
Templar knights [~TK~]

Founded By:BlackBloodedChampion (Abandoned) Founded On:19APR14 10:43


Another great try by BlackBloodedChampion. Defiantly enjoyed the experience and least we forgot

Happy Hunting!





We are the Templars!



Our Aims:

The main aims of the Templar Knights (Templars) are; to protect all those that request it from evil and harm, to provide aid in times of need and to seek out Marauders, Beast and Monster that threaten the well being of our fellow citizens of Illyriad. However, our resources in manpower and provisions are not limitless so each request will be reviewed on a case by case basis by ‘The General’ and his Lord Commanders and Knights. 

The Templars are a peaceful alliance who do not seek conflict but will not stand by in the face of aggression from others we offer a safe haven from the wars. We continue to grow, train our soldiers, keep our civilians safe and protect all.

What We Do:

We encourage diversity within our ranks, support players to grow in their areas of interest and support them in areas where they may be lacking through the provision of; resources, advice and mentoring from a cadre of capable knight Instructors.

To this end as we develop we will be holding; Marauders, Beast and Monster slaying tournaments, Training Wars, challenges for Diplomatic Units, Geographic challenges and inter path challenges to test unity, strength and prove the prowess certain groups and players. 

The Paths:

As mentioned above the Templars encourage diversity within our ranks, to this end we have many paths of advancement within the Templars.

We have the civilians; these alliance members who will not get any extra duty's but will follow our rules like everyone else. The can talk and ask our soldiers to help with their problems. Any player wishing to focus mainly on trade can stay as civilians as the paths focus more on strategic purposes like attack and defense but nether the less Trade is very important, and most likely our players in whatever path they choose can dabble in Trade.

We have the soldiers; these alliance members will get there individual or joint duties, be expected to Protect and Support our civilians and keep the peace in our Alliance areas.  Soldiers can follow three Paths: the first the Path of the Pen, master the arts of Diplomacy, Espionage and Larceny. The best knight on the Path of the Pen will be granted the title of the ‘White Knight’ and will be responsible for the guidance and control of his (or her) fellow knight on the Path of the Pen.

The second path, the Path of the Sword, are the more conventional warriors and soldiers, who train in the art of war the best knight on the Path of the Sword will be granted the title of the ‘Black Knight’ and will be responsible for the guidance and control of his (or her) fellow knight on the Path of the Sword.  In times of conflict the Black Knight will in the event of The General not taking the field will be in command of all Alliance Forces, for the implementation of strategy, and the proposing of a plan to fulfill the Alliance aims to bring a swift and proportional end to the conflict.

The third path, is the Path of the Wand, a much smaller path for those alliance members who excel in the Arts Magica, they provide both offensive support in times of conflict and the more peaceful support in the production of Resource to alliance members to speed their growth through the enrichment of an alliance members fields and lands to bring forth all of Illyriad bounty. The best knight on the Path of the Wand will be granted the title of the ‘Arch-mage’ and will be responsible for the guidance and control of his (or her) fellow knight on the Path of the Wand.

As players choose their path depending on there goal in does not mean they should fully limit themselves to one main path and  having a secondary path choice or something thier interested in can always give them the choice to move between path choices. Also a special prize goes to any player that can fill every main choice role, such as Black knight, White knight etc. This is however more likely to be completed by a bigger player but never the less will be a outstanding  achievement, so happy hunting and choose wisely!


A few rules to make our recruiters jobs easier :)  Please don't send a "I haz join plz thnk" Please think before you make and send a mail because if its like this you obviously haven't thought about it. Another rule, Please don't be that guy who asks to join and then immediately joins whoever sends a invitation the fastest., its sorta a hassel ;) That's pretty much it and don't feel pressured to join anyone yet, just think before you join. 

So if you like what you have seen so far please ask BlackBloodedChampion for further recruitment information, ask questions if you wish. Anyone can join the Templars, no matter their size or race. We hope to see you here.

Long Live the Templars!






