
The Hive [HIVE]

Founded By:helian (Abandoned) Founded On:20SEP20 19:17


We are always on the lookout for good foragers.

Welcome to the HIVE!  

This alliance is a relaxed bunch and like most alliances … we hunt, build, craft, trade and teach. 
We protect our Hive as well. Interested?

Give us a try. Our present placement is in Elgea and in the Broken Lands. If asked we will help you move closer or to other areas supportive to YOUR growth and needs, but we will never ask you to settle in an Alliance region. 

As to war, we know a bit, but we are not really into that. If that is your gaming intent, this is not your place.

From Lucerna, Northmarch and hopefully Ursor, we will help build your cities until they stand on their own. After that we expect you to assist other players to do the same. We have an active participation in our forum and in AC.
Alliances, like beehives are a social construct that respect many different player types. Some will be better hunters, better foragers and others prefer to stay and craft, but they all believe in strongly defending their home.

Players naturally drift to alliances and are free to leave. We understand that but hope our leadership and actions encourage loyalty and that you will stay and in turn, help others in the future. 

The HIVE will take wasps, hornets and all sorts of other pollinators who have the affinity for working in CONSENSUS. This is an alliance that is hard working and its leaders and founders will always listen and be directed by its worker foragers and scouts.

Is it a free ride? No, we do ask for participation and player investment in others. DRONES will find themselves out in the cold!

In the sharing however we will find much about friendships and connections … and it is by that long term perseverance and investment that the Hive will prosper.

Our fundamental goal is to help you grow and expand. May all your ILLY towns (hives) become as rich in connections as in future placements. 


 A few basic guidelines:

1. Be it in GC or in AC, courtesy and space should always be given. One does not comment on another's waspish figure or tongue. Basically, watch your tongue and don't cause others trouble.

2. Thieving is frowned upon and only allowed on abandoned towns. 

3. If attacked we expect full defensive support  by all members. Sitting back while another is attacked or getting smoked may lead to immediate expulsion. 

4. Be active in the alliance, either by helping newbies or participating in the forum and answering questions.

5. Observe and respect other players territory. The ten- square setting and relocation rule is there for a purpose. Respect it and or other posts on their profile.. 

6. Much alliance business is conducted in our forum threads. Please participate and contribute to them.

7. Only farm inactive's. (inactive's. are alliance-less players who have been inactive for 60 days or more)

8. Use of diplomatic operations against players who have not wronged or slighted you in any way is strongly discouraged. If you get caught spying, scouting, thieving, etc., you may be required to pay compensation or you may be booted from the alliance.

9. If  attacked or burglarized and you want alliance help to deal with it, contact a leader and forward the incident. if you can, communicate first with the aggressor while maintaining a civil tone.

The Hive hopes to find common cause and friendly alliances for naps and confederations.

the bee and the waggle dance

and HEADS will roll. 

Bees and the honey fly - a lovely cartoon.

and to recap our postiion on being attacked: unprovoked aggression is not a part of our alliance.  Our intentions are to exist peacefully wthin the realms.  However we WILL defend our members against aggression to the utmost and without hesitation.

In memory of Earl of Wyomissing who left this realm far too early.

Always proofread carefully to see if you any words out.



