
Tardigrade Republic [TARDI]

Founded By:Lifeless Founded On:17MAY17 12:31

Long ago in the time before the Sundering, Valeron was a peaceful kingdom situated in what is present day Norweld. We were a small but proud nation renowned for our economic prowess. We had colonies across the world the largest of which was in the forests of Almenly and times were good.

Then, the Sundering came and Valeron was thrown into chaos. Without the riches of the colonies in the Broken Lands, we fell into a swift decline. A decline which was noticed by our jealous neighbours. They had long been envious of our relative wealth and power so when we were at our weakest, they took their chance and struck. Thousands died in wars which followed and ,eventually, we succumbed to their combined strength. Our monarch was executed and noble Valeron was lost.

In the mad scramble which followed Valeron's collapse, an order of like-minded individuals was created with the aim of retaking our lands from the invaders. This order was to be known as the Knights of Valeron. For centuries we have been in hiding, plotting in the shadows and gradually building power but now we reveal ourselves. 

We are the Knights of Valeron and Valeron will rise once more.


About Knights of Valeron

KoV is a democractic alliance based in Norweld and Almenly. Elections are held every three months for both the blackboard monitor and for senators. We have a military slant though we will not actively seek out war.


KoV is actively recruiting, please contact a member of rank Snaggletooth or above to receive an invite. You do not need to be in one of our hubs though if you do join you will be encouraged to move into them.

Diplomacy and Trade

Those looking to set up a trade deal or diplomatic tie should contact either Arion Splintspur or Lifeless. Should you have a problem with one of our members then please try and resolve it with them first. If that fails then get in touch with a player of rank Senator or above.

Ranks of KoV

  1. Blackboard Monitor- A democratically elected leader of KoV. This position is currently held by Arion Splintspur
  2. Lord Commander- Second in command to the Blackboard Monitor. Appointed by the Blackboard Monitor. Position currently held by Lifeless.
  3. Senator- A democratically elected member of the legislative branch of KoV's leadership
  4. Advisers- Specialists appointed by the Blackboard Monitor and the Lord Commander. Different advisers have different areas of strength denoted by the name of their role
  5. Snaggletooth- Named after the mighty warpig ridden by the god Lemmy, this role denotes that players have attained a population of at least 15,000
  6. Skylark- All players in KoV start as Skylarks. Skylarks are players who are still learning the game.
  7. Recycling- These players are considered inactive and will be used for the growth of the alliance

