
Fallen Order [FALLN]

Founded By:Spektor Founded On:30DEC20 14:37

The Fallen Order  


is comprised of holy warriors from:

Iron Crusade







The warriors of the Fallen are men no longer.

They have become more...

The Order strives to actively influence the world around them. Both good and evil are recognized in balance. The Fallen warriors are not devils, but Destroyers, Gaurdians, Liberators, and Light Bringers.





All Shall Fall    



Ranks & Roles

Rankings within the Order will be based on accomplishments. 

All members begin as Un-Initiated.

After some easy initial tasks, they become Initiated.

Honorable Military and Diplomatic adventures will result in earning higher ranks.

Warrios who continually serve under the Order will earn their choice of custom Roles.


  • Mephistopheles - In Faustian legend, he serves as the Devil's agent.
  • Sojobo - King of the Japanese Tengu.

The Fallen Demons

  • Paimon - Knower of science, art and "Secret Things". A King with a woman's face.
  • Belphegor - A Prince of Hell, and the temptation of Sloth.
  • Abaddon - Archangel of the Abyss.
  • Chenoo - Cannibalistic ice giant.
  • Baphomet - The Sabbatic Goat, an equilibrium of opposites.
  • Sengalang Burong - The Iban Tribe's God of War.
  • Cernunnos - "The Hunter" The horned-god of Celtic polytheism.
  • Lucifer - The morning star, the son of Dawn.
  • Moloch - The bull-headed. He demands your sacrifice.
  • Krampus - Goat horns, fangs, and cloven hooves, children beware!
  • Balseraph - The liar.



To be continued...



