
Painting the Sky [PtS]

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Vincent van Gogh

The Starry Night (1889) 
MoMa, New York

Arguably the most famous sky in art, The Starry Night gives the view outside Van Gogh's sanatorium window at Saint- Rémy by dark, although it was painted the next day from memory. With its crackling cypresses and spiral constellations, its sun-like moon and its whirling clouds, this is an ecstatic expression of country skies as "purer than the suburbs or bars of Paris", in the artist's humble words. Swirls, dabs, hyphens and speeding vectors: the electrifying brushmarks seem to channel the flow of his sensations in a surging tide. The night sky, for Van Gogh, shines as bright as day.



Art inspires many people in their journeys abroad as well as everyday life at home or at work. Some look at pictures or paintings and think about things they can relate to, others daydream a story, fantazising playfully for a brief moment. The inspiration to create something through a craft can summon admirers and friendliness throughout the universe.  Sparkling within your inner self there is always a driven will to create and befriend. 





Christian Kobke

Roof Ridge of Frederiksborg Castle (1835) Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen

Wish you were here? The marvellous Danish artist Christen Købke climbs the palace rooftops to give you the summer sky. Here is the dark roof ridge, the cool blue water beyond, the landscape repeating these horizontals in ever hazier stripes beneath a motionless sky that fills three-quarters of the painting. Everything contributes to this hymn to warm light and panoramic skies, the kind of praise no photograph can properly muster. And it's all witnessed on the spot by strange surrogates: a solid brick chimney and an elaborate spire both face the sky amazed, as if anticipating the art of Edward Hopper.

