
The Templar Knights [-T-]

Founded By:BlackBloodedChampion (Abandoned) Founded On:18JAN14 20:48

                                    We are the Templars!



Our aim

The main aim of the Templars is to banish all evil from illy, whatever its form. We also aim to grow strong soldiers to challenge these great evils.

However we are small in number for now so we are a peaceful alliance, a safe heaven from the wars but we still aim to train our soldiers and keep our civilians safe.

What we do

Our aim is to be strong with capable players. So far we plan on, when we are bigger, we will hold NPC killing contests. Then when we are bigger even have training wars and eventually even act in some real ones, but we will have to see.

The Paths

We have to paths in the Templars.

We have the civilians, the people who will not get there duty's but still follow our rules like every one else. The can talk and ask our soldiers to help with there problems. civilians who are deemed  worthy may even become V.I.P's.

We have the soldiers, the people who will get there individual duty's, be expected to help banish evil and help keep the peace with our civilians. Soldiers can follow to branches, one for diplomats and one for generals. however soldiers have to be 1000 pop or over before they can have this titel but can stay as citizens till then 



If you like what you have seen so far please ask BlackBloodedChampion for recruitment. Anyone can join the Templars, no matter the size, race, etc. We hope to see you here.

Long Live the Templars




