

Dwarf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

Crafting: #/Player/Profile/371157 + #/Player/Profile/326654

Info: #/Alliance/Alliance/1452

Hunting: #/Player/Profile/369859

Dlord Slayer: 

PublicRelations [Dlord] || Fri 11 Feb 2022

||  231,991, Casualties Inflicted

June 18, 2020:

[23:03]<Buridan> the 'vets' who are taking up space i want out
[23:03]<Buridan> i want them gone
[23:03]<Buridan> bring in new blood
[23:04]<Ashka> I love Buridan is the old man "GET OFF MY LAWN"
[23:04]<Buridan> not a bunch of losers who like to chat
[23:04]<Ashka> You should come to our parties more
[23:04]<Buridan> i dont party
[23:04]<Ashka> I can tell
[23:11]<Buridan> doesnt matter keep up the good work and if you have promising players send them to SkB

Ease My Mind - Niki and the Dove

In a deep sleep
Awakened, by the dragons
Kept you hidden, here with me
Was not prepared, for a dead end

Take me, take me downtown
Tonight, I want to forget
I want lights to, blind me
I want peace, want to disappear (To disappear)

Oh DJ, ease my mind will you
Play that song again, 'cause we were in love
Before, before the rain began
And if I cry-y, cover my ears



Play that song again, 'cause we were in love oh

Pla-pla-pla-pla-play that song again, cause we were in love

Take me, take me downtown
Tonight, I want to forget
I want lights to, blind me
I want peace, want to disappear

Oho DJ,…

30th of September 2017:
I have changed my stance on the neighbors I allow to grow next to me.  I will be making sure it is cleared out a bit more so only people I trust live next door.


If you walk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much... - Rudyard Kipling

 Orange Green Yellow Blue Purple Red ~ LOVE



Donate cows to the Church of Josh ( #/Trade/Orders/507/-389 ) you will then be spared the purgatory and be relieved of your sins.

"Thy generousity shal be rewarded and thy bad actions forgotten" --

Church of Josh: #/Alliance/Alliance/1095



Standing Meaning
+90 May join on an aggressive missions
+75 May assist city if under siege near territory
+50 May join and assist units if camped in territory
+35 Will offer faction quests
+1 to +35 Will trade at discount prices (sliding scale)
0 Neutral
-1 to -35 Will trade but at inflated prices (sliding scale)
-35 Will refuse to trade
-50 May attack and kill any units they see in "their territory"
-75 Will actively seek out and try to destroy cities within a certain radius of faction hub
-90 Pure hatred, will attempt to destroy at any cost


Food Plots Wood Plots Clay Plots Iron Plots Stone Plots What To Build At This Location
7 5 5 3 5 cavalry, scout, spy, trade, geomancer, runemaster, jungle, desert
7 5 5 5 3 cavalry, archers, spearmen, scout, thief, jungle
7 5 3 5 5 archers, infantry, assassin, arctic
7 3 5 5 5 spearmen, infantry, assassin, runemaster, arctic, desert 
|        OFFENSE        |   TERRAIN   |        DEFENSE        |
+-----------------------+     TYPE    +-----------------------+
| SPR | RNG | INF | CAL |             | SPR | RNG | INF | CAL |
| -15 |  0  |  0  | +30 |    Plains   | -15 |  0  |  0  | +25 |
| +10 | -10 | +30 | -10 |  Sm. Forest | +10 | -10 | +30 | -10 |
|  +5 | -20 | +30 | -15 | Lrg. Forest |  +5 | -20 | +25 | -15 |
| +20 |  +5 | +40 | -50 |  Buildings  | +25 | +15 | +30 | -45 |
|  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |   Sm. Hill  |  +5 |  +5 |  +5 |  0  |
|  0  | +10 | +10 | -15 |  Lrg. Hill  | +10 | +15 |  +5 | -10 |
|  0  | +10 |  +5 | -20 |  Sm. Mount. | +15 | +15 |  +5 | -30 |
|  0  | +15 | +15 | -30 | Lrg. Mount. | +20 | +30 |  +5 | -15 |

pell Power

Original Casters' Spell Power  
10million mana spent is 208,004,992 spell power 

"I get along with most people in real life. It's on the Internet that I have problems." --Urp


[21:02]<DeliciousJosh> ....  The people here, good or bad, make it fun. Take your negative energy and go for a run.


[07:40]<viperone> lol.....yep......especially in pixel land....they are pixel *beepy* not real

Visit this website for awesome information on Illyriad, featuring videos that explain stuff about the game as well as guides and other goodies.

And this profile for a radical adventure: #/Player/Profile/143257

[@i=6|6|<iframe frameborder='0' scrolling='no' width='215px' height='320px' src=''></iframe>]


Things to remember that make me laugh.

[14:25]<System> frowns on GM Stormcrow's idiocy

[19:23]<GM Stormcrow> @G0Ds - lol. True. Sorry. But noone can silence me 

[19:23]<System> Wanna bet?

[19:23]<GM Stormcrow> Oops.

[21:39]<GM Rikoo> What I don't get is why you typed (where no one could see) that "Rikoo is SO f*^&ing cool and he's my favorite person forever!!" -- you didn't need to say that.

[22:33]*Iknilu wonders why the weirdo on the balcony keeps watching us

<twilights> sb isnt that smart

[23:12]<Lazarus Khan> I am online every day. I want that daily prestige point.

[14:36]<Thunderbum> this game is all about queuing, you can tell the devs are british

[11:22]<The Faceless One> my mind tells me I'm 8, but my body tells me it's hungry and wants to know where mommy is

[05:19]*Rill is the Robotic Illyriad Learning Library (RILL)

[23:05]<Captain Kindly> Seems you lead by example, Angrim.

[23:06]<Angrim> i would thank you for that, CK, but it's just too much effort.

^ Laziness summed up ^

[00:09]<Yitshak> just wondering about the dick

[21:09]<Villan> why dont newbees use spell to be close to alliance... and save exo

[21:04]<Chandrian> Once we rule BL can we order you to shut up?

[23:03]<Snagglepuss> I mean I care, but I know I will get sabbed the minute i cue up research

[19:54]<Wumpuss> blushes bright green

[16:28]<MicroMe> o.O @ DJ my beard is not ticklish

[27 aug 16:19]<Daemon James> Getting into an argument over a complaint... Bliss!

[23:36]<King Alfred> Sand Boxes are for building things up, then tearing them down with ego's c:

[09:21]<Nimbus Stormcloud> Don't call me minibus unless you're licking my back window 

[23:48]<Valen Teeny> I'm sorry my danish doesn't go beyond bacon

[21:42]<Curmudgeon> If I can't have moans, I'll settle for groans 

[09:35]<Karl Aegis> if you can't slam with the best, you have to jam with the rest

[14:33]<lrokinrobin> the blue names make me think of them as smurfs

[02:46]*Rill is like an aged cheese

[18:28]<Isroll> I smoke two joint in the morning, I smoke joint at night. I smoke two joint before i smoke two joints, and then I smoke two more

[20:57]<Urp the Hand Some> If death comes from above it will get Jordan before most of us, though.

[20:29]<Nordik> It might be the queen - thinking of her makes you want to shoot the royal family and no one else

[20:29]*Nordik hides

[23:31]<Thirion> Rikooville, belonging to GM Rikoo which was located at 134|38 has been razed by Thirion.

[06:44]<AJJ> There once was a lad called Josh, whose limericks were a load of old tosh. Though he tried his best at GC's behest, they went down the drain with a slosh.

[18:27]<Kaggen> Twi, I could care less what you do

18:27]<twilights> ok sin is off buying

[18:28]<twilights> that means u can choke on ur items

[18:28]<twilights> but i will buy from them again when u publicly say ur patheic

[11 May 15:44]<demdigs> i gerry rigged it.  i installed internet myself

[14:47]*Lyken is like the Mr.Magoo of trade

[16:34]<Erista> PR you are NOW on my profile

[19:31]<jtk310> even if you were better than people at a war game, epi, I think people would still talk down to you.

[03:37]<System> has to read every line of GC. Of course system feels pain.

[22:04]<Grombrindal> Its quite simple. So you had a second child? Congrats. Which one do you wish to keep? :D

[22:05]<Snagglepuss> I don't suppose you all want to steer the conversation towards TUna ?

[15:50]<lonewolf> its true i like sheep lol

[18:06]<Ranalos> Like, why do these players I've never heard of keep getting put in charge of Tcol?

- warmed my heart -

[20:22]*Kimmyeo shakes, knows PR rep

[20:22]<Kimmyeo> thank you 

[20:23]<PublicRelations> im not that bad

[20:23]<Kimmyeo> Not bad, BADASS

[20:23]<Kimmyeo> lol

[20:24]<Kimmyeo> Any alliance would lucky to have you

Bolism Hunting Guide:
Illyriad guide:

About crafting, adv. resources, etc. visit Salararius: 

#/Player/Profile/66699 :

 Find and harvest your Resources here: :


Locations & Mysteries


Statue Hunt (Mystery): :


Audrey - The Heart of Corruption


Fortress of Shadows:

: #/World/Map/599/-342 :

Misted Lands:

: #/World/Map/-636/756 :


: #/World/Map/535/835 :

Duraz Karag:

#/World/Map/-202/-122 :

Steamtastic Brewery: 

: #/World/Map/-513/-96 :

Temple of Reason: 

#/World/Map/295/-165 :

Fortune Teller spreadsheet



ASCN Property 2, belonging to Ryklaw (Abandoned) which was located at 732|-581 has been captured by PublicRelations.



List of NPC camps.


  • Few: 4 or less
  • Handful: 5 to 8
  • Several: 9 to 21
  • Pack: 22 to 81
  • Many: 82 to 128
  • Gathering: 129 to 227
  • Horde: 228 to 462
  • Throng: 463 to 815
  • Host: 816 to 2,500
  • Legion: 2,501 to 9,999
  • Myriad: 10,000 to 25,000
  • Sea: 25,001 to 49,999
  • Cornucopia: 50,000+



Requirements to Settle Towns
# Settlers Population
2nd 1 450
3rd 2 2,000
4th 3 5,000
5th 4 10,000
6th 5 20,000
7th 6 40,000
8th 7 75,000
9th 8 130,000
10th 9 233,550
11th 10 263,550
12th 11 294,550
13th 12 326,550
14th 13 359,550
15th 14 393,550
16th 15 428,550
17th 16 464,550
18th 17 501,550
19th 18 539,550
20th 19 578,550


Permanent Goal - Never have negative food



Basline data is from Vici's profile page. Thanks Vici!

To use these in global chat do use the following pattern where you replace the # symbol with the number of the icon desired,



**IllyPal Beta**





Hobblez ... #/Player/Profile/339212 and the fCrow war-score card


Usable Gatherable Items

Post by Djehuti on Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:15 am


Claristine --> Prestige Parchment

Deepsilver --> Prestige Page

Earthblood --> Prestige Tome

Iceheart --> Light Sword, Spiked Sword, Iron-Banded Spear, Light Spear, Trident, Splintmail, Vanguard's Armour, Extra Light Chainmail, Light Chain Armour, Master-Crafted Chainmail, Reinforced Chainmail, Light Platemail, Reinforced Platemail

Obsidian --> Obsidian Blade, Obsidian-Tipped Spear, Obsidian Platemail

Pyrestone --> Prestige Scrap

Rainbow Stone --> Prestige Scroll

Silversteel --> Silversteel Sword, Silversteel Spear, Silversteel Chainmail, Dwarven Champion's, Silversteel Platemail

Svelaugh Sand --> Prestige Book

Trove --> Prestige Codex


Ancient Oak --> Boar Spear, Dragon Spear, Trident

Brascan Seeds --> Extra Heavy Armour, Hardened Leather, Master-Crafted Chainmail

Brownback Moss --> Prestige Scroll

Ebony Wood --> Ebony-Hilt Sword, Ebony Bow, Ebony Spear

Furzion Seedpod --> Prestige Page

Giant Palm Leaves --> Desert Armour, Desert Chainmail, Master-Crafted Chainmail, Desert Platemail

Ironstem Root --> Prestige Tome

Larken Wood --> Elven Spirit Bow, Poacher's Bow

Lemonwood Bough --> Three-Wood Bow

Pale Cedar Wood --> Three-Wood Bow

Rahan Palm --> Desert Pike

Queen's Hair Leaves --> Over-Padded Armour; Over-Padded Chainmail; Under-Padded Platemail

Sharproot --> Prestige Scrap

Silverthorn --> Prestige Parchment

Spidertree Leaves --> Cloth-Backed Leather, Cloth-Backed Chainmail

Suntree Haft --> Prestige Codex

Vistrok Flowers --> Prestige Book


Air Salt --> Chitin-Cored Bow, Ebony Bow, Hero's Bow, Composite Bow, Leopard Gut Bow, Mammoth Tusk Bow, Dragon Spear

Earth Salt --> Extra Heavy Armour, Midnight Armour, Sun-Burnished Armour, Extra-Heavy Chainmail, Silversteel Chainmail, Ancient Pattern Armour, Dwarven Champion's Armour, Obsidian Platemail, Silversteel Platemail

Fire Salt --> Obsidian Blade, Orc Marauder's Sword, Reinforced Sword, Silversteel Sword, Spiked Sword

Water Salt --> Desert Pike, Harpoon-Spear, Iron-Banded Spear, Jungle Hunter's Spear, Obsidian-Tipped Spear, Silversteel Spear


Anaconda Skin --> Jungle Bow, Jungle Spear

Arctic Wolf Fur --> Fur-Lined Chainmail

Arctic Wolf Tooth --> Harpoon-Spear

Baboon Fur --> Seaxe, Rapid-Draw Bow, Dueling Spear

Black Bear Fur --> Mountain-Tribe's Sword, Hero's Bow

Black Panther Fur --> Midnight Armour

Brown Bear Fur --> High-power bow; Mountain Bow; Mountain Spear

Brown Bear Heart --> Prestige Scroll

Fire Salamander Skin --> Arctic Bow; Arctic Spear

Gharial Tooth --> Fang-Barbed Sword; Fang-Barbed Spear; Spiked Platemail

Giant Beetle Carapace --> Animal-Scale Armour; Highland Armour; Highland Chainmail; Highland Plate Mail

Giant Rat Fur --> Short Sword; Hunter's Bow; Woodsman's Bow; Forrester's Spear

Giant Rat Heart --> Prestige Scrap

Giant Scorpion Exoskeleton --> Plainsman's Armour; Plainsman's Platemail

Giant Scuttler Exoskeleton --> Razor-Edged Sword; Razor-Edged Spear

Giant Scuttler Heart --> Prestige Codex

Golden Monkey Fur --> Jungle Armour; Jungle Platemail; Jungle Chainmail

Ice Salamander Skin --> Desert Bow; Desert Spear

Jaguar Fur --> Longsword; Battle Spear

Leopard Entrail --> Leopard Gut Bow

Mammoth Tusk --> Mammoth Tusk Bow

Poisonous Crawler Exoskeleton --> Animal-Scale Armour; Upland Armour; Hillsman's Chainmail; Upland Platemail

Poisonous Crawler Mandible --> Chitin-Crafted Shortsword

Polar Bear Fur --> Fur-Lined Platemail

Puma Fur --> Battle Sword; Marksman's Bow; Defender's Spear

Salamander Fang --> Fang-Tipped Spear

Scaled Charger Heart --> Prestige Tome

Scaled Charger Scale --> Animal-Scale Armour; Forester's Armour; Plainsman's Chainmail; Woodsman's Chainmail; Forester's Platemail

Scaled Charger Vertebra --> Barbarian Sword; Plains Bow; Plainsman's Spear

Scritcher Carapace --> Chitin-Cored Bow

Scritcher Heart --> Prestige Book

Simien Wolf Fur --> Extra Light Armour; Light Leather

Snow Leopard Fur --> Fur-Lined Armour

Wild Dog Bone --> Bone Handled Sword; Machete; Scimitar

Wild Dog Fur --> Adventurer's Sword; Hillsman's Bow; Hill-Tribe Spear; Jungle Hunter's Spear

Wild Dog Heart --> Prestige Parchment

Wolf Heart --> Prestige Page

Wolf Tooth --> Orc Marauder's Sword

Wolf Fur --> Sabre; Long-Draw Bow; Pike


Resource Upkeep at Lvl 20

Building Wood Clay Iron Stone
Archers' Field 2700   1100  
Assassins' Abode     3100 1900
Cavalry Parade Ground 1100 2700    
Foreign Office   400 800 1600
Geomancers' Retreat 700 2300   1500
Infantry Quarters     1100 2700
Runemasters' Grounding   900   1700
Saboteurs' Sanctuary 2700 1500    
Scouts' Lookout 700 1500    
Spearmen's Billets   2700 1100  
Spies Hideout 700 1100   1100
Thieves' Den 1700 1100 1700  
Trade Office 2800 690   1580
Chancery of Estates 800 3200   1600

ILLY RiP Rill #/Player/Profile/50816



#/Alliance/Alliance/1452 alliance profile with lots of good info



08 Aug 2022 18:14
Crow Bar, belonging to Fanuidhol which was located at 553|-404 has been razed by PublicRelations.

28 Sep 2022 22:51
Thunderton, belonging to Danger Russ which was located at 695|-343 has been razed by PublicRelations.

19 Nov 2022 19:20
Hop Springs, belonging to Danger Russ which was located at 574|-584 has been razed by PublicRelations.

1 - Trix, belonging to Miker The Great which was located at 663|633 has been razed by Luta Sapangko.
