
Jon Irenicus

Elf Male
Elf Male Character PortraitIrenicus is unusually well-muscled for a mage, and his body shows the ravages of time as a result of being disconnected from the life-force and immortality of the elven people. Irenicus' face is deeply veined and invariably bears a cold, disdainful expression.

Irenicus' magic is, like Irenicus himself, elven in origin. The extent of Irenicus' magical ability is so great that he ranks among the most powerful wizards in all of Faerûn, rivaling mages such as Elminster Aumar and Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun. In combat, Irenicus is decisive and overwhelmingly potent, usually eliminating opponents with only a single spell at a time. Irenicus is clearly able to cast spells of the ninth level or even beyond, and often disintegrates or detonates enemies in an instant—a display of his power is given in Waukeen's Promenade, where he dispatches several assailants with his powerful magics. Irenicus commands some spells that are not even available to other Characters, a notable example being Rapture of the Father, a death spell that appears to be able to instantly kill 10,000 enemies with no regard to magic resistance or saving throws, and a cloning spell with which he clones the main character and his friends to keep them occupied while he makes his escape.

Joneleth is Jon's elven name, and Jon Irenicus is later revealed to mean "Jon the Shattered One." The name "Irenicus" was born out of Joneleth's hatred, self-pity, and desire for revenge on Queen Ellesime, and the people of Suldanessellar, for his exile. Irenicus is an ultimately unsympathetic character who seeks to claim divine power to which he has no right. This hubris is in contrast to the motivations of Bhaalspawn individuals such as Sarevok, who can at least pursue Bhaal's power under the excuse of heredity.
