
Rodents of Illy [RATS]

Founded By:Remy Founded On:11JUL23 05:05


Rodents of Illyriad 

Rodents of Illy is now closed for business. Many thanks to all who were once a part of RATS :)

A new alliance of Rodents and Rodent enjoyers based in High Hills hoping to leave their mark on Illyriad and participate in Faction play. Plenty of resources and a prestige pool to help new players grow, message Remy and join up today :)   

RATS is not a military alliance and will attempt to resolve conflicts diplomatically if at all possible. If there are any troubles, please contact Remy. 

We are more than happy to take on and train new players for however long they want  to stay :) Members who wish to remain in RATS long term are encouraged to move a city into the High Hills cluster, to participate in Faction Play and to easily avail of alliance support 



1: Drop your taxes!

Tax won't bring a high income at low populations; better to raise productivity with low tax so you have more resources to build your empire with.

2: Get cotters!

The weakest peasant can gather roughly 100 herbs or minerals a day from various nodes scattered across the map. These can go for over 350 gold each on the market, so that's 35,000 per day from each cotter! Much better than any taxman.

3. Research pioneering!

Pioneering (at the bottom of the city tree) allows you to build settlers. These take 4 days to build so its best to get going on them early; you'll need them for when you reach 450 population and want to found your second city.

4. Don't be shy!

If there's ever a point when you're low on resources, don't have enough research points to get that tech you want, or are confused with some aspect of the game, ask! We are always happy to help people out :)

5. Think about where you settle!

Where you place your city can be a big question, with Illyriad's massive map giving no lack of choices. First of all, make sure the spot you choose has 7 food and is at least 10 squares from another player. Then think about what you want to do in the game; do you want to harvest resources from diverse biomes, and have outposts of gatherers spread across the map? Do you want to build a central cluster of cities that can support themselves? Is there a particular alliance you want to move onto and settle near? Ask yourself these questions, and again, feel free to get some advice! No choice in Illyriad needs to be permanent and cities can always be moved, but thinking about your first choice can prevent (or delay) some headaches down the road :)     

