

Orc Male
Orc Male Character Portrait



                 Someone Will Come

                   Holy Warriors Don’t Die.

                   They Emerge from a Holy

                   Light on Full Moon Nights

                   to Tell their Valorous Tales



   Mudd Theme Song :P Special thanks to Ropa for finding it, THanks Ropes!





"Embrace harmony .Hug a GM and renounce all violence"



OFFENSE Spearman Ranged Infantry Cavalry
Plains -15 0 0 30
Small Forest 10 -10 30 -10
Large Forest 5 -15 25 -15
Buildings 15 20 25 -30
Small Hill 0 0 0 0
Large Hill 5 20 0 -15
Small Mountain 5 0 -10 -20
Large Mountain  10 25 -20 -30


DEFENSE Spearman Ranged Infantry Cavalry
Plains -15 0 0 25
Small Forest 10 -15 30 -10
Large Forest 5 -20 25 -15
Buildings 25 15 20 -30
Small Hill 5 5 5 0
Large Hill 10 10 0 -15
Small Mountain 15 15 0 -15
Large Mountain  20 30 0 -30




[02:52]<Aviddriver> anyone seen sir bradley lately?

[02:53]<Jane DarkMagic> lol

[02:53]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Avid, no

[02:53]<Kodabear> im gewR

[02:53]<Kodabear> great

[02:53]<Aviddriver> i miss that guy

[02:53]<SIMPLY_BEAST> Who would want to see that loser?


[02:53]<Jane DarkMagic> yeah, he was so funny and handsome

[02:53]<Jane DarkMagic> i know all the girls in mcrow miss him

[02:53]<Jane DarkMagic> they talk about it constantly

[02:53]<Aviddriver> he sent me some really good info for investing

[02:54]<SIMPLY_BEAST> <----- is Sir Bradly

[02:54]<Aviddriver> ireally

[02:54]<SIMPLY_BEAST> really really

[02:54]<Zynot> the Sir Bradly

[02:54]<SIMPLY_BEAST> illys worst keep secret



Lunch Menu



Mudd-Slinger> Well then whats the plan for lunch Moka? Anything speciall?

[09:08]<Moka> hmm good question

[09:08]<Moka> havent thought yet

[09:10]<Empericus> How about tube grubs with Synthale?

[09:10]<Mudd-Slinger> How about roasted Locusts! ...

[09:10]<Empericus> yummy

[09:10]<Mudd-Slinger> And crispy dessert

[09:10]<Empericus> BBQ of roach legs

[09:11]<Empericus> maybe?

[09:11]<Mudd-Slinger> You and I think alike!

[09:11]<Mudd-Slinger> We need to start a restaurant

[09:11]<Empericus> aye

[09:11]<Empericus> we are soul mates

[09:12]<Mudd-Slinger> Yep, guess we have successfully freaked out Moka

[09:12]<Empericus> Mission Accomplished

[09:13]<Moka> lol

[09:14]*Moka needs more cofffee .


                                                     The Birth of Mudd Slinger.

Mudd Slinger, Orc Born from Gaglis and Noxlee in the year of 956 in a land far over the purple sea.

The tribe had moved due to a volcano eruption and the desolation of their lands.

They were Hunters and fighters and farmers.

Noxlee had given birth late in life and was struggling to move across the lands.

Tired and weak Noxlee could not go on and the small family set up a camp in a swampy area. Father Gaglis hunted  And trapped fish in the swamps.

Noxlee was sickly after the birth. But   Mudd thrived in the swampy lands he soon started to crawl and love to play in the mud of the Swamp..

Noxlee would yell at him.

You little Mudd Slinger .  get out of there..  Hence the name. his Birth Name is unknown to most.  At the turning of one year the family was able to move on to the lands of Elgia and set up a settlement in Jungle of Kumala.
