

Human Male
Human Male Character Portrait

The mark of a true ruler is one that offers the doves of peace before spears of war.

My father.... god rest his soul.... always said... that a man's worth lay with his word. If a man gave his word, and you could count on that word no matter what... then you were truly a man... if you had no credibility, and were undependable... you where truly worth nothing and did not deserve the distinction of being called a man. These words have meant the world to me and from early on I vowed myself that I would be worth something... that I would be able to be called a man (or in my case, woman) and that I could hold my head up with pride...

This account was started as an experiment... as research for a story that I wanted to run for a select group of friends, but over time it has become a source of pride, and has grown into a project all its own. Still affiliated to the story of the Kingdom's of Lisirra rp, think of it like the online game accompanying the story lol

 Character Bio

Character Name: Alexandria D'Angers

Age: 19


Personality: Still young in many ways, her passions can sometimes overcome her rather than the values that had been instilled in her by her upbringing. Of a belief that there is always a way to do something, she will try to find solutions to problems past the point of when some people would give up... Sometimes successfully solving the situation, or simply ending up at a frustrating realization that she cant. Though she knows people arent perfect, sometimes she cant understand other people's ignorance or rudeness (as she would precieve it) and will offer information to the ignorant, or with first disbelief then anger towards the rude.

Abilities, powers (if any): possessing a rudiment understanding of ancient texts and practices she has found that with much concentration and effort she can sometimes make subtle changes to the environment around her... for example... knocking an unstable object over with a stiff breeze or warming things up to the point of smoldering (small area much like a friction stick, or small sparks from flint and steel... she cant light a castle on fire at once, or make someone combust, but she can make someone feel warm for a short time, or start a small fire so long as she keeps the sparks safe till they catch hold of fuel)


