

Elf Male
Elf Male Character Portrait

Growing up as a Dark Elf in the narrow streets of the city of temples, he learned form his elders the  skills and knowledge required to hire themselves out as mercenary. First, trained as a crfimson wave, but quickly became a hidden cobra due to his stealth and hi ability to use evrything as a weapon even the blacks thorns sticking out of skin. Over time, Uthred Began became a renowned mercenary captain among the Brotherhood of Kerala. Both feared by his employers and enemies for his ruthless strategical mind and coldblooded prowess in battle. This gave him even the respect of other mercenary groups like Crimson Dawn and  Treggar's Crows.

In time, Uthred began to question the way the Brotherhood used its accumulated wealth. Spending it all on temples in the name of strange gods, who turned their back on them during the height of the rebellion. Indirectly, cursing him and his kin to be exiled from their ancestral homes and to be deformated by black thorns. Besides he believed the city already rivaled the ancestral homes.

He found it to be a waste of money and resources, which could be put to better use. Slowly, but surely he became vocal about his opinions. Many of the elders did not share his view and started to treat him as once the dark Elves were treated by the other Elves.

This set Uthred on a path beyond the city of temples and The Brotherhood in search of his own honor and glory. So he wanted to build a brotherhood that did not worship strange gods and were of equal minds. He found these like minded people in the Hagane Mercanaries, who only worship gold, respect  skill in battle and are no strangers to bloody work. 

Later when leading a hunting party with his new brothers in nearby forests, they came across a boy called Blackraven of Ragallon who was in imminent danger. While Blackraven was cornered by a wild furiated grizzly. Uthred and his brothers acted at once and saved the boy's life. Blackraven was so grateful he wanted to join their brotherhood. Therefore Uthred took him under his wing and started to teach him the live of a soldier of fortune. It seemed the boy had a talent for handling a sword as a true Wardancer.

After some time, their leader Cyro mysteriously disappeared. In the wake of his disapperance a power struggle began. While Uthred sought to govern the Hagane mercenaries to a better future, some were willing to wait for a possible return of their former leader. Therefore, Uthred and his most trusted brothers took off and formed the Brotherhood of Hagan. Uthred founded the brotherhood with one goal only to rival the Crimson Dawn, Treggar's Crows and even the Brotherhood of Kerala.

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