
Kingdoms of Lisirria [KL]

Founded By:VahnAlexander Founded On:20APR10 10:34

-Kingdoms Of Lisirria-
*Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved....* Welcome to Lisirria, an RPG based alliance with strong interests in peaceful relations and profitable trade arrangements. Though we are interested in peace, this does not mean that if pressed we will not defend ourselves. We pride ourselves on being fair and honest with those that we deal with and hold our members to a high degree of integrity and respect. To view a full breakdown of our code of conduct to which all of our members are subject to please feel free to look over them should you have any questions about a member's conduct or would be interested in joining. We also would like to, should the need arise, offer mediator services between feuding alliances. This is by NO means a way to pull us into your wars, and we will not force our services to those that do not wish them. If this service interests you please feel free to view our public form on our full policy on handling, and initiating such a service. For questions, comments, or should you wish to form an alliance or non-aggression pact (from here on out known as NAP) Please feel free to contact either Vahna, Zabrian, or our founder VahnAlexander. Should you feel that any of our members have breached our code of conduct or if you have mistakenly been labeled as inactive and have fallen under aggressive actions and wish a stop please contact VahnAlexander, or Vahna *pain by itself is merely pain, but the experience of pain coupled with an understanding that the pain serves a worth purpose is suffering. Suffering can be endured because there is a reason for it that is worth the effort... What is more worthy of your pain than the evolution of the soul?..*