
Brotherhood of Hagan [MERCS]

Founded By:Uthred Founded On:02MAR21 06:34



We are the Brotherhood of Hagane. We area band of cutthroats, mercenaries and assasins. We are not your average noble knight or farmer boys you hire for your regular armies. We are cold blooded killers who care only about lining our pockets with gold, due to honour and glory on the battlefield. We live as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem and you need our help, we will only help you for the right price of course. So the real question you need to answer is: Do you need our services and how much are you willing to pay for it.

If your interested in our services, please contact our guild leader Uthred. He will offer a neat price for some hired divisions



See your alliance's ranking with MERCS and the rest of the Factions in real time! Click here!


About Faction Play

All MERCS members join the Faction with the understanding that they will be playing as an mercenary within Faction Play. As a result, players who join understand that they might be attacked, diplo'ed, and engaged with aggressively by players, alliances, and other Factions as part of Faction Play. Players who are sensitive to aggressive acts are discourged from joining MERCS.

Players who join MERCS should come ready to perform a broad range of actions, and be willing to allow themselves to be influenced -- and sometimes mandated -- by our ranking factors to take action on players and alliances. This same expectation should be held by players and alliances throughout the server. MERCS uses the Faction Play Alliance Ranking System.

Faction Play: The Ranking System

MERCS uses the Faction Play Alliance Ranking System. MERCS' custom algorithmic settings are significantly influenced by some little racial biases that we as soldiers of fortune mantain about every race of beings in the world of fantasy, as well as actions that players and alliances engage in with MERCS and other Factions. 

Players should consult the Faction Play FvA Compendium to learn more about Faction Play and how their actions may impact their alliance's ranking with MERCS.


Recruiting & Joining

All players with the desire to live as a soldier of fortune are welcome to join -- this includes both new players as well as veteran accounts. Players are invited to create an alt account, and high-profile players are welcome to join anonymously. Players entering with an alt are not required to reveal their main.

MERCS is looking for the following player types and roles:

  • Miliary players
  • Crafters
  • Diplomats / metagamers
  • Seasoned veterans

However, MERCs accept all members to participate in some way in their potential contracts

New players are invited and encouraged to join! Interested in joining? Contact Uthred for more information.


FvA Rules


MERCS alliance standing modifiers

The following factors serve as modifiers to alliances' standings with MERCS and therefore considerably influence the manner in which the faction interacts with alliances and their members. The modifer tables for all of these ranking factors are internal to MERCS. Players and alliances must interact with the alliance and monitor their alliance ranking to learn the effect that alliance composition has on rankings.

Alliance Leaders

The race of the alliance's leader or leaders.

Alliance Capital Proximity:

The proximity of an alliance's capital to ceratain faction hubs. NOTE: Faction Play has provided transparency on how the Alliance Capital Proximity and "Net Hub Modifier" works in all Faction Play Alliance Ranking algorithms. Read this forum post on how your alliance capital might be affecting your ranking,

Diplomatic Relationships Between Alliances:

Read about the "DiploRels" ranking factor and how it impacts your alliance's ranking with MERCS.

Diplomacy & Wartime Factoring:

War declarations against MERCS, as well as diplomatic relationships, including NAPs and Confederations, are possible with MERCS.  


NAPs are possible for all alliances with a +2 ranking or higher. Note that all NAPs are "seasonal," meaning that they will expire on an agreed-upon date. This allows for MERCS and the NAP'ed alliance to reconsider the diplomatic arrangement, and for MERCS to take into consideration any changes in alliance rankings.


Confederations are considered for alliances with a +8 ranking or higher. Confederations are not seasonal, but can be cancelled at any time if MERCS leadership deems that the confederate alliance's ranking has dropped too low to maintain the relationship, or if the alliance fails to defend MERCS when assistance is called upon.


Aggressions are any aggressive act taken against MERCS players, cities or assets by players and alliances that are NOT currently in a state of declared war with MERCS. Unlike racial biases, aggressions towards MERCS lead to seasonal reductions in alliance standings, with ranking reductions lasting for a certain number of seasons. The chart below defines the penalties and their length:

Aggression Modifier Duration
Caravan(s) destroyed -1 30 days
Harvester(s) destroyed -2 30 days
Aggressive magic detected -2 30 days
Diplo units detected in city -3 30 days
Encamped unit(s) attacked/destroyed -4 30 days
City attacked -4 30 days
City blockaded -9 120 days from end of blockade
City sieged -10 120 days from end of siege

Appeasements and Tributes

In addition to making alliance roster decisions based on the ranking modifiers above, alliances have the ability to affect their overall ranking through the issuance of appeasements or tributes to MERCS. 

NOTE: No alliance is required to offer appeasements or tributes in order to mitigate their alliance rankings. Alliances do so voluntarily and entirely of their own volition.


Appeasements can only be offered by alliances with a net negative alliance ranking. Appeasements are costly due to the fact that they artifically mitigate an otherwise negative ranking due to the some biases that  we, mercs, hold toward other alliances.

Appeasements can only influence rankings by a maximum of +3 and only last for the season that they are offered in.


Tributes are gifts that can be offered only by alliances with a net positive alliance ranking. They are less costly in influencing the alliance's ranking with MERCS, since the alliance is already beginning on a foundation of a positive diplomatic relationship. Tributes can be used to nudge the ranking to spark a closer military alliance in times of war. Like appeasements, tributes cannot influence alliance rankings more than +3. They last for the season they were offered and one additional season.


Alliance Action Scale:

These are the types of actions that players in an alliance can expect from MERCS players, based on their current alliance rankings. Note that the action possibilities are cumulative based on your alliance's ranking in relation to zero. Example: if your alliance has a ranking of +3, then all of the ranking actions in +1, +2 and +3 are possible. 

**IMPORTANT: For all actions noted "as part of Faction Play," these types of aggressions toward players and alliances will only occur in the context of Faction Play and only with 100% consent of those involved. It is assumed that attacking MERCS armies or cities denotes consent in military play with MERCS.**

Rank                                                                         Actions
+10 Faction players may reinforce opted-in players against opted-in enemies at player's request.
+9 Faction players may reinforce opted-in players' encampments unsolicited.
+8 Confederations will be considered.

Faction members will trade with players from these alliances at moderately reduced prices.
+7 Faction players may send res and gifts to opted-in players unsolicited.
+6 May offer intel on opted-in enemies unsolicited.
+4 May offer harvesting rights to hunting bounties in local area.
+3 May provide intel on opted-in enemies if requested.

Faction members will trade with players from these alliances at slightly reduced prices.
+2 Will consider seasonal NAPs.
+0 Neutral -- no penalties or bonuses
-2 Faction members will not trade one-on-one with alliances.
-3 Unprovoked diplo action (scouts, spies) may occur on opted-in players.
-4 Harvesters of opted-in players near Faction towns may be purposely bumped.
-6 Faction players may order opted-in players to remove army encampments near Faction towns with the threat of attack.
-7 Opted-in player encampments near Faction towns may be attacked without warning.
-8 Undefended harvesters of opted-in players near Faction towns may be killed (atrocity).
-9 Faction players may attempt to remove sovereignty of opted-in players' towns.
-10 Opted-in Alliance players' cities may be blockaded

Faction may declare war if >50% of alliance is opted into Faction Play.

Any player can join the Faction Play Slack Account at any time. Click here to join. 
