
The Holy Empire [Holy]

Founded By:Gemley the dwarf (Abandoned) Founded On:07JUN14 23:15





The Holy Empire


            The Holy Empire has been dubbed by many as a "moralistic wasteland commonwealth" which it has earned considering the Holy Empire's goal is to restore order, stability, morals and ethics to all in the "Long White" region of the Broken lands. According to their Emperor, Gemley of Clan Hildan, their main goal is to protect the path of righteousness. Originally the Empire consisted only of the civilized dwarves of the "Long White" but has expanded to many races. Of course given their high value of morality they have become enemies with the largest other group in the region, The Free Orcs.

            Each clan that joins the Empire has two choices, one become a largely military focused clan or two become a clan more focused on economic infrastructure and trade. It is worth noting that the Empire does expect at least basic education, military forces and economic infrastructure from each clan.

            The Emperor has complete control over military matters and foreign affair matters.

           Gemley of Clan Hildan is the 22nd Emperor of the Holy Empire and there are many rumors that he is gathering forces to launch the largest assault ever taken by the Empire against The Free Orcs.


Capital: Ralidor

Current Emperor (22nd): Gemley of Clan Hildan

Stance on War: Will attack when it is necessary.

Region: The Long White


           The organization of the Holy Empire's military is surprisingly simple yet effective. Every new clan to the Holy Empire's military has a leader who is named "Praefectus Castrorum". In the empire at this rank the clan leader only has authority over his own clan's military forces. The next step up is to be named "Tribunus Laticlavius", each are given up to ten men of the Praefectus Castrorum rank to command. The last step up is to be named "Dux", each are given up to three men of the Tribunus Laticlavius rank to command. The highest rank is the Emperor, who has utter and complete control of the armed forces of the Holy Empire.





Note: The Holy Empire follows the ten square rule

Any hides, minerals or herbs not within 10 squares of a city outside the Empire is free to be harvested by any other city. That means if a city places an army on a rare mineral 50 squares away, the Empire reserves the right to remove the army and harvest the resources.



