
Four Winds Traders [4WT]

Founded By:Kristaal Founded On:15MAY19 00:00

Welcome to Four Winds Traders

The Switzerland of illyriad

Four Winds Trader is a thriving trading alliance led by the triumvirs – Kristaal, Valaera, and Beleg Cuthalion. We are one of Illyriad's premier trading guilds, where art, craftsmanship, trade and innovation walk hand in hand. Our power comes not through military might, but through the engines of commerce and forward thinking.

We strive to uphold the following virtues while trading:

  • Integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
  • Honesty: Adherence to the facts; fairness and straightforwardness of conduct.
  • Balance: (n) A condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions; (v) Offset or compare the value of one thing with another.
  • Fortune: (n) 1. Chance or luck as an external, arbitrary force affecting human affairs. 2. A large amount of money or assets.

Situated in both Elgea and the Broken Lands, we carry goods from all over Illyriad. One of our alliance's most notable achievements is considerably increasing activity in the Hope Ridge trade hub which later became the central trading hub for the Broken Lands, akin to Elgea’s Centrum.

Contracts: Four Winds Traders not only deals in individual sales, but also in bulk order contracts. If you have a bulk quantity need, please contact one of our Broker Merchants for more information. (Note: Basic resources contract negotiation has been reopened for the time being.)

Hubs our members are actively selling in:


  • Centrum (Middle Kingdom)
  • Riverpass (Keppen)
  • Dunthaslea(The Western Realms)
  • Hanlif (Rill Archipelago)
  • Falkenburg (Wolgast)
  • Next hub

Broken Lands

  • Hope Ridge (Oarnamly)
  • Tattershill (Northmarch)
  • Next hub

* More to come soon

Four Winds Traders are found throughout Illyriad in many of the hubs on both continents.  If you don’t see a 4WT trader in the hub you are in and wish to know where to find one, please feel free to ask any officer and we will happily guide you to a hub closest to you where one of our traders can be found, or see if one of our many traders would be willing to place a trader in a hub you are working in.

Can't find what you are looking for in the hubs? Again, we welcome your query. We have traders with many items available. Feel free to ask us which of our traders offers what it is you are looking for.

Four Winds Trader has - and still is - reinventing itself as an alliance where fortunes can be made, and dreams can be lived. With ever more citizens delving into the pleasure of tournaments and wars, Four Winds Traders has become a lodestone for the most skilled hunters, craftsmen, gatherers, and traders. 

Four Winds Membership

Four Winds Traders is a peaceful alliance, with activities primarily in trade and backed up with skill in crafting, gathering, and hunting. 4WT is an active recruitment alliance. All requests to join should be placed with any of the Triumvirate or Broker Merchants. Please make note, as hunters we have very well trained Commanders who will, if necessary, alter their hunting behavior on a moments notice in protection of our members.

Alliance Positions:

  • Triumvirate #1:  Kristaal
  • Triumvirate #2: Valaera
  • Triumvirate #3: Beleg
  • Broker Merchant: Thbd
  • Broker Merchant: TheElderKing
  • Cruise Ship: Visitors


  • Galleon Trader: Highly skilled trader (global trade ranking is within the Top 300)
  • Merchantman Trader: Member advancing into a trader or crafter
  • Clipper Trader: Special Assignment
  • Real Estate: Picky Princess
  • Contracts: darkchocolate
  • Tug Boat Trader: Advanced enough to help train and assist the growth of Row Boats
  • Row Boat Trader: New trader
  • Ghost Ship: Abandoned account or no longer active

Four Winds Traders Geography

Four Winds Traders primary Capital is located in The Western Realms. Members located strictly in Elgea are required to maintain one city in or around our Capital region. 4WT also maintains a secondary Capital region in the Broken Lands located in Northmarch guided by Triumvirate Council member Beleg. Members located strictly in the Broken Lands are required to maintain one city in that region. Members with cities on both continents may have their one required city in either capital region.

4WT is not a geography bound alliance and beyond the one city requirement, all members are allowed to place cities where ever they would like. For our traders this flexibility allows access to as many hubs as they choose to use, and for our hunters, gatherers, and craftsmen this allows access to as many base materials as they might need.


4WT adheres to the 10 square rule of city placement and claims resource ownership for all spawns within 5 squares of our cities.

City Placement: We view all land within 10 squares of our cities to be sovereign territory to the owner of the city and will respect the same in others cities. If you wish to have a city within 10 squares of a members city please contact both the member and one of the Triumverate for clearance. Under no circumstances will city placement within 5 squares of a members city be accepted.

Resource Protection: To hunt and gather between 5 and 10 squares of a members city, it is required that you make your intentions known and request clearance to do so. Failure to do so may result in our member bumping your harvesters. Hunting and gathering within 5 squares of any member's city is strictly forbidden. No action within those 5 squares will be accepted. Failure to adhere to this WILL result in your harvesters being killed. Individual members may have their own specifics in this regard. Be sure to check their profiles.

If conflict should arise with one of our members by any citizen of Illyriad, please contact one of our Triumvirate for resolution.

Special note for Alliances with territories:

4WT will likely be housing some of our traders in some of your hubs. Pricing within your hubs may be a bit higher due to the necessity to ship items into the hub from a distance outside your borders. If you would like to make a special arrangement with a trader(s) you like and trust and wish them to locate within your Territorial boundary to take advantage of alliance pricing, the following will be required.

  1. A NAP agreement between the Alliance holding the Territorial boundary and 4WT and;
  2. A notice of special dispensation for that trader must be sent to and kept by the member trader within the alliance holding territorial rights.

This is to protect our traders. 
