
BlackBloodedChampion (Abandoned)

Human Male
Human Male Character Portrait

Loved every minute

Voted awesome since 2014!    [15:58]<mohit9006> BBC_is_awesome  


[20:53]<BlackBloodedChampion> @GM StormCrow one last question, will you mary me?

[20:54]<GM Stormcrow> @bbc - I mary, you mary, we all mary? Or am I being contrary?

But I wanna ... I wanna be queen

[16:03]<Kodabear> BBC i love you

then again the wife of a magic bear aint bad






Name:  BlackBloodedChampion

Race:  Human & cursed

Gender:  Male (i hope)

Gear:   Armour: Heavy armour of Mysterious stains

             Cape: Brown cape of ... nothing. Not everything's magical you know

 Weapon:  My Axe of beheaded-ment

 Mount:  My pet mammoth MR Jubbs (I will never change him ;) )

Traits:  angry, Good at killing goblins (hate um), shiny black locks of hair, Cursed by evil people, Good at getting away with murder wink wink

Hobbies:  Killing Goblins, Chatting, Stealing from other pla .... never mind, being so sexy ;)

My second Job: Being the Red GC Saver :), why so serious? ;) just guess 

My owner: job applications are on a post in my castle, please require within and you will be given a notice thanks ;)

Cities built:  6

Newbies befriended: 1! finally, My dreams have come true

Bitch-slaps recieved from people:  countless 

Policy on Harvesting:  Please don't kill NPCs or harvest within 2 sqaures around my citys. Im adding sov to most of them. 

Policy on Settlement:  Please don't settle within 5 squares of any of his cities or il send a stern (maybe sexual) messege 



Happy hunting

The one and only BlackBloodedChampion, gone to the next adventure
