
Pegasus [Wings]

Founded By:Mudd-Slinger Founded On:08MAY16 20:45



                      We are recruiting  

  We are a  trade alliance!
We do not war.    

                                                         We will buy, sell and trade.                                       


 The Pegasus



                                                            Galloping gracefully through the golden sunsets

                                                            With wide wings to catch the wind, the Pegasus

                                                            The offspring of Neptune, released by Perseus

                                                From Medusa's severed, spurting neck and cloud-striding steed

                                                          of Bellerophon, Killer of the cursed Chimera of old

                                                            With hue of hour-frost on his hide and plumage

                                                            The star-eyed horse descends to rescue

                                                            Pure-hearted prisoners from unjust peril

                                                             And carry them to comfort and safety through the


                                              Illyian clouds....



                                                      About Us :-


We are a group of friends, who met through a war of the lands, as this war continued, changed and developed, so did the friendships between Orc, Elf and Humans build. After this war and when the lands settled, some of them found themselves relocating, into a vast new land and decided to settle, build anew, and continue to trade. Their new home being Illyria...


Leadership :-


Our leaders: Sheza and Kleodora. 


Diplomacy Policy :-


For any queries on diplomacy, please contact Sheza, however we will we apply the following rules:-
Please do not settle a new town within 10 squares of any of our existing.
Please refrain from placing any for of troops within 10 squares of our cities.
If there's something you need to do near us, just ask, we just like to know what's going on around us...


Trade Agreements :-


Whilst we would trade almost anything, sometimes certain item may be in short supply, high demand etc, just ask, we'll let know know if we can or can't, simple as that. Items can be traded with us via hub, or direct, pricing will vary by market demands, although continual contracts or negotiable for fixed rate over a fixed time period. Please contact either Kleo or Sheza to discuss trade agreements.

For all other things - Just ask.
