
Of the Relic [Relic]

Founded By:Meagh (Abandoned) Founded On:02AUG11 00:03

In the northern reaches of Illyriad lies the land of Cockaigne where houses are made of barley sugar and cakes, the streets are paved with pastry and the shops supply goods for nothing. Here dwell those of the Relic, where the weather is always mild, the wine flows freely, the men act honorably and the women are always sexy.

Far north through the lands of Tamarin
Is a region by the name of Cockaigne.
No place in Illyria compares to this
For sheer delightfulness and bliss.
Though Middle Kingdom is fair and bright,
Cockaigne of the Relic is the finer sight.
In that Royal Band what's to be seen
But hard work coding til hours mean?
Though royal joys must be sweet,
There are no women! Not a lady to meet;
No chatter, no laughter echo that hall,
No alcoholic drink, none at all.
Its inhabitants are far too few,
King Sigurd and Thundercat---just the two;
They must find it boring there
Without more company in which to share.
King Sigurd may put his vans to great use
but it doesn't compare when we let loose.
Of the Relic offers a better fare
all day we game without worry or care;
The food is good, the drink flows free;
the women are many, just come and see.
There are many rivers great and fine
Of oil and milk, honey and wine;
Waters' uses, there are quite a few---
For washing in, and for the view.
Camaraderie abounds beyond all measure---
Everything is joy and pleasure.
To partake in this is an easy task
One must know a Relic and simply ask...
We are a friendly group of gamers who enjoy playing together. Our focus is to enjoy the game, encourage good play and protect our members. We are of course based in Tamarin, you must have at least one city in Tamarin to become a full member (you do not need to have one at the time you join). As many of us have been playing for a while we are able to provide assistance and advice to new members; that is, you are not required to have graduated from a training alliance to join our group - we assist our new members in learning the game (graduates are also welcome).

Joining Relic you join a community of gamers here and elsewhere. We ask that you have respect toward your community and the game. You will be asked to follow our code of conduct and be active (inactive players are expelled after an extended period). For an invite contact Senza or a
Councillor in the group.



We conduct our regional trading activities at the Barracks [544|466] under the watchful eyes of Bayne's Irregulars; who serve as a neutral host for all races and factions in the Northeastern Realms of Elgea. We welcome all who wish to partake in regional trade.


Our policy on land claims and city placement (from our alliance faq):

Sovereignty and the game play of other players should always be respected and considered. Our members should avoid crowding other player cities just as we expect other players not to crowd our cities. We agree that ten squares from any other city is ideal.Practically it is often not possible and though the ideal is flexible we will not abuse the idea behind the ideal nor suffer it to be abused. We consider anything closer than five squares encroachment on sovereignty in any case.

Encroachment on sovereignty is not restricted to city settlement. Resources within three squares of another city and resources on a square that is the sovereign property of another player (no matter distance) should also be respected. When rare resources are concerned, coordination should be made with the nearest city to the resources (if any are within ten squares or appear to have clear right of claim to the resources) before harvesting.

Clear right of claim is much easier to establish when NPC hunting / harvesting is concerned. We differentiate between NPC hunting and static resources. We believe the rule 'Whoever kills the NPC owns the plunder' is sensible and establishes clear right of claim. If our troops accidentally collide with yours while harvesting we will send recompense and will surrender the harvest to your skinners. The only exception we make to this rule is when it comes to hunting on the sovereign property of another player. We respect sovereignty always and will not hunt npcs on another players sovereign territory without permission. We of course ask for the same courtesy.

Sovereignty is the mechanic players can use to clearly claim territory in game. We encourage our players to claim sovereignty around their cities and over any resources they would lay claim to.


Asylum Services

Those of the Relic here make a public offer of asylum to any who wish no part of the war. We say rather than leave the fine land of Illyria, come to the north, the far north and find safe haven with the peaceful traders and craftsmen of the Relic.

Any person who wishes asylum will be granted Initiate access to our alliance. This is in essence a guest level membership. Initiates have no obligation to stay in the group or move to Tamarin. They have access to in game help and resources from the members of the Relic. We will accommodate any person granted asylum until two weeks after the war has been resolved. At that time the person can leave, again with no obligation or stay as they like.

Any persons seeking asylum must not have been involved in the conflict directly or indirectly in any activity other than trade. This means you cannot have assisted and cannot assist in any war effort through magic, reinforcements or anything of the sort (to include trade with any city under siege or blockade). We will not allow fugitives from war to jeopardize the peaceful existence of our players.

If any party involved in the war feels that a person is using asylum as a cover for war activities please contact me or any Councilor of the Relic. The matter will be dealt with quickly; asylum and membership will be revoked based on simple reasonable suspicion that the asylum seeker was not honest in their application.

To apply for aslyum mail Senza.



We believe in conducting our diplomatic actions in a sincere manner and all agreements are finalized by Council vote within our alliance. Therefore, if you offer a diplomatic agreement with us please do not be offended if we do not accept as we do not accept agreements out of hands. All agreements are carefully documented and followed within our forums.

Our current diplomatic arrangements:

Parties to the Lancetia Treaty with Ncrow. A defensive and trade agreement made to promote trade and the welfare of our players in Tamarin and the surrounding area. Any unprovoked war action initiated upon any member of the treaty will demand the immediate support of other members of the accord.

NAP: Trade agreements and joint trade ventures: We are parties of some Non-Aggression NAPs are made specifically for joint trade ventures and harvesting agreements.

Druidic NAP: We support our local Archdruid of the Dwarven Druids.

Temporary NAP Agreements: During wartime we offer asylum services to the warring parties and bystanders. These NAP agreements are temporary arrangements in order to avoid any misunderstandings with refugees separating themselves from the conflict.


A wise person once said that misunderstandings and neglect occasion more mischief in the world than even malice and wickedness. This is true also in Illy. Contact a Councillor of our group or post in our forums for any diplomacy and let us work through the misunderstandings together. - M.

