

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

Rarely in a pleasant mood, prefers solitude in his cave, drinks his beer alone or with his alliance 

I am a returning veteran. My previous profile: #/Player/History/33091

Beer has alway been my friend even when I first played =>

Excerpt from the Tips for New Players guide by Mannanan May 14,2011:

When we get were we're going will the taverns be open?
Most probably. The only problem is there will not be any alcohol remaining as between my alliance colleague Griz and myself will have drunk them dry all of the beer and spirits... Sorry.

Alliance Rules:

WoT is an alliance with very few rules. 
The rules are:
- Only use diplomats and troops against NPCs or certain factions outside the 5 squares of another player's city/sov unless we have entered a war.
- Only use harvesters outside 5 squares of another player's city/sov (or if they or their alliance have stipulated a 10 square boundary) unless you have gotten permission from that player.
- Unprovoked hostilities are discouraged (unless on NPCs, of course, they're fair game).


Profiles or sites with great infomation

Grey Wolf :  #/Player/Profile/429194


Combat Info: #/Player/Profile/231435 

Hunting: #/Alliance/Alliance/2475








City Building Considerations:

Military Cities


Code of Conduct & Rules:


 Newbie Guides


Newbie Guide (Part 1)
Posted by tallica - 14 May 2011

Newbie Guide (Part 2)
Posted by tallica - 14 May 2011

Starting Illyriad: An Alternative Newbie Guide
written by Auraya, edited by Mithyn,
dwarf advice contributed by Smoking Gnu & Fluffeh,
orc advice contributed by BenDunder

Do it your own way - the anti-guide
written by Solonar

Tips for new players
Posted by Manannan - 14 May 2011

City Development For New Players
Posted by Llyr - 28 Dec 2012
Joining an Alliance
Posted by Mara Zira - 05 Sept 2011

Begging For Dummies
Posted by Squill - 06 Sept 2011

Basic Self Defense for New Players
Posted by Rill - 08 Sep 2011

Military for New Players
Posted by The Electrocutioner - 23 Jun 2013


Tools & Info:

Illy Stuff
Illyriad Institute
Dilly Tools (Battle Timing & Calc)

Battlefied Calc

Illyriad Wiki: 

Rules Governing Inactivity
Sitter Accounts

Chat Codes: Source A | Source B

Audrey Quest

Questing | Quest Guide

Game Mysteries | Mysteries Forum
Mystery Locations:
Fortune Teller Locations
Duraz Karag
Fortress of Shadows
Heart of Corruption
Misted Lands
The Rift
Steamtastic Brewery
Temple of Reason
Allembine Mystery Statue Spots:
01   -312|717
02   -608|-189
03   910|-507
04   -102|1 then 949|-379
05   429|-931
06   516|505
07   -485|-736 then 669|794
08   652|-265 then -843|-310
09   -4|10
10   -377|-104
11   356|498
12   -157|-298
13   471|228 then -711|674
14   232|345
15   761|-892 then -39|-973
16   -194|-687
17   719|365
18   22|-85
19   -569|-91 then 136|855
20   399|-431


Tips for hunting

Name Short Explanation
Research infantry everything from Conscription to Elite Guards
cavalry everything from Call to arms to Elite Squadron
Troop type cavalry for plains and small hills
infantry for every other terrains
Commander T2 infantry or T2 cavalry to match troops, and all commanders same type
Com points 10 points in Heroism
Army set up 5 divisions, 5 commanders, 61 T2 troops (57/1/1/1/1)
Gear Terrain gear on commanders only (cheap and works well)

***Hearts of Darkness

If you hunt Underworlds for the current Annihilator of Kerberos event, you'll likely come accross some Hearts of Darkness (HoD). They can be valuable for crafting, and hunting the underworlds can bring some nice experience for your commanders. Further more you can receive and update a Annihilator of Kerberos medal

Building information

For detailed information on building populations and production requirements Advanced City Specialization :

Additional city info: Moving your Capital City - Rules and Restrictions (GM Stormcrow) Build Settler
Options for Relocation | Where Do I Put My City | Guide to Exodus | Exodus VS Tenaril
Terraforming | Magical 7 Food Mountain | Rules for Terraforming
 (GM Rikoo)

Resource Upkeep at Lvl 20
Building Wood Clay Iron Stone
Archers' Field 2700   1100  
Assassins' Abode     3100 1900
Cavalry Parade Ground 1100 2700    
Foreign Office   400 800 1600
Geomancers' Retreat 700 2300   1500
Infantry Quarters     1100 2700
Runemasters' Grounding   900   1700
Saboteurs' Sanctuary 2700 1500    
Scouts' Lookout 700 1500    
Spearmen's Billets   2700 1100  
Spies Hideout 700 1100   1100
Thieves' Den 1700 1100 1700  
Trade Office 2800 690   1580
Chancery of Estates 800 3200   1600


Highest Population Buildings:

Blacksmith - 1497
Book Binder - 1497
Carpentry - 1497
Common Ground - 1497
Consulate - 1497
Fletcher - 1497
Forge - 1497
Foundry - 1497
Kiln - 1497
Mage Tower - 1497
Paddock - 1497
Saddle Maker - 1497
Siege Workshop - 1497
Spearmaker - 1497
Stonemason - 1497
Tannery - 1497
Tavern - 1497
Archers Field - 1796
Calvary Parade Grounds - 1796
Trade Office - 2000


**Some harvesting requires not just a building but extra research 

Collectable Items
Image Description Gathered By

Abandoned Lumberyard

Abandoned Iron Mine  Caravans

Abandoned Quarry

Abandoned Clay Pit  Caravans
Abandoned Mill  Caravans
Abandoned Goldmine  Caravans
Animal Parts  Skinners  
Elemental Salts  Skinners 
Rare Herbs  Herbalists
Rare Minerals  Miners      

Skyfallen Stones

Grapes  Cotters
Herbs  Cotters
Minerals  Cotters
Hides  Cotters
Equipment  Cotters
Grapes and Rare Herbs are over harvestable and will not re-spawn on the same square. Scout first.

Crafting recipes supplies

to search for item use

to search for an items recipe:



Sovereignty allows for a player to claim the tiles surrounding their city, and build on them structures which will increase the production of resources and craftables for the city (determined by the type of building placed and the sovereignty bonus present on the claimed tile). Currently, 50 sov tiles may be claimed per city, though only 20 buildings can be present at once. Each sov tile claim will require an hourly gold upkeep (determined by the distance from the city, and the level of the sov claim); additionally, most sov buildings have their own hourly res upkeep. Due to the upkeep, sovereignty is only recommended for cities with higher levels of populations that can easier maintain these costs.

Sov Claim Times

Level I 24hrs
Level II 48hrs
Level III 72hrs
Level IV 96hrs
Level V 120hrs


Sov Res Costs

in Wood, Clay, Iron & Stone per Hour

Production Level I 150
Production Level II 300
Production Level III 600
Production Level IV 1200
Production Level V 2400


Farmsteads, Fisheries, Earthworks, Logging Camps, Gravel Pits, and Mineshafts do not require an hourly res upkeep to maintain at any level, though they still cost gold based on the sov level claimed. These sov buildings are the ones which increase your basic res productions (food, wood, clay, iron, and stone).

Terrain Types and Sovereignty Bonuses are: 

Terrain Type                            - Structure                               - Production Bonus 

Rocky outcrop                            - Farrier                            - Horses +3% per lvl
Fertile ground                             - Farrier                           - Horses +1% per lvl
Bountiful land                             - Cattle Rancher             - Cattle +3% per lvl
Alluvial plain                               - Cattle Rancher             - Cattle +1% per lvl
Abundant crops                         - Brewer's Yard               - Beer +3% per lvl
Treacherous mountains          - Brewer's Yard               - Beer +2% per lvl
Fertile orchard                            - Brewer's Yard               - Beer +1% per lvl
Rich Clay Seam                         - Papermill                      - Books +3% per lvl
Abundant Clay                            - Papermill                      - Books +2% per lvl
Wooded land                              - Poleturner                     - Spears +3% per lvl
Light woods                                - Poleturner                     - Spears +1% per lvl
Sharp crags                                - Bladesmith                   - Swords +3% per lvl
Mountains                                   - Bladesmith                   - Swords +1% per lvl
Thick Forest                                - Bowyer                           - Bows +3% per lvl
Forested hilltop                          - Bowyer                           - Bows +1% per lvl
Turned Clay                                - Bridlemaker                  - Saddles +2% per lvl
Heavy Clay Seam                      - Bridlemaker                  - Saddles +1% per lvl
Clay seam                                   - Renderer                      - Leather Armour +3%
Exposed Clay                              - Renderer                      - Leather Armour +1%
Craggy peaks                             - Armourer                       - Chainmail +3% per lvl
Stony ground                               - Armourer                      - Chainmail +1% per lvl
Abundant Quarry                         - Plate Forger                 - Plate Armour +3%
Lonely peaks                               - Plate Forger                 - Plate Armour +1%
Bleak mountains                        - Finishing School         - Diplomats +2% per lvl
Scrubland                                    - Finishing School         - Diplomats +1% per lvl
Wooded Glade                           - Training Ground           - Spearmen +2% per lvl
Tundra                                         - Training Ground           - Spearmen +1% per lvl
Dense Forest                             - Target Range                - Archers +2% per lvl
Clearing                                      - Target Range                - Archers +1% per lvl
Moor                                              - Military Academy          - Swordsmen +1% per lvl
Rich quarry                                  - Military Academy          - Swordsmen +2% per lvl
Fertile pasture                            - Jousting Yard                - Cavalry +2% per lvl
Open Plains                                - Jousting Yard                - Cavalry +1% per lvl
Landslip                                      - Assembly Yard              - Seige Engines +2%
Wooded Quarry                          - Assembly Yard              - Seige Engines +1%



Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -50 20 40 5
Large Forest -15 5 30 -20
Large Hill -15 0 10 10
Large Mountain -30 0 15 15
Plains 30 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 0 0 0
Small Mountain -20 0 5 10


Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -45 25 30 15
Large Forest -15 5 25 -20
Large Hill -10 10 5 15
Large Mountain -30 20 5 30
Plains 25 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 5 5 5
Small Mountain -15 15 5 15

Elite Troop Formation

With the research in the Military tree you can have up to 5 commanders alive per town (no limit on dead/retire ones).

Since we are all about attack power, T2 commanders are a must as they have the highest attack output. My hunting armies attack output comes mostly from the commanders (~90% of the total attack power), so we'll be focusing on them first.

When you kill NPCs or other player troops, your commanders earn experience points. The calculation is rather simple: each troop have a experience value attached to it, you multiply that by the number you killed and you got the total experience earnt. You then devide that by the number of commanders, and you'll get the experience each commander earnt. You can then assign those points to different traits in the commander page.



Let's start by mentioning the most important bonus for attack: Heroism. Each level your commander has, will add the attack of the troop he is based on 6 times.

Commander attack multiplier with 10 heroism:

(10 x 6) + 1 = 61

61 times the base attack. In the case of Human T2 cavalry , the attack is:

65 x 61 = 3,965

To activate the full power of heroism, you need at least the same power in troops in your army, so you'll need 61 knigts or 108 charioteers (3965/37= 107.1, the 37 is the base attack power of charioteers ).

You are free to distribute these troops along the different divisions of your army, but do not break the Elite bonus for your division. Also at least 1 troop need to be under each commander. I usually do:

5 commanders: 57/1/1/1/1 (57 in first division and 1 in each other)
4 commanders: 58/1/1/1
3 commanders: 59/1/1
2 commanders: 60/1


Division Attack Bonus

For pure attack bonus, the second important commander trait is the Division attack bonus.

Troop Type Division attack bonus
Spears Close Quarter Penetration:
increase the attack of spear commander & troops in the division by 10% (T1 com) or 15% (T2 com)
Infantry Bloodlust:
increase the attack of sword commander & troops in the division by 10% (T1 com) or 15% (T2 com)
Ranged Concentrated Fire:
increase the attack of bow commander & troops in the division by 10% (T1 com) or 15% (T2 com)
Cavalry Charge:
increase the attack of cavalry commander & troops in the division by 10% (T1 com) or 15% (T2 com)


Other Traits

For hunting the other bonuses are purely for convinience.

If you plan on hunting often with the same Army, you can spend some points into Vitality & Accelerated Healing. That will help maintaining the commanders alive, and reduce the chance to have the troops coming back with their dead bodies.

If you hunt a bit far from your town, you can spend some points into Forced March (up to 50% bonus speed for commander and troops in the division).

Be aware that the higher level is your commander, the longer and more expensive it costs to revive it, affecting your capabilities of hunting in case of casualities.



 Elite Divisions

In Illyriad their are 2 types of division: Normal Division and Elite Division. Commanders and troops in Elite division, receive a double bonus from the equipment they are wearing.

In general for hunting you want to have the maximum possible number of Elite Divisions, as that improve greatly the power of our Heroic Commanders.

A division becomes Elite when you put less than the maximum number of same type troop under a commander. Here are the numbers:

Troop Type Max Troop in Division for Elite
Spears 200
Infantry 150
Ranged 100
Cavalry 60



Name Short Explanation
Research infantry everything from Conscription to Elite Guards
cavalry everything from Call to arms to Elite Squadron
Troop type cavalry for plains and small hills
infantry for every other terrains
Commander T2 infantry or T2 cavalry to match troops, and all commanders same type
Com points 10 points in Heroism
Army set up 5 divisions, 5 commanders, 61 T2 troops (57/1/1/1/1)
Gear Terrain gear on commanders only (cheap and works well)


Attack score calculation

5 commanders: (5 x 20122.375) + 5749.25 = 106,361.125 (94.5% from com)
4 commanders: (4 x 20122.375) + 5749.25 = 86,238.75 (93.3% from com)
3 commanders: (3 x 20122.375) + 5749.25 = 61,116.375 (91.3% from com)
2 commanders: (2 x 20122.375) + 5749.25 = 45,994 (87.5% from com)



The troops in a division are considered elite if:

1. The troops match in type (infantry, ranged, spear, cavalry). t1 and t2 can be mixed.
2. The elite research for that unit type is complete, and Military Outfitter is researched.
3. The division is equal in size or smaller to the listed size in the research (150 swords, 60 cavalry, 100 bows, 200 spears).
4. The division has a commander. To get the troop bonus, the commander does not need to match the troops (see below).

Under these conditions, all equipment penalties and bonuses are doubled for troops in that division. When you have a properly built elite division, it will get a gold star next to the move speed. If you equip the troops, you will also get a gold shield next to the star, indicating double penalties and bonuses.

If one wishes the commander to receive double bonuses--usually desirable--then the commander's base type must also match the troop type in their division. A properly assigned elite commander will have a gold star next to their name. However, no gold shield appears when they are equipped, even though the bonuses and penalties are doubled.


Each terrain type bestows benefits or penalties on the various types of units fighting on them. These tables will show you which terrain types are favorable for your unit makeup.

 Attack % Modifiers

Terrain Type





Buildings  -50 20 40 5
Large Forests  -15 5 30 -20
Large Hills  -15 0 10 10
Large Mountains    -30 0 15 15
Plains   30 -15 0 0
Small Forests  -10 10 30 -10
Small Hills    0 0 0 0
Small Mountains  -20 0 5 10


Defend % Modifiers

Terrain Type





Buildings  -45 25 30 15
Large Forests  -15 5 25 -20
Large Hills  -10 10 5 15
Large Mountains    -30 20 5 30
Plains   25 -15 0 0
Small Forests  -10 10 30 -10
Small Hills   0 5 5 5
Small Mountains   -15 15 5 15 

Scout Units

Scouts are able to determine how many units and of what types are present in any given location, whether that be an enemy city's army, an occupation force, a group of NPCs or even what type of minerals are inside a mine. T1 scouts are limited to only reporting on what is currently present; T2 scouts can determine an enemy city's deployment of units as well. Knowing the type and concentration of units garrisoned inside an enemy city can be a decisive advantage, and knowing that an enemy's armies are currently out on maneuvers can allow you to take the initiative and attack while a city is largely defenseless.







Dwarf Sentry 14 14 17
Watcher 18 33 31
Elf Tracker 22 18 20
Outrider 30 40 36
Human Scout 17 15 17
Ranger 22 34 28
Orc Hunter 18 15 17
Stalker 20 36 30










Spear Units

Spear units are the first available to build by all players. Their primary use is often city defense as they lack a great deal of terrain bonuses to attack or defense, though they can be used en-masse to swarm an enemy since they are the cheapset military unit in gold upkeep. Orcs have elite spear units, which have lower material requirements to build in exchange for requiring beer in their build recipe. Spearmen are a natural counter to enemy cavalry and are weak to enemy infantry.











Dwarf Yeomen 10 7 12 4 13 13 22
Halbardiers 8 16 17 13 17 29 16
Elf Protectors 11 6 11 4 10 13 18
Phalanxes 9 15 15 10 15 30 10
Human Militiamen 10 7 11 4 11 13 20
Pikemen 8 16 17 11 17 29 12
Orc Kobold Cohorts 10 9 12 6 12 13 25
Clan Guardsmen 8 19 18 11 18 33 18











Infantry Units

Infantry units have rather even defensive stats and are suberb at attacking on forested terrain, as well as being decent at attacking mountainous. Their massive bonuse for fighting within buildings should also be kept in mind when selecting locations for new citites; if your city is directly adjacent to a structure you'll have an uphill battle trying to defeat a siege force station on a building tile with infantry support. Dwarves have elite infantry units - they're the fastest and strongest of the various races' infantries. Like all elite units they have lowered material costs to train in exchange for requiring beer instead. Infantry are a natural counter to enemy archers and to a slightly lesser extent infantry, while being weak only to other infantry units.











Dwarf Axmen 11 27 14 11 17 14 70
Stalwarts 8 45 20 18 21 17 70
Elf Wardens 7 21 14 12 14 14 55
Wardancers 10 33 19 19 20 20 65
Human Swordsmen 8 22 13 10 15 14 48
Men-at-Arms 6 35 20 18 21 19 55
Orc Fangs 8 22 14 11 15 14 40
Fists 6 36 18 17 18 19 60











Ranged Units

Ranged units have rather even defensive bonuses except for a weakness to cavalry. They are adept at defending or attacking cities settled on hills in the mountains due to their sizable bonuses on those terrain types. Elves have elite archers - they're without a doubt the best ranged units the varying races have to offer and, like all elite units, have lowered material costs in crafting in exchange for requiring beer instead. Ranged are not a counter to any other unit type, but they are weak to enemy cavalry.











Dwarf Slingers 11 15 21 22 20 13 35
Crossbowmen 9 26 23 21 30 21 35
Elf Sentinels 13 20 23 24 23 16 25
Elven Trueshot 10 32 36 36 34 25 30
Human Archers 9 16 21 22 20 13 20
Longbowmen 11 24 33 32 32 20 27
Orc Clanguards 11 17 19 21 20 12 32
Death Dealers 9 23 31 30 30 20 27











Cavalry Units

Cavalry units are naturally the fastest attacking unit by far and find themselves at home on the plains, since that's the only terrain type upon which they gain any bonuses. They can also be used effectively on small hills as they gain no bonuses or penalties on them. Cavalry also have the higest damage values of all unit types but also take the longest to train. Humans have the best all-around cavalry units, though not by as significant margins as the other races' specalized unit types. Like the other elite units, human cavalry has reduced resource requirements in training in exchange for requiring beer to produce. Cavalry are a natural counter to enemy archers but are weak to enemy spearmen; their primary advantage is their speed.











Dwarf Packsmen 15 32 15 15 10 23 95
Runeriders 11 57 21 20 26 29 95
Elf Swiftsteeds 20 36 13 13 20 21 130
Marshals 17 59 19 18 27 28 92
Human Charioteers 18 37 15 16 20 21 150
Knights 12 65 20 19 28 28 100
Orc Wolfriders 17 34 14 14 20 24 115
Death Packs 12 59 21 19 28 29 85











Siege Units

Siege units are used solely for besieging a city, as their name implies. The T1 variety destroy enemy walls, while the T2 variety rain down destruction on the city's buildings, lowering its population and making it ready for your sieging force to either capture or raze the city. Dwarves have the most accurate siege units and the fastest T2 siege unit compared to the other races, though they are not counted as elite units and therefore are no easier to create than the other races' siege units.






Dwarf Battery-Towers 4 8%
Ballistas 4 35%
Elf Siege Hooks 5 5%
Mangonels 3 31%
Human Battering Rams 4 6%
Catapults 3 34%
Orc Tortoises 4 7%
Trebuchets 3 33%











 Rune Spells

Each line of runes in this school has a specific purpose. Each also has a 22hr shared cooldown after activation before being able to be recast. The Slaying line kills units entering your city indescriminately, with the exception of spies and scouts. The Seeking line boasts more charges than the Slaying line but is limited to diplomatic units and requires you to specify the unit type against which it will act (scouts and spies can be targeted by this ability).

[School] Name

Magic Tower Level

Kills (# of Units)

[Slaying] Mark of Slaying 3 5
[Slaying] Death Rune 7 20
[Slaying] Killing Glyph 11 75
[Slaying] Ward of Destruction 15 250
[Seeking] Mark of Seeking 2 12
[Seeking] Seeking Rune 6 40
[Seeking] Seeking Glyph 10 130
[Seeking] Ward of Intentions 14 400









Thief Units

As in most cases in this game, T1 units typically have better defensive stats while T2 units better offensive stats per unit of gold upkeep per hour. T1 thieves are only able to steal basic resources, but T2 thieves can also steal gold, and T2 gear. As with all diplomatic units, T1 thieves are best left at home defending you from hostile thieves, while T2 units sent en-masse to an enemy can deprive them of the basic resources to keep growing their city as well as gold to support their troops and weapons with which to create new ones.









Dwarf Footpad 18 20 57 14 57
Halfling 39 36 60 16 60
Elf Rogue 14 17 50 19 50
Dark Elf 31 29 54 25 54
Human Burglar 15 16 59 15 56
Master Thief 38 30 64 22 64
Orc Goblin Cutpurse 14 18 71 17 71
Plunderer 34 28 76 20 76











Spy Units

Spies are used to determine the current structures in a city, as well as any resources in the city. T2 spies can also report on any building construction or research being conducted in those cities. Combined with Saboteur units you can cause costly damage to an enemy city's growth by interfering with its building construction, as well set it back technologicallly by extending a lengthy research project a great deal past its expected finish date.







Dwarf Observer 16 15 17
Keeper of Secrets 19 36 30
Elf Waysman 21 14 17
Farseer 28 32 32
Human Agent 17 17 21
Spymaster 23 39 37
Orc Goblin Spy 18 15 17
Listener In The Dark 21 36 27











Saboteur Units

Working alongside spy units, saboteurs are able to disrupt a city's construction queue. T1 saboteurs can sabotage a single construction task in the queue, while T2 saboteurs have a chance to sabotage a second, as well as delay an ongoing research by up to twice the original time required.







Dwarf Sapper 13 16 17
Underminer 19 36 34
Elf Elven Pruner 17 14 17
Dark Elf Saboteur 25 34 32
Human Saboteur 15 15 17
Agent Provocateur 22 35 29
Orc Goblin Saboteur 16 17 20
Arsonist 19 40 35











Assassin Units

Assassin units are able to silently kill enemy commanders within their cities or occupation armies. T1 assassins are only able to target a single commander per mission; T2 assassins do more damage and have a chance of assassinating two commanders in a single mission. A leaderless army will be much easier to destroy than one with a highly skilled commander that buffs its division's damage and defense, as well as removing a highly damaging unit from the army with little risk to yourself if the enemy lacks defense against assassins.







Dwarf Executioner 14 14 17
Deeper Dweller 18 33 31
Elf Willowblades 18 15 17
Night Shade 24 34 30
Human Cutthroat 16 18 18
Assassin 22 39 35
Orc Poisoner 17 15 17
Iqadron Acolyte 19 36 30










