

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait


I am from Arizona in the USA.  I have played Illyriad since 10/2011  and was the diplomacy officer and a co leader of Amicitia.  I started playing online games in September of 2008 when I joined Evony.  I don’t play there anymore because it got so boring.   I also played Lord of Ultima for a couple of rounds, but that’s another story.  Illy is more interesting and you meet nicer people here.

I am generally a peaceful player unless provoked!  I formed the “House of Plantagenet” alliance with peace in mind but will see what the future holds.  I am looking for strong leaders to form a core.  The alliance will be a modified monarchy meaning, as I am the "King of the Realm", I will have the last word, but I also have a “Round Table” government of officers with voting rights in most matters.

Something about Cactus!

Cactus comes in many sizes shapes and textures. It can be useful or very dangerous and can hurt you especially if stepped upon.  The Cholla Cactus is one of the worst.  The barbed quills get into your skin and are hard to get out.  If left there they can work their way in deeper and the wound becomes infected.   The Prickly Pear cactus has beavertail looking pads.  These are covered with tiny barbs that can be very irritating if they get into your skin.  

The southwestern Indians used cactus to torture their enemies by dragging captives through cactus beds causing excruciating agony.  Sometimes the warriors would wait on higher ground for their enemies to pass below.  As their enemies passed, the warriors would use their spears or forked branches to cast down a rain of cactus upon their unsuspecting foe causing them to scatter in all directions making them easy targets.  Those that were fortunate enough to escape with their lives sometimes died a painful death later due to the embedded quills that worked their way deeper into the body.  Often outnumbered, the Apaches would be able to claim a rousting victory because of such tactics.

Moral:  "Don't mess with Cactus!"

 If we are at war, then you may surrender and live, otherwise, live in peace.
