House Fenring
Trivia Tuesday:
21:00 Server Time For Daylight Savings
January Standings, Week 1
Name | Points | Bonus | |
1 | Artefore | 5 | 1 |
2 | Greymarch | 4 | 2 |
3 | Remy | 3 | 2 |
4 | Elfses | 2 | 2 |
5 | KatyKat | 2 | 1 |
6 | Mwahahaha | 1 | 3 |
7 | Tucic | 1 | 2 |
8 | Tucic | 1 | 0 |
9 | Galena Pyrite | 0 | 1 |
Trivia will occur Tuesdays at 21:00 server time for the duration of Daylight Savings Time. The first correct answer to each question will be awarded 3 prestige. The second correct answer will be awarded a 2 prestige bonus. After three correct answers, a player caps. Please refrain from answering after you cap. The contest concludes when 1st, 2nd and 3rd places have been capped.
The three contestants with the most correct answers over the course of each month will be receive additional prestige and medals. For the purpose of monthly rankings, a 1st place finish will be credited 2 extra points, and 2nd place finish will be credited 1 extra point. Bonus points will be used as a tie-breaker where applicable. We thank GM Duran and the Band of Devs for their kind support.
Spelling counts for answers 5 letters or less, but the host has final say if an answer is too misspelled to count. A player's answer is their first statement after the question is given. A spelling correction may be issued, but the answer cannot be changed. The host reserves the right to request further clarification or give hints if it appears the contestants are on the wrong track. In these cases all answers will be considered reset and contestants may answer again. Answering between category announcement and the question is permitted and correct answers will be recognized - but players do so at risk of wasting their answer on a wild guess if timed poorly.
All information used for the purpose of trivia is somewhat vetted and published in good faith for entertainment purposes only. House Fenring does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information. Contestants who feel they have a meaningful case for their answer, may request reconsideration.
Contest is open to all current residents of the planet Illyriad with the ability to chat in GC. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited.
Many thanks to regulars for their assistance and encouragement as we attempt to continue the legacy of GM Cerberus by keeping trivia a part of this community.
Chief Minister's Log
3 December 10199 AG
The advance of winter finds The Pirate Kings achieving an honorable fourth place in the most recent tournament, with Roads, SkB and SMA finishing ahead of us in that order, while also a fending off a strong challenge from an alliance for which it is yet to be determined if they are Harmless.
Between the last few tournments, the interim months have been anything but uneventful with a number of important milestones achieved: Namely, the establishment of our tenth settlement, Elrood, named in memoriam of the old emperor; the eleventh, Jacurutu, named for an apocryphal Fremen sietch; and the twelfth, Lampadas, named for the home planet of the most prestigious Mentat academy in our home galaxy.
Crossing the threshold past ten settlements has in turn resulted in House Fenring receiving the medallion for Veteran Pirate, which the Count has ordered to be displayed at all times outside of trivia competition. It is our honor to have a berth in Yarr-Kelts, the premier alliance on the planet Illyriad.
3 September 10199 AG
The Pirate Kings have secured an admirable second place finish in the autumnal tournament. While our contribution consisted of mostly defensive maneuvers, it was stirring to see bands of Keltic warriors flying the Jolly Roger and taking the fight to our competition. In regards to the name change of our Flotilla, the Count has given his endorsement as he feels it emphasizes the more regal and sovereign qualities of our union.
4 June 10199 AG
This season has seen a return to form on numerous levels. The Legendary Pirate Hordes, our ranks bolstered with battle-ready Kelts, secured a second place finish in the Summer tournament following a showdown with third place Fairy Road Authority. Skeleton Boar maintained a commanding lead throughout for a winning performance.
It was in the midst of tournament fray, when an event of planetary importance took place. Duran Shadowfist, respected leader of The Forest dwellers, abruptly retired from this world. Rumors circulated that this was not the end, and lo - we return to find a newly ascended Global Master Duran, taking his place among the Kwisatz Haderach in the Band of Devs.
Of more parochial concern, our Mentat has resumed hosting regular trivia contests. It is my understanding that there are some changes afoot which may remedy the Mentat's sole regret as host: That heretofore the rewards of trivia could not be shared more broadly across the pool of contestants.
20 April 10199 AG
Some weeks ago I was alerted to a wolf running loose in the flagship's galley. My first thought was perhaps he's seeking refuge from a mischevious species of monkey which is known to inhabit these lands. However, it was not long after I greeted the fellow, when I realized his coat bore the full five pips of a High Captain, and this was no simple leadership change.
The wolf had brought with him a sizable fleet of warriors in their currachs to co-mingle with the flotilla. As fierce and noble fighters of an ancient tradition, the Keltae standing beside The Legendary Pirate Horde shall surely be a formidable force on land and sea.
28 March 10199 AG
Our archivists have discovered a second part to the Villeneuve documentary concerning the Arrakis affair, and again the Count's personage was not represented. However the Lady Margot was seemingly included and it is most unfortunate that Monsieur Villeneuve chose to focus on the more salacious aspects of the Lady's mission on that planet. While the film may serve as an introduction to this period in galactic history, I must refer any curious parties to the original source material.
10 March 10199 AG
Pressing matters on 21st Century Earth have consumed my attentions and that of our Mentat to the point where no trivia contests and naught but the most basic functions were carried out. Lacking clear direction, even our steadfast steward Mister Kotter departed this realm. Cheers to all as we attempt to regain our footing and build the momentum to establish our 10th settlement.
1 June 10198 AG
We look up from the fray of tournament to note that Summer has arrived on Illyriad. The champions Fairy Road Authority and their runners up in SkB and eCrow maintained a sizeable lead throughout the contest. We found pride nonetheless in The Legenday Pirate Hordes run for fourth, harrying our rivals and carrying the banner in our local provinces.
Our Mentat has been thoroughly excoriated for shirking the sacred duty of trivia. His earthbound obligations are however inextricably linked with our supply of Prestige Melange and we thank all participants for their understanding on those occasions when our mentat cannot hyper-jump to Illyriad at the appropriate time.
3 March 10198 AG
The conclusion of Spring Tournament finds no medals conferred upon the Legendary Pirate Horde, in whom there is never a lack of valor or satiety in victory. Our house recognizes the champions, Shraps Memorial Academy, along with their runners up in the Fairy Road Authority and Skeleton Boar, who eclipsed the Flotilla for Bronze in the early weeks. While success is always the preferred outcome, the Count has expressed nothing but pride for consistently strong Pirate performances in all seasons, and pledges the redoublement of our efforts towards this end.
I would also like to make a note of thanks to Zorastrian for hosting an enjoyable round of trivia this past Tuesday. Our mercurial mentat only had a few moments to check in or he otherwise would have gladly partaken in the contest.
25 January 10198 AG
I offer warm New Year's greetings to all Legendary Pirates, Corsairs, friendly sovereigns, mercantile associates, trivia participants, bonus scroungers and whomever else may find themselves on Illyriad. As we plod along the unremitting road to ten settlements, it has been a great joy to host these weekly trivia contests in association with Ranger. In our home galaxy it is well established that mentats need two things to truly thrive: factual information and prestige melange.
Our attentions now turn to the upcoming Spring tournament, though our forces have not been completely hibernatory over this season. A number of battle groups were committed to a campaign dispensing swift and certain justice for thefts commited against the Pirate flotilla. Our Bene Gesserit diplomatic corps also acquit themselves admirably by foiling a wily plot to discern our battle plans.
13 December 10197 AG
It is not for lack of excitement that I have neglected to update this journal. The Legendary Pirate Hordes achieved an admirable third in the Winter Tournament, though the Count has admonished our Sardaukar forces for a performance in our local provinces that can only be considered sub-pyrrhic. While managing to land a few blows worthy of publishing in the Daily Herald, they have been tasked with upgrading their tactics to secure the necessary territory in the next contest.
There has also been a flurry of activity amongst Spacing Guild trade representatives, of whom two have been dispatched to hubs at Rainswinton and Gordarill to serve the local pirate communities and other soveriegns nearby. The Guildsmen have expressed their gratitude for the nascent network of trading partners who have assisted the growth of this venture.
4 September 10197 AG
In the closing weeks of the autumn tournament, our mentat kept recalling the 20th century Earth mystic, Yogi Berra, who said - "It ain't over til it's over."
The competition saw intense jockeying for position beneath the eventually insurmountable Shrapnels. The Northern Ascension made a meteoric push for second, and we found ourselves edged out for third by the Fairy Road Authority, who seem quite well armed for a public works agency. Regardless of the outcome, the Count is pleased our forces have regular opportunities to conduct maneuvers and gain vital tactical experience.
For the time being our focus returns to the unyielding "push for ten," and the weekly spectacle of trivia. Our mentat arrived too late last week to propertly compete, but he was most pleased to see that Zorastrian hosted a successful and entertaining round.
26 July 10197 AG
The sweltering summers of the mid-lattitudes on Illyriad are thankfully nothing compared to Arrakis. Thus we find ourselves savoring the languid pace of life, and simple pleasures like going outside without a full stillsuit. Of course for the Sardaukar there is no rest and no clime that can slow them down, having their sights already set on the fall tournament.
Our mentat has returned to trivia competition, with most sincere thanks to Ranger, Zorastrian and Kojak for their skillful hosting over these last few weeks. While I do not know precisely what plans exist for trivia, if any, there seems to be a sustainable format and ample interest for these competitions to continue.
10 May 10197 AG
With competition in full swing, I am glad to see the Legendary Pirate Hordes sailing with the wind at our backs. On a planet full of fierce competitors, it is most instructive to stand both beside and against such titans in combat.
Much the same can be said for the trivia leagues, which granted have far fewer casualties, but are no less hard-fought. To signify his role as questioner, our mentat was permitted to fly the blue champions pennant which was given to us by Master Cerberus. Though pleased to officiate the contests, our Mentat is also looking forward to re-entering the fray as Ranger will be hosting the next event.
21 April 10197 AG
While The Pirate Hordes are certainly noteworthy, perhaps even renowned; It was not until the recent merger with fabled fighters from the south that we can count ourselves among the Legendary. It will be our honor to stand together beneath a single banner as The Legendary Pirate Hordes.
A spirit of conviviality and good will also extends to the main comms channel, as thus far the tradition of Trivia Tuesday remains intact. Thanks to friendly group of participants and certain kind patrons, contests with the requisite vigor and stakes can continue.
7 April 10197 AG
As the history of this planet unfolds before us, my only charge is to observe and document it from the perspective of our House. It was with much shock and sadness that we learned the Global Master Cerberus, three headed canine deity of art, decorum and trivia, has retired from active involvement on this world.
In throes of bereavement, our Mentat requisitioned a quantity of Prestige Melange with which to underwrite an impromptu trivia contest, conducted in the spirit, if not the scale, of the tradition left to us by Master Cerberus.
Despite the period of mourning declared throughout our fief, I am heartened by the landing of our pioneers at Cirni, who have rapidly developed the settlement into a small village. This initiates the last leg of a "push for ten" which we have been preparing since our arrival.
23 March 10197 AG
The ensuing months have been rife with activity. The Pirate Hordes achieved an admirable third in the Spring Tournament, with our own surge for second held off by the battle-hardened Skeleton Boar. Shrap would be most proud, as his Memorial Academy achieved a decisive overall victory.
It was intriguing to see that House Atreides maintains a presence on this planet in the form of a Bunch. We encountered their forces in the contest for Huronire province. While unable to dislodge their position, our forces carried out numerous effective sorties in Elgea and within the Land Claim.
Our Mentat's trivia performance had been so steady as to almost be unremarkable, until of course an ancient Earth timekeeping quirk upended his scheduling. While attempting to explain global variances in observing and implementing Daylight Savings time, the Count coldly remarked, "It's the Mentat's job to learn things before trivia."
Finally, it bears mentioning that Jejune, High-King of the Elf-Kind, was admitted to the "Band of Devs," whom we suspect to be fully realized Kwisatz Haderach wielding untold power over the fabric of this planet. We hope and expect this will be a great boon to all who call Illyriad home.
4 January 10197 AG
Happy New Year to all, Pirate Hordes and Sovereigns throughout the planet Illyriad. We celebrated the holidays with the founding of our eighth settlement, Rugi. While quite pleased to have reached this number, the Count said that he would be estatic were we to add just two more in the coming year, which would represent an even more herculean task.
"In for a penny, in for a pound" our Mentat explained when suggesting that our House participate in a hunting and trading tournament this month among the Pirates and Corsairs. The Sardaukar were very supportive as they have been requesting the manpower and diplomatic support to tackle larger numbers and more challenging creatures. The Spacing Guild is pleased with their output, but there are more specimens being generated than they know what to do with.
Despite the festive clime, it was with some hesitation that I informed the Count his personage did not appear in the 2021 film documentary of the Dune incident. I however assured him our archivists are searching for the second part to be absolutely certain. To my relief he said it was just as well, for he did not seek renown for his part in the affair, which will be left to serious students of galactic history, and/or those who persisted through the SyFy adapatation.
2 December 10196 AG
The winds have turned cold, but a large golden snowflake falls upon The Pirate Hordes, taking first place in the latest seasonal tournament. While a house of our sophomoric stature by no means led the charge, our forces were proud to carry the standard at certain times and places. Congratulations to Skeleton Boar, coming in second and fending off a late surge from bronze-winning Dwarven In-Law.
In the trivia leagues, our Mentat had enjoyed a series of solid appearances until the most recent event. After a rather precocious start, he took a call over a mobile subspace device (more Earth moonlighting, the Count surmises) and disappeared for the remainder of the round. His only solace was in seeing that Pirates had captured the First and Final positions, since what occured between will remain lost to time.
7 November 10196 AG
The next seasonal Tournament is upon us as surely as the leaves turn red, orange and gold at this time of year. The Bitter Sea is choppy, but brisk northerlies have made for fine sailing nonetheless. We look forward to vigorous competiton and bid a fair Autumn wind behind all Pirate vessels, wherever they lead.
It has also come to my attention that another feature length film chronicling the usurper Paul Atreides rise to power was released in early 21st Century Earth. While I have yet to see it myself, I look forward this adaptation of the original prescient-history work by Frank Herbert. For someone writing thousands of years before the events in question, he captured many important nuances regarding this tumultuous period in galactic history.
22 September 10196 AG
We pause to celebrate one year since our arrival on the planet Illyriad, and display proudly a bronze medal received from King Sigurd to mark the occasion. The similaries between this world and our home galaxy never fail to impress me: light speed communications coupled with low speed weaponry, highly developed systems of magic, various factions vying for influence, and of course a secret coin of the realm in the form of Prestige Melange.
As the Princess Irulan wrote in her journals, "A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct." Truly this is a world which rewards wise choices from the outset. Whether our own live up to that standard remains to be seen, but over the course of this year and under the aegis of The Pirate Hordes our house has flourished.
1 September 10196 AG
The Count extends felicitations to all Pirate clans for a spirited second place performance in the autumn tournament, and tip our tri-cornered hats to this season's champions from the Illyriad Training Ground. Fresh off sabbatical and with an impressive teacher to student ratio, they unquestioningly managed to stand and deliver.
Thankfully our mentat has not neglected his own academic pursuits with a fine showing in this week's trivia leagues. It being a "super" trivia round with doubled rewards, the day was most gainful.
While I am aware that this "Band of Devs" is in control of considerable reserves of Spice Melange - such that they can throw around the equivalent of scraps like pocket change on trivia contests - I noticed one of their order being addressed in an almost god-like manner by various participants, with supplications to restore wealth, provide them with information about or even seemingly bend the very fabric of this world itself.
I do not know if these are idle requests built around superstition, or if perhaps this Band of Devs are Kwisatz Haderach... Whatever the case may be, these are beings with considerable power, and also, if the legends are true, mammoths.
30 July 10196 AG
We received news this afternoon that the siege of Goston was successful, marking an end to the Elgean Conflict. The city has been annexed, bringing our fief to seven settlements and environs.
While unable to claim our forces played a decisive role in the campaign, the Count was pleased to have seen redress for unprovoked aggression against a nearby Pirate. The Bashars have been ordered to study certain battle reports and tactical formations to increase our effectiveness in House to House warfare.
20 July 10196 AG
Despite a fine showing in this week's trivia leagues, our Mentat was roundly castigated by the Count upon completion of his assignment. For whatever reason, the Mentat has a terrible habit of fumbling answers concerning the earth-nation of New Zealand. In a pique of hubris, he attempted to make a case for his wrong answer, an utterance rather unbecoming of our House.
Upon reading the report, the Count dressed down the headstrong Mentat: "Would you talk like that in front of Shaddam? Would you have this House look like Spice-scroungers quibbling over trifles?" The only thing which spared the Mentat his position was admitting of his own accord the mistake, and resolving to maintain decorum at the highest level.
15 June 10196 AG
It is no surprise the clouds of war would appear over our lands, as a previous posting on the planet Arrakis saw a landscape as rife with intrigue as it was desolate in climate. We remain vigiliant and stand with The Pirate Hordes in defense of citizenry and territory.
This time is not without levity however, as numerous pirates made strong showings in the trivia leagues. The rostrum was full of eye patches, peg legs and large mugs of rum. Our Mentat among them, regained the good graces of Count Fenring for replenishing our coffers with the Spice Melange required for our endeavors.
1 June 10196 AG
A gleaming sun shines brightly over The Pirate Hordes, whose good fortune is only eclipsed by skill on the battlefield, having claimed victory in the Summer Tournament. We were honored to fight alongside more established crews and fierce competitors from The Broken Lands, in addition to the provinces surrounding our original Elgean fief.
On the advice of the Count, Mister Kotter has enlisted with the Corsairs of the Broken Lands to begin his education in the fundamentals of Illyrian piracy along with his naturalistic pursuits. A humble gatherer at heart, he has been admonished by our Mentat that he joins at a time of conflict with some manner of Warlocks, seemingly a twisted sect of Bene Gesserit, and should remain prepared.
Finally, we congratulate numerous trivia winning Pirates for carrying the day. Our Mentat returned from the Barbershop with barely enough time to correctly identify the capital of Denmark before the contest's Spice-purse was expended. The well-coiffed Mentat pleaded with the Count to not use this particular performance as a litmus test on his ability to hold down the trivia fort, and for now will retain his position.
23 May 10196 AG
It was with great joy that we learned our House had attained to the rank for Gunner within The Pirate Hordes. I believe the distinction rests on our trading activities, which have been robust for sure. However to the question of guns or butter, the Count has always boldly declared, "I choose both!"
To that end, our Mentat has been sent back into the Spice mines to replenish our stores with trivia winnings. The size and determination seen in many of the tournament entrants is a stark reminder of the work ahead for a House Minor such as ours.
5 May 10196 AG
The summer tournament has begun and we convey messages of good play and bon chance to our allies and competitors alike. Our forces stand ready to fight for the honor of The Pirate Hordes and House Fenring.
Following the departure of the pioneer Mister Show, I have been tasked with developing a mutually beneficial relationship with one Mister Kotter to make better use of the abundant natural resources surrounding our territories.
I am also most pleased to announce that our Mentat has received the accolade of "Trivia Champion" for his recent performances. While the Count remains concerned that his most shrewd advisor may be moonlighting with some form of employment on Earth, the influx of Spice Melange speaks for itself and our Mentat will be left to his own devices.
11 April 10196 AG
There was much rejoicing across our lands as the village Menocu was chosen to receive a vast portion of resources from amongst the Pirate clans, along with a generous gift of Spice Melange from a certain House Fitzgerald to help us make use of such bounty.
Resource Fleets from the East were spotted rounding the Horn of Huronire at dawn. Caravans of unimaginable length began to filter in from the more densely populated Pirate holdings in the south. After numerous rounds of spice fueled speeding and building, Menocu's growth has shifted our House's center of gravity towards the Broken Lands.
2 April 10196 AG
Negotiations to acquire the second of Mister Show's settlements were completed earlier today, and New Freeland officially became Josifa this afternoon. This small village is destined for The Pirate Isles and greater purpose as our bastion in the Land Claim, and gateway to points further South.
Mister Show himself had hoped to remain on this world and continue his efforts at improving the natural resource value of various territories, but the terms required by King Sigurd made this task nigh impossible. He proudly retook his rank with the Corsairs of the Broken Lands in solidarity with their free spirited nature, then boarded a Guild Heighliner to points unknown. We wish him well for his diligent service to our House.
18 March 10196 AG
Over the course of the last few weeks, a band of pioneers led by the hardy and hirsuite Mister Show set to work improving certain territories on behalf of our House. The growing hamlet Menocu was annexed earlier today, bringing our holdings on Illyriad to 5 settlements.
Unfortunately some structures were damaged during the extended celebrations leading up to the changing of the guard. We have begun an immediate rebuilding program, and thank Thor, the Great Giver, whose providence will vastly accelerate this process.The Count also thanks the Corsairs of the Broken Lands for providing safe harbor and escort flotilla for Mister Show during his passage across the Bitter Sea.
What will become of Mister Show remains to be seen. He said if all else fails he might move to the Alpha Quadrant and join up with a group known as the Maquis. He also noted that he was quite proficient in the uneven parallel bars and may return to Earth to pursue an Olympic career.
3 March 10196 AG
A period of revelry and merriment has been announced following the conclusion of Tournament Season. The Count congratulates The Pirate Hordes, for a victory we hope some minutes and seconds can be credited to a House of our stature. The Commander Bashars likewise thank all competitors, many of whom we have gladly not encountered outside of a friendly and spirited contest such as this.
During this time, House Fenring was also awarded the Pirate Badge medallion. If I'm not mistaken, the Count holds this merit in even higher affection than the championship sigil, remarking that such an honor rests on the cohort with which we have aligned our fortunes.
4 February 10196 AG
Tournament Season has begun and the Count sends messages of good will, fair skies and favorable terrain to all noble houses of The Pirate Hordes. Sardaukar leadership are mustering our forces into a condition of heightened readiness should they be called into battle.
26 January 10196 AG
Count Fenring issued a decree of hearty congratulations to Sire HornE of House Toad for representing the Pirate Hordes so adroitly in this weeks trivia leagues with a second place finish. Our own Mentat however has been confined to quarters to practice remedial typing skills and refresh his knowledge on the native bird species of New Zealand. His Spice will be rationed until performance improves.
Early 21st Century Earth Politics seems to be a subject of constant fascination on the comms channel. While our Mentat has his own views on this period, he considers most of the discussion moot and recommends the documentary series Star Trek for anyone interested in the next chapter of human history.
Finally, upon seeing medallions designating Slayers of Kerberos, the Count has requested that I affirm:
House Fenring bears no ill-will towards, nor have we ever taken up arms against House Kerberos of the Underworld. Provided their forces do not interfere with our harvesting and encampment zones, we will gladly show Lord Kerberos all courtesy and hospitality.
5 January 10196 AG
Our Mentat has been recalled from his many travels and off-world consultations to participate in the weekly trivia leagues. The Count was growing most impatient as certain Spice expenditures have already been earmarked, including the weekly allotment for the Mentat to increase his strategic awareness, which was going to waste during a period of such revelry.
He arrived late to the competition by indulging in a nap, which he assured the Count was vital to his successful participation. By the time he had even logged into the Global Comms channel, half the Melange was already awarded. Undeterred, and almost blasé in his manner, the Mentat cracked his knuckles and ended the competition with a full share of Melange and a Silver Medal for the previous month's contests.
Stupefied, Count Fenring withheld the verbal barrage that he had been planning on in the Mentat's absence, and instead ordered me to afford him whatever Melange, ales, typing tutors, infotainment videos and bathtub reading he requires to carry out this most peculiar and specialized means of Spice acquisition.
31 December 10195 AG
The Count has issued a celebratory decree to all loyal subjects and comrades, thanking them for their hard work and generosity in helping secure the basic charge of House Fenring over the course of this year: To establish a presence on the planet Illyriad and lay the groundwork for the future growth of our holdings.
Our Mentat, busy with various off-world duties for the holiday season, has been unable to enjoy socializing over the communications feed of late. Through the use of a mobile subspace device he has still managed to coordinate construction and research priorities throughout our fief.
16 December 10195 AG
The Count announced that we will enter into Alliance with The Pirate Hordes. As a newly joined Crewman of their cohort, he has committed our senior advisors to learning the basics of life at sea. I admit, I did not expect him to associate our House with buccaneers and raiders. However they seem quite functional as far as alcoholics go, and the hazing rituals were mostly good natured.
"They protec, they attac, and they know the value of a good Spice rac," our Mentat quipped in summation of his calculus on the matter. He was unable to attend the trivia leagues this week, but he assured me that he has been watching plenty of infotainment videos from the ancient earth web to prepare. He also mentioned working with something called "Mario Teaches Typing," I assume named for a renowned typist.
I fear the effect of the Melange and these rather strong ales from the Broken Lands have heightened his eccentricies, and mine as well for the night, but the mood throughout our fief is joyous and hopeful.
December 8 10195 AG
The influx of Spice Melange has brought additional Prestige to House Fenring, as our Mentat delivered another solid performance in the planetary trivia leagues. Who ever heard of a Mentat bringing in more Spice than they consume? Regardless, the Count has authorized a small quantity of Melange for the rapid upgrade of Bene Gesserit facilites to advance their capabilities in magic and diplomacy.
In addition, the Commander Burseg has been given additional resources to expand his Sardaukar Legions from their initial defense garrisons, and into an effective hunting force. This will give his Bashars experience in the local environment, and also generate samples for the Planetologist to research. He has been most vocal about the need to sustainably harvest the local resources. Lady Margot has assisted this effort by supplying scouting units to ensure our military and harvesting resources are deployed wisely.
The Count continues to contemplate the participation of our fief within the Alliance system, consulting with his highest ranking Sardaukar, the Lady Margot, and even a trade representative from the Spacing Guild. Though he is known to be a most circumspect man, he understands the importance of well-timed and decisive action.
1 December 10195 AG
We have moved our holdings from the initial settlement area so graciously provided by King Sigurd, and into a verdant peninsula that the Count has affectionately named the "Côte d'Azura." The capital, Anirul, named for our emperor's beloved wife, has flourished into a thriving town, but the residents have been advised not to get too comfortable as ultimately the Count wishes our capital moved to a location with more abundant food resources.
Our Mentat has brought great honor to House Fenring by competing in trivia contests held over the main planetary communications feed. His peculiar interests in ancient earth culture and typing proficiency have apparently bourne fruit in the form of "Prestige" awarded to our house. Even more significant however, is that upon testing, Planetologist Kynes has confirmed that this Prestige, is in fact, the Spice Melange.
We have also received gracious offers to participate in Alliances, but I am under orders to defer such arrangments by the Count, who has articulated our current stance as "Unaffiliated, not Isolationist."
22 September 10195 AG
Greetings to you on behalf of Count Hasimir, fief-holder of House Fenring, most humble servant of the esteemed Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV. With great foresight, the Emperor has commissioned our House to explore alternate sources for the Spice Melange and mercantile opportunities for it's acquisition.
Count Hasimir Fenring himself is an accomplished diplomat and fencer, and eager to learn more about the political and military landscape of this realm. His wife, Lady Margot Fenring, is a noted member of the Bene Gesserit order and is actively researching the advanced psycho-somatic powers referred to as "magic" colloquially.
They are joined by the Imperial Planetologist, Pardot Kynes, who is tasked with understanding the ecology of this planet, and it's potential for Spice production. He is also researching the many rare minerals, flora and fauna for which no other sources exist within the boundaries of the Empire.
As the only inhabited world yet found outside the Galactic Imperium, it is Count Hasimir Fenring's great pleasure to make first-contact with it's diverse peoples. Thank you for visiting our planetary capital, and please remember: Spice must flow!