
Wheel of Time [WoT]

Founded By:arctos horribilis Founded On:26JUL24 16:33

The orginal WoT Alliance was started by Ellisande:   #/Alliance/Alliance/351

                                                                   Originally Founded At: 15 Jan 2011 05:03                                                                                                                           Vacated: November 2017 
                                                                   Rebirth through the Pattern:  26 Jul 2024 16:33



Wheel of Time is a home for casual players or semi-retired Illyriad veterans (especially WoT veterans) looking for some peace and companionship and is open to tournament players, hunters, crafters, and traders. 

We want members to encourage and support new players both in the alliance and the game itself, and will help all members to excel in the specialty they choose. We will work together as a team to accomplish the alliance goals and defend the weak. We are a peaceful and friendly alliance. We will do unto others as we would have done unto us. WoT will play the game with integrity and enjoy the game of Illyriad.

If you are interested in joining us please send a message to a WoT Tav'veren member. All WoT members are expected to abide by both the game and alliance rules AT ALL TIMES! 

Wheel of Time was originally an alliance of friends from another game, another life, another world... Manannan, MarlPartridge, CD, Aslan, Brickman, Nox, and others were part of that inital group along with Ellisande and Griz

This is also a tribute to all of you that made up WoT over the years. Ellisande and Griz left the alliance in great hands in 2013. There are many fond memories of the many interactions with  previous members like Manannan, MarlPartridge, Gen, TheDiva, Murf, Brickman, Nox, Penni, CelestialKnight, Lady Karo, Shatara, Tas, Sardonyx, skaluna, Aslan the naked elf, and many others of the first years of the alliance. The people that stayed and led WoT after we left did great job. Thank you!!!!  

For diplomacy, alliance treaties or problems regarding any WoT members, please contact a WoT Tav'veren member.

If you have any other questions or concerns regarding the Wheel of Time Alliance, please contact the WoT Tav'veren or Warder members by in game message [IGM]


Alliance Oath (slightly plagiarised)

What man or woman is a person who does not make the world better? Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that all may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong; that is your oath. 

[You are then slapped around a little with a large trout] 

And that is so you remember it!


Alliance Rules

WoT is an alliance with very few rules. 
The rules are:
- Only use diplomats and troops against NPCs or certain factions outside the 5 squares of another player's city/sov unless we have entered a war.
- Only use harvesters outside 5 squares of another player's city/sov (or if they or their alliance have stipulated a 10 square boundary) unless you have gotten permission from that player.
- Unprovoked hostilities are discouraged (unless on NPCs, of course, they're fair game


Settling, Harvesting, Occupation, and Sovereignty Policy

Like most alliances, Wheel of Time asks that you please contact any of our members that you wish to move within 10 squares of, and recieve their permission before placing your city there. Failure to do so may result in hostile action taken against the newly-located city, depending on specifics of course.

WoT believes that any square that does not have an encampment or sovereignty claim on it is open for harvesting to everyone. If a player places troops and/or claims sovereignty on a square, they obtain exclusive rights to decide who may harvest from it (with sovereignty trumping encampment). 

The exception to this is if a city is 5 or less squares away from the square in question. WoT believes the square is still open for harvesting unless claimed via encampment/sovereignty; however, WoT players will not send any encampments to the location without the permission of the nearby city's owner. WoT will also accept any requests to cease harvesting from an unclaimed location (as in no encampment or sovereignty) without argument from players who have cities within 5 squares of the location. Our request is that players from other alliances do the same within our own cities' 5-square radius. If more than one city is within a 5-square radius from the square, then priority of ownership claim is given in order from closest to farthest.

Land claim policy of  Wheel of Time

"WoT does not support land claims, but neither do we view an alliance to be hostile because of a land claim.  WoT will oppose any claim that prevents our members from growing and spreading around our existing cities, or that infringes upon our alliance hubs centered in Western Realms and Aindara."


Heroes of the Horn: Manannan, MarlPartridge, Gen, CD, Aslan, Murf, Brickman, Nox, Penni, CelestialKnight, Lady Karo, Shatara, Tas, Sardonyx, skaluna ...


WoT had passionate players who rhyme at times, please take it in the spirit of fun...


by Xaindean

Watch out for us in the tourney or it might be the end of your journey.

Don't choose the wrong square, for if we are there, we'll send you home on a gurney!

Whether you are friend or foe, our name you will surely know.

We are Wheel of Time and our warriors sublime, leave corpses wherever they go!
