

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait



"The Gateway to the Southern Kingdoms."

As you walk up to the entrance of Samværby, past the wandering chickens and fluttering banners, the guards smile at you as you go past; through the archway and into the city.

People go wandering by, some stopping to talk and others hurrying on, out of the corner of your eye you notice a banner hung from the wall of a house which reads:
'Der er ingen mening i effektivitet, hvis der er en sjovere måde at gøre det.' - 'There is no point in efficiency if there is a more enjoyable way to do it.'
On your way to the markets, you head towards the fountain in the city centre, drawn by the sound of somebody playing the lute. Then, as you get closer, you can see a man with a beard and long hair, gently plucking out a tune to a small group of people. He looks up, and sees you approaching, strums a final chord and sets down the lute. Slowly the group turns round to see you and the lutist steps through, the sun glinting off the handle of a sheathed sword in their belt. Nervously, your hand begins to move towards the hilt of your own sword but he disarms you with a smile and holds out a scroll, gesturing for you to take it.
"Welcome to Samværby." He says.

A little taken a back, you stand there feeling slightly bemused as the man walks off towards a Mage carrying a thick, leather-bound book. Some of the people from the group listening to the lute walk towards you and ask if there's anything you'd like to know. "Well, where the tavern is!" you think...but that should really wait, you have business to attend to. You begin to explain about the order you'd like to make as one of them offers to guide you to the marketplace, pointing out the tavern on the way past.

Credit to Jonothan Dufresne for the picture at the top. It was found on his deviant art page:
