
Gemley the dwarf (Abandoned)

Dwarf Male
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

If you wish to trade for rare minerals and/or regular minerals with the Imperial Mineral Reserve contact me.

If you want to join the Holy Empire please contact me but before doing so read over our rules. Remember the Holy Empire will always do what is right, our moral integrity takes place over politics any day.

Long live the Holy Empire!



 On April 22 2013 I decided to stop playing Illyriad until Broken Lands was released. The only time I returned before Broken Lands was released was for a month or two when I became a mercenary in the Crow vs H? war. I apologize for what I did in that time, I razed a few cities and forced others to exodus.  I believe I have reconciled with the alliances I caused damage to but if you were a victim and I have not contacted you please contact me.


My history:

1. With my first account I lead the Kingdom of Gondor, which got to rank 50 something before I stopped playing Illyriad.

2. On my second account I lead the Republic Legions (TOR Military) from November 25 2012- April 22 2013

(I have been playing since August 2010, this is my second account.)
