
Meagh (Abandoned)

Dwarf Male
Dwarf Male Character Portrait


A stout Dwarf of Clan Reashag, Meagh has holdings from those of his clan in Norweld to the far eastern lands of the Relic in the bountiful region of Cockaigne in Tamarin.  As a good clansman, Meagh is unassuming, focusing on research for the betterment of his clan; as a good dwarf, he also keeps his axe sharp for the protection of his people.


As a player I’m enjoying the lore and the community around Illyriad. I’ve much experience with similar games and appreciate the depth and feel to this one.  I game to have fun and pass the time so play on and if I do something that offends or takes the fun from your game, just send a note. – M.


Poachers will be drawn and quartered; Do ASK before gathering in my mountains or sovereign territory.. 


Asking a Dwarf to peek in his mine is akin to asking a maiden to peek up her skirt. It shouldn't be done.


Packing for the Hunt ~ in Response, Dwarven Huntmasters by Brandmeister

Greetings Noble Brethren, far and near.

Of long note, the good Dwarf Brandmeister once posited in his 'Dwarven Huntmasters' curricula that Stewards of the Hills should send forth Trollslayers, Shamans and even Royal Huntmasters to deal with the vermin that plague the Realms of Elgae. I present hereafter a differing view of the subject.

When most fellows think of an elite Dwarven unit the first image that comes to mind is the honorable and mighty Stalwart or perhaps a fearsome Berserker of Tor Dannu. While these Legendary Axemen may have great function on the battlefield, heavy infantry as such are ill-used when sent to patrol over hill-and-dale.

On patrol one is unlikely to meet a sturdy armoured foe but is more likely to meet the common threat of nature such as wolves, bears, snakes an the like. To bring order to the wild sierra and perhaps a bit of profit from trophy gained most wise stewards send forth troops of packsmen.

The common Packsman, equipped with his hardy mountain mule, a good solid boar spear and wearing a common vanguard or over-padded armour for protection is the choice troop for the hunt. Being accustomed to long rides in the wild, the venerable mule makes excellent speed over rigorous terrain. His good spear easily overcomes any crevasse or ledge these vermin may retreat to. His armour, though not suited to protect against the blade or spear does exceptionally well against tooth and claw. Truly such a troop of hunters will easily rid all but the greatest horde of vermin from your hills.

Submitted for your perusal. - Meagh of the Relic, Clan Reashag

Elite Packsman
32 base attack value
+20% Battle Mule (6.4 points)
+24% Boar Spear (7.68 points)
+20% Vanguard Armour (6.4 points)
+10% Hero Charge Skill (3.2 points)
32 + (6.4+7.68+6.4)*2+3.2 = 76.16 attack value


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The gypsy fortune-teller tells you: "You will go on a long journey, and meet many new people. You should look to stone for secrets, and you should never trust tall, dark strangers, especially in dark alleys." [ -392 | 127 ]   

[oddly, after recieving this fortune, I've used exodus about three times and met many new people. Still watching out for the tall dark strangers; I think she might have been talking about elves...]

