
Ghost of the Past [GHOST]

Founded By:Shra'Kar (Abandoned) Founded On:09APR16 14:44


 We are Ghost of the Past, A peaceful group of enities that want to play and have fun. We are hunters and crafters. Currently having 3 traders in hubs. We follow and respect the 10 sq. rule, and may allow harvesting between 10sq. and 5sq if asked and depending on the circumstance. Although the 5 sq. around our cities are our domain where no harvesting is allowed.

 Armies placed or camped within 10 sq. of our cities without prior notification will be considered hostile and asked once to move. 

 We don't look for or want trouble, but we will not back away either. We will defend our territory and those close to us. 

 We accept new members freely. Ask Waste or urika for invites.

 Diplomatic issues to Waste.
