
Artisan's Syndicate [Artis]

Founded By:Isroll Founded On:11NOV20 20:23


 About Us 

The Artisan's Syndicate is a trading and crafting alliance focused on both the study of how Illyriad's crafting mechanics effect the way players trade, and interesting alternative approaches to trading and advertisement. We craft both basic items and equipment and what we call "enchanted" gear. What we consider enchanted gear to be is the glowning items that are composed of items that can be produced using the "Enchanting School" of magic. We often craft upon request and try to mass produce everything in our Alliance Forums.

As of August 8th 2024 we will be crafting for [Iron], may our cooperation echo our success  throughout the lands.


 [@c=183] Trading With The Syndicate [@c=183]  

If you need something crafted contact the Director, a Council Member, a Syndicate Trader, or an active Trademaster in GC. If the person you've contacted can't fulfill your order alone they'll utilize the entire alliance to help you get you your goods. We like to encourage use of the Alliance Forums for both alliance members and players looking to trade. A lot of our trades come from personal requests, and consistant supply line deals. Check out the Syndicate Bulletin to find current deals or to make orders. If you have something you want to sell more often or cannot find a buyer for, contact us and we may just need it or know someone who does. 


 Inside the Syndicate 

The ranking system includes 4 tiers of "authority"

 1. The default position is Undecided, everyone's going to spend the time needed in there to figure out what they want to do, assuming they've not already decided. This Class represents non-involvement in Syndicate operations. Those that don't decide what rank they wish to be represented by for long periods of time may even notice their rank has strange names and their position shifts up and down the roster... or you may just be marked as a "Syndicate Merchant" until further inquiry.

2. The General Merchant class is the most suitable position for most Traders in the game, and consists of 3 variants based on how you want to be represented by the guild. Syndicate Merchant is best for those who intend to trade in many categories and do not have a main focus. Syndicate Trader is the name of those who wish to be seen as more active in chats and sociable, still don't need a particular focus but this means you are more likely to converse with others. Syndicate Hunter/Forager may just be the most important position in the Syndicate as it is the backbone of many of our projects. Hunters with the Syndicate can expect the Director to buy every last anatomie you can hunt should it be able to be afforded, either way hunting will not go unrewarded. Foraging and mining are highly encouraged as well, and certain minerals and herbs will be bought consistently by the Director or the Council.

3. Trademasters are experienced and sociable players that are proven to be reliable and decently active. Trademaster's rank names are more customized to their style of business, and they receive direct intel from Council Members for important deals. Overall the Trademaster is the optimal position for an active player in the Syndicate.

4. Council Members are composed of those that founded the alliance and long time members that will help lead it. They operate like Tradmasters however, conspiring with each other and the Director.

These ranks are not necessarily linear and your position as a member will depend on how much you can handle, so play at your own pace.  



If you're looking to join the Syndicate contact the Director, a Council Member, or any other member you see in global chat. If you are curious about any possible requirements/standards there might be for [Artis] members, go check out "Syndicate Code of Conduct" in the our Alliance Forums.


 Hunting and Harvesting  

In general we harvest what we kill, and will kill or bump any harvesters found on our kills. Please do not hunt, harvest or poach within a close vicinity of our cities without prior arrangement. We believe in the 10 square rule for the Broken Lands, and for The Long White specifically we ask that you do not hunt harvest or settle within 15 squares of our cities. If your city is very close, try not to hunt things at a shorter distance to our cities than your own.  We're reasonable people... contact us and we'll work something out.  Otherwise, if you're harvesting too close to us, we'll kill the harvesters. As for the crowded regions of the upper continent known as the "Noob Ring" or "Newb Ring" obviously things are too crowded to be territorial in the usual way, we will harvest what we kill, and kill harvesters that aren't our own. 


