Towns of Ordo
Town Name | Population | Location |
EDAR Re then Ig | 23,217 | -3 | -149 |
Gnome Tetsuo's AnabasII | 20,814 | -57 | -166 |
Humbertos asmr Ig | 24,230 | -198 | -140 |
Karak Drazh Ig | 23,351 | -158 | -101 |
Karak Tumunzahar | 22,177 | -59 | -160 |
LeGio B. Ironhammer | 24,873 | -186 | -133 |
MInala Ironheads Miners | 18,816 | -210 | -125 |
MsRuntsMgckForest Ig | 24,563 | 100 | -171 |
Ori's Wandering WIz | 24,478 | 22 | -154 |
Our Mother the MountaIn (capital city) | 24,721 | -186 | -121 |
PetrIFied Forest Fortress | 22,595 | 85 | -180 |
Stone River Vale Ig | 22,386 | -190 | -127 |
T5nsmoor WIz P5l Tower | 23,156 | 100 | -185 |