
The Lost Kingdoms [LKs]

Founded By:Eradure Founded On:08JUN16 22:50



Welcome to The Lost Kingdoms.


 "After a long journey South, crossing the choppy waters of the Bitter Sea and heading further inland through the High Hills, the surrounding terrain becomes ever more mountainous with steep valleys either side of you. The snow covered mountain peaks loom high above, casting a great shadow over the land and increasing the chill from the wind that flows furiously through these hills. Eventually, after days of travel and as you sigh a great sigh of relief, the valleys finally give way to the glens. You must surely be getting close now! The land flattens out and your view is filled with large expanses of open plains, surrounded by mountains on either side. Occasionally, small pockets of woodland envelope your path on the journey southwards, offering respite from the heat of the midday sun and a change from the endless grasslands. Yet still more days may have to pass before the area will give up its secret, and you would be able to find what you came searching for. Well this was our history which we like to preserve but times have changed and many have gone their ways.


 "And it is here, amongst these unassuming glens, that will find The Lost Kingdoms.


How The Lost Kingdoms Works

The Lost Kingdoms is a democratic alliance, where every player can be involved with decisions, no matter what their experience or population is. We actively encourage players to be involved as they would like to, and to take their game in whichever direction they, personally, would find most enjoyable.

The Lost Kingdoms History

It is clear that many of our members were in T-SC, moved over into Storm, and are now in a new alliance. We have no negative relations with Storm, and we hold no negative relations with any other alliance - despite what their relationship may have been with T-SC or Storm. The Southern Kingdoms was a fresh start, and we would ask that alliances respect that but as said many have gone so now we that remain are the Lost ones.


LKs is currently recruiting! If you would like to be a part of our alliance, please contact whoever.

Diplomatic Issues

If you have an issue with any member of LKs, please contact anyone and we will try to resolve this situation as quickly as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.


We do not settle too close to other players and politely ask that players who would like to settle within 7 squares of a member's city ask before settling. We will do our best to try and facilitate a solution that is best for both players. (Please see contacts below)
Please do not harvest within 5 squares of one of our player’s cities, unless both cities are close to the spot in question. If you would like to harvest within 5 squares, please contact both the player concerned. Many of our members have agreements with players to allow sharing of resources already.
Please do not siege any of our abandoned/inactive accounts. If you would like to, please contact us before for permission.
We have a tax rate of 0%
With regards to spies – no one likes a spy and I think we all know what will happen if you are found out… If you have an alt in another alliance, we would still welcome you to apply to join us, but you must let us know before.


For recruitment, please contact any member.
For any diplomatic issues (incl. city placements, sieges of abandoned accounts), please contact who you wish.
