:

For those players interested in joining Skorn please visit our forum and give us your thoughts, or message Assendous, Dandroid. You may also contact one of your local regional consulates.

*By Accepting an invitation to join Skorn, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to any all policies*



For those alliances which want to establish some form of Diplomatic relations with Skorn please direct your efforts towards one of our regional ambassadors in your region or directly to Me. You can also post in the our public forum under Diplomacy.

Standard 10-Square Law- Skorn adheres to the standard 10-square law and invoke it ourselves. If anyone wishes to move within 10 squares of a Skorn town they must ask for permission prior to the move or the town is considered a target.

Regional Consulates:

Tallimar: Amitdbest

Elijal: Dunnoob


Skorn Seige Policy

Members must ask for permission PRIOR to assault, including the seiging of suspended accounts. Members dismissing this policy are subject to immidiate termination from [SKR].


The Law Of Skorn

1. Members may not attack any active player with out permission through The Hierarchy Reign.

2. Members must keep a level of respect for all players, allies and enemies alike.

3. Members are not permitted to provoke assaults or diplomatic action.

4. Members are not allowed to bully otherwise demoralise smaller players through any means.

5.. Members must behave accordingly.

6. Members must not be inactive past 14 days without notification

7. Members must keep an active influence in Global Chat and Alliance Chat.

8. Members must respect the Chain of Command


*Members who fail to uphold the Law of Skorn are subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Subject to terms.

