

Elf Male
Elf Male Character Portrait


At the fall of the great Alpine Empire, there stood only one, Assendous the last of the Alpine Elves. He stood there in the ashes of his great civilization, reduced to rubble for the entertainment of the Orcs of the Wastes, a brutal and vile species of unintelligent brutes. As he stood there, he realized that everything he had known and cared for was gone. He faltered. He tried to breath but merely choked on the smoke. It was over there would be no return for him.

(Orc Of The Wastes)

He laid there in the ash of his brethren, and fell into darkness . But as he laid there he heard the thrust of an eagles wings as it flew overhead. He studied the eagle as it flapped its wings up and down, up and down, and then time itself seemed to be non-existant. He learned the lessons of the eagle, a creature whos reputaion is undoubtable and unshakable, he had learned that even if he were to die here no one would be able to deny his glory or honor. So he let fate decide, and it chose life. It was here and now that he decided he would strive to form a new clan in honor of his people. They would be Skorn.

As the Hierarchy Lord of Skorn, he knew he would need the ability to command great respect, and the only way to get respect is to earn it. As a warrior of Honor and Glory, Assendous has reached new hieghts but he is only as strong as his weakest follower, therefore his mission must be to not only obtain power for himself but for those who follow him.
