
Phoenix Sword PMC [PSMC]

Founded By:Fenarel Founded On:21NOV15 12:25




Ad Victoriam   -To Victory.

  • -Diplomacy
  • PSMC recognizes and enforces the 10 square rule, of all its allied Cities.

  • Phoenix Sword does not allow harvesters or armies to camp within a 10 square radius of any PMC City.

  • (*)We Claim All harvestable patches of any material within our 10-square, no exception. Permission will be considered to those that ask. Regardless of Diplomatic Status of ANY Alliance. (Ask first, Any Napped Alliance with be given ample warning. If it happens twice, We drop the NAP and your harvestors die a solitary death)
  • Phoenix Sword holds training exercises in and around of our Forward bases in Coanhara, And we hunt the entire vincinity of the desert within.

  • We are recruting,  450 minimum population requirement.

  • We are a newly formed Alliance since Nov, 2015, We wish to focus on growing, trade, and Hunting. Not land claims.

  • Inactives and Non-Responders: It is our policy that after 16 days of no activity, and no notice of extended absess, you will be demoted to Inactive (Late Night Snack) and your cities plundered. After joining, you do not visibly respond within one workweek (5 Days) you will be considered inactive with the option of being kicked.
  • -Our Origin and foundation

            Many will soon ask what is a PMC? it stands for Private Military Company. Outsourcing is always an option. Many simple tasks for your alliance now may be handled though our alliance. For example the defence of your assets, and cities and harvestable resources. Military defencive force, for hire such as, Archer defences on high mountains. We have fully capable Quartermasters trained, and ready, supplying and outfitting of specialist gear to your Elite Guards, Companies, Guardsmen and Formations.

  • -Who are we?

           We are lovers of Illyriad, Men and Women who remember that this is a stategy game, Chaotic. and those that best control your own chaos become Focus and Will. The odd places the of elega: The Icey plains of wolgast, to the Iron Mountains of Aindara. And our valley heart in Coanhara. but soon you'll see us in every region. We are also a business, supplying arms and armor. Finally, we are family in arms.

  • -Our goals.

           We will stand on the things an alliance should build itself on: Trade, diplomacy, and Military. Those of us that graduate will market our skills to the highest bidder, and be known of great distinction on the fields of battle. Our Primary goal is to become a effective military guild, for all the needs to thrive in coanhara. We fuction in three temperate biomes, regular, desert, and artic. across plains, forest and mountains

 Feel free to contact us for questions, inquiries or recruitment. (I.E. Links below)



  1. Gear Availble for sale
  2. Priority Animal Parts and Requested Items
  3. The Tactical Taylor Logistic System



            -Contact Information
