

Human Female
Human Female Character Portrait

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Cast out of the Den I had once called home, I awoke in the night, in the light of the full moon, under the shadow of the forest canopy. The night around me shimmered with the dreams that were, and are, and can be. My thoughts spun with the memories of what had been, and the visions of what could be. As I lay quietly in the dark, the shadows embraced me, showing me the way down a new path, to a new home. My transformation had begun, as a Wolf became ......

Night Shadows NightMare

**You dream of dominion over your small plot of land, of growing your crops, raising your animals, building your cities. The dream continues, and you dream of neighbors, and friends. Then the dream changes and you become covetous and greedy, wanting more of what you already have, becoming jealous of your neighbors plots and riches. Your dream has become.......their nightmare.

If they dream of me,  I will come.**

Reclaimed from my Etherea Profile #/Player/Profile/265155  - Kristaal

And so my story continues:

As happens to many Illyrians from time to time, I was ripped from Illyriad and sent reeling through time and space to another existance. Some Illyrians find thier way back, others do not. I am one of the lucky ones. Life is different there, the suffering and sorrows are many and the happiness' few. As in Illyriad though happiness seems to found most often in the presence of family and friends. Such is the pull that made me want to return to Illy. 

And I was reborn as Kristaal.

But nothing ever remains the same, even in our own minds we change with every choice we make and with every event that happens to us, and my return was not as I had hoped it would be. My friends are still my friends but the shadows I once called safe and happy, were somehow changed, or maybe it was just me. Whatever the reason it was time for me to move out from beneath the shadows. 

For a time I found shelter and friendship among the Keltae, where I was trained in the arts of the trade, and in learning more, I found I had grown wings, and could fly, as free as the Four Winds and master of my own fate.  















Please respect the 10 squares around my cities. I consider these my sacred hunting ground and will take action to protect those rights if you hunt or gather within that area without first requesting permission. Your gatherers will be bumped, and your armies will be fought. Please contact me if you wish to hunt or gather on my lands.

I will happily respect the same of others cities as well.

Thank you

Four Winds AC Fun

[13 Feb 12:58]<Kristaal> He just needs to admit he is an Illyholic

[13 Feb 12:58]<Godgrid Ironchin> as we all to some degree or another

[13 Feb 12:58]<Kristaal> I saved him a seat at the meeting, but you know the old saying, you have to admit it to heal, LOL

[13 Feb 12:59]<Godgrid Ironchin> Hi, I am Chin and I have a problem lmao!

[13 Feb 12:59]<Kristaal> See? Now that wasn't hard.

[13 Feb 13:00]<Kristaal> LOL

[13 Feb 13:00]<Godgrid Ironchin> shakes uncrontrollably in the coner

[13 Feb 13:00]<Kristaal> Quick find the man a computer!!

[13 Feb 13:01]<Godgrid Ironchin> o.O

[13 Feb 13:01]<Kristaal> *hands him a laptop* okay here you go, build, hunt, trade, you will be okay.

[13 Feb 13:02]<Godgrid Ironchin> now if that damn thing called work didn'r get in the way

[13 Feb 13:02]<Kristaal> lol


Helpful Links

A World Full of Mystery!

There are many mysteries to be solved in Illyriad, some have been solved by others and still await your prying eyes, others have yet to be solved by any Illy inhabitants. Have fun and remember each mystery holds its own reward!  (more to be added soon - Stay Tuned!)

My Guide to LIFE in Illyriad

Many players have much to say on how to play Illyria, and all of it is true to one degree or another. The primary thing to remember though is that in Illyria there is no life without resources, and gold.

As you begin playing Illyriad you will get a lot of resources sent to you with instructions to build your storehouse, and indeed this is important. It is also just as important to build your own resources up so you will not find yourself in a dependant mode on others for an extended time. So remember to use much of what is sent to you to build you plots up. It will take time but the best place to start your journey is with plots that are no lower than level 10.

There is much you can do as you wait for your polts to mature. Look over the map and become familiar with the things on it. Check out the game forums for all the interesting and knowlegeable things there. Become familiar with the research lineup. Make friends in Global Chat or Alliance chat if you have joined an alliance.

The important thing to remember here is that Illyriad is not a short term game, where you want to go will take you on a very long journey of fun and gaming entertainment, so don't rush it, and do it right, right from the beginning. You will be much happier in the long run.

Have fun and welcome to Illyriad!


"Okay I have been working my resource plots, now I need an Alliance!"

The best guideline for the time for you to join an alliance is when you think you are ready to do so. Bearing that in mind, there are a few things to consider as you prepare for joining one. Illyriad is a freindly place, and in Global Chat you will meet many fine members of many alliances, and you may think "This player is kinda cool, think I want to join thier alliance!" but basing your decision on an alliance should be more considered. Illy is filled with alliances that prescribe to certain styles of play, or certain races, or simply all around.

Many alliances have detailed profiles where you will find much information on them. Others choose to keep thier profiles descreet. There are a few training alliances in Illy that specialize in training new players in the game, but it is important to remember that all good alliances will train thier new player members as well. Whether you choose to join a training alliance or an alliance that will train you, it is important to notate a few fundamental things.

Training alliances focus on training new members and therefore in most (if not all) cases these alliances are peaceful in nature to protect new players as they learn the game. Alliances that will train you are may not neccessarly be as peaceful. Training alliances in general usually cater to all races and styles of play assisting you to learn all the basics no matter your race, so you can move on later to join an alliance that best meets your particular needs. Alliances that cater to specific races will teach you all you need to know and help you to find the proper placement for your cities, the proper builds for your armies, and/or the proper tools for your trade, based entirely on your race. Alliances that work towards a specific play style, will help you to learn all you need to know within that style of play.

So as you can see, the alliance you pick to join will make a great difference in your growth within the game. So look over thier profiles, ask questions, find out where they fit in the grand scheme of Illyriad and where you will fit best. Your alliance is a big choice in the game, and should not be taken lightly.

What can I do about leaving this area? It's so crowded here!

There are two ways you can move your city in Illyriad, The Teneril Spell of Teleportation and Exodus (further referred to as Exo)

Both types of city movement have advantages and disadvantages, but early in the game the advantages of Exo outweigh the advantages of Teneril.

Teneril is inded a very speedy way of moving your city, as it allows you instant movement out of the area generally termed the "newbie ring". While this idea can be a bit seductive at first you must first realize the limitations of the spell. First and formost you are only allowed to use it ONCE during the lifespan of the account. Thus when you have used it, it is gone forever. While this may not seem like a big deal, the other limitation of the spell is a little more critical to your advancing in the game. Teneril ultimately takes your town, as it is with all the current resource plots available to you and moves the entirety of it, as is, to a new location. So if you have only 5 plots for food when you teleport, you will still have only 5 plots for food when you land.

The most suggested and best way (in my opinion) for movement of your first city is through Exo. This method takes a little longer, and employs the use of certain researches and needs for builds which take time to set up, but the end benefit is the ability to move to a square with a plot potential that better suits your needs. Also Exo can be used as many times as you desire until you find a spot you like if the first spot you chose turns out to be less desireable than you originally thought it would be.

A few important things to remember though when you are choosing a new site for your city are:

1) When looking at the map and considering certain squares, the "sov bonuses" of the square in question will not pertain to any city landing on that spot, but only to sov potential at a later date if a city lands near enough to use it for soverenty.

2) Soverenty potential in surrounding squares. The squares surrounding the landing site for your city will give to you bonuses for buildings built on that square when soverenty has been established. It is important to note that if you choose to use soverenty later to buffer up your food production (as many do) that the higher the available food plots on that square the higher your production percentage bonus will be when used in that method.

3) Neighboring Cities. While it may be an unwritten rule in Illyriad, it is a generally accepted practice to observe the "ten square rule". What this means is that all cities observe a circumferance of 10 free squares surrounding their cities that become their "buffer zone" for hunting or soverenty purposes. If you find a site that to you looks like it has great potential for your needs but another city is 8 squares away, best practice in Illy is to message the player and let him or her know of your interest. Many players will be more than happy to share the land as long as certain conditions are agreed upon in advance. But it is on the player moving to the area to clear it with neighbors that may be too close for comfort.

4) City Changes. When you Exo a city all buildings and plots in that city devolve to level 12. So it is genreally suggested that while you are preparing your city for Exo you do not build anything you dont need to over that cap. You will need to build your storehouse to level 15 so you can research Inventory Management. Then you will need to build your Warehouse to level 20 so you can research Exodus, but beyond those two buildings you are not likely to need to build anything else above level 12. Save your resources for something else, build up some equipment, sell some for gold, or send it to a hub for safe keeping until later, there are many other options.

Great! I have set up my new city, now how do I harvest those great things around me?

Harvesting is a mainstay of many cities early on, and for those that choose to go into production of advanced gear, and trading it is critical to production of goods with limited output for purchase of raw materials. There are five basic harvesting units in Illy, the Caravan, the Cotter, the Herbalist, the miner, and the skinner. Each harvester works in a very specific manner, and if you try to use it for other means it will come back to you empty handed.

The Caravan is the most basic of all the harvesting units and is used for the recovery of your basic elements of construction. Gold, stone, iron, clay, wood, and food. When you see the icons for these items on a square, if you click on the square and select "harvest resources" you will be given the option of what harvesting unit to send. In this case you would choose Caravan.

The Cotter is the next level up of harvester units, Cotters are used to gather simple basic resources needed for crafting and production. They are very limited in thier harvesting capacity, but what they harvest makes a huge difference in your capacity to produce higher level gear and equipment. Cotters can only harvest generic herbs, generic minerals, generic hides and grapes. Ther herbs, minerals and hides are critical elements in building not only advanced equipment but also in building your advanced harvesters, so starting to collect them as early as possible will help you to build your advanced units later. Grapes if you are lucky enough to have a patch near you are necessary in producing wine both for building your traders (after the first one), and also for selling for a nice profit.

Herbalists, Miners and Skinners are your advanced harvesting units and these are necessary for harvesting rare herbs, rare minerals and NPC parts left behind after a kill. Some of the herbs, minerals, and parts are only good for resale in the hubs, but many are of great value in the crafting of advanced gear either for personal use with your troops, or for resale in the hubs.

It is important to note, that while you may see two or three options for harvesting on any square, if you send in more than one harvesting unit at a time they will "bump" each other and all will come home with nothing to show for thier journey. It is recommended that if you are harvesting a personal kill spot with your harvesters, that you occupy the spot with reinforcing troops to protect the kill until you are able to harvest the hides and parts. Unlike conflicting harvesting units, all harvesting units are allowed to harvest under a troop occupation under your banner. That being said, it is also possible to harvest from troop occupations of other players whose alliances are in confederation with yours. This can sometimes cause a diplomatic issue between yourself and the other player so it is advised to only harvest from under your own banner. Likewise it is also adviseable NOT to hunt or gather within 10 squares of another players towns without first gaining permission to do so, as this can also cause a diplomatic dispute.

Alternatively, if you find someone harvesting under your troops banner without permission from you to do so, or harvesting within your 10 square radius, I heartily suggest you consult your alliance leaders for advice on how to proceed. Each alliance handles things differently.

Thanks! But how do I go about hunting?

NPC hunting is not difficult but there are a few steps that help in a more assuered success rate. Many players swear by using battle calculators, but I have found that a simple calculation based on scout reports is more than sufficient to do the job.

The first most obvious thing you need is at least a small contingent of troops to fight the battle. In most areas it is not hard to find a "few" or "handful" sized grouping necessary to start leveling up your commander.

The second unit you will want to have is a scout, 5 are more than adequate for scouting most NPC groupings. You will find scouts for building under your diplomacy tab.

Once you have your scouts, your troops and your trusty calculator you are ready for action.

First you need to send your scouts so you can find out how many NPC are there and how strong they are. When your scouts have checked out the NPC's you will recieve a report in your mailbox. On this report will be detailed information about the NPC's you have scouted. The first thing to note is now many are there, they will be listed for you in different ranks of difficulty level, add up the totals for an accurate count, you will want this information later for sending in your harvesters. The next thing to take note of is the defensive values of the diffent levels of NPC present. When you are the attacking force they are naturally the defending force so thier attack rating is not part of the equation. Add up the total defensive values off the NPC, (multiply each units defensive value by how many there are of each type, and add all of their totals together) this is the total defensive value of the NPC grouping.

The next thing is to figure out the attack rating of your troops, do this by multiplying your troops total number by the attack rating of the troops you are using. You can find this value on your military page.

If the attack value of your troops is sufficiently larger than the defensive value of the NPC you have scouted, you should be good to go.

Good Luck and Happy hunting!!


Useful Profile on Crafting

Justic Badstone:  #/Player/Profile/371157

Basic Information more thoroughly explained:

Bolism:  #/Player/Profile/369859 


Population Boost Per Building


Trade Office 2000

Cavalry Parade Ground 1796

Common Ground 1497
Consulate 1497
Fletcher 1497
Forge 1497
Foundry 1497
Kiln 1497
Mage Tower 1497
Paddock 1497
Saddle Maker 1497
Siege Workshop 1497
Spearmaker 1497
Stonemason 1497
Tannery 1497

Tavern 1497

Warehouse 370

Barracks 37

Storehouse 37

Library 37

Heroic Human Statue

Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2 Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2
1. Aldelbrecht -312|717 - 11. Keldar 356|498 -
2. Asmorn -608|-189 - 12. Lambercht -157|-298 -
3. Bjander-Thegn 910|-507 - 13. Lindricht 471|228 -711|674
4. Braynard -102|1 949|-379 14. Oddric 232|345 -
5. Burkhardt 429|-931 - 15. Osgaut 761|-892 -39|-973
6. Eberekt 516|505 - 16. Raedborth -194|-687 -
7. Ferhonanth -485|-736 669|794 17. Regindalt 719|365 -
8. Fridholt 652|-265 -843|-310 18. Rikert 22|-85 -
9. Gunthar -4|10 - 19. Tormand -569|-91 136|855
10. Haestin -377|-104 - 20. Ulvelaik 399|-431 -

Send spies to all locations above and you will receive as reward a Scribe of Allembine for each spied location (6 Scribes require to spied 2 locations, do the first locations before the 2nd ones) .... Scribe of Allembine is a spy unit with low upkeep (2 gold p/h) but high defensive value (120) ..... When a town collect all 20 scribes, that town gain discovery Allembine Research Techniques, which grants +5 research points hourly per Library level. 


World Map Speed Indicators


The number of arrows on a moving unit indicates the rough speed, as follows:

  • Stationary Unit = No arrows
  • 1 arrow = 1-7 squares per hour
  • 2 arrows = 8-16 squares per hour
  • 3 arrows = 17-25 squares per hour
  • 4 arrows = 26-41 squares per hour
  • 5 arrows = 41+ squares per hour


NPC Sizes
Few 1 4
Handful 5 8
Several 9 21
Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
Gathering 129 227
Horde 228 462
Throng 463 815
Host 816 2,500
Legion 2,501 9,999
Myriad 10,000 25,000
Sea 25,001 49,999
Cornucopia 50,000+ or more


5th Anniversary 10+ City Update Requirements


City Prev Pop Required New Pop Required
1                             -           -  
2                      450             450
3            2,000         2,000
4            5,000          5,000
5      10,000        10,000
6      20,000    20,000
7 40,000      40,000
8 75,000 75,000
9  130,000 130,000
10 233,550 233,550
11 515,500           263,550
12        1,130,250           294,550
13       2,461,800           326,550
14        5,329,350 359,550
15    11,473,700 393,550
16    24,581,250 428,550
17    52,434,400 464,550
18 111,473,700 501,550
19  -  539,550
20  -            578,550
21  -            618,550
22  -            659,550
23  -  701,550
24  -  744,550
25  -            788,550
26  -            833,550
27  -  879,550
28  -            926,550
29  -            974,550
30  -       1,023,550
31  -       1,073,550
32  -      1,124,550
33  -       1,176,550
34  -       1,229,550
35  -       1,283,550
36  -       1,338,550
37  -       1,394,550
38  -       1,451,550
39  -       1,509,550
40  -       1,568,550
41  -       1,628,550
42  -      1,689,550


