
Lord Julien

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait



Basic Self-Defense

NPC Difficulty Guide

Step by Step Guide to Claiming Sovereignty

Sovereignty - Brace For Impact


Battle Calculator

Teleport vs. Exodus

Building Chart

Commander Upgrades

-- Terrain Bonus --

The art of military tactics, the art of crafting and the ability to equip units exists in order to manipulate the below figures in a way to gain extra bonus or reduce the disadvantage of particular units on particular terrains. This can lead ur adversary during tournaments or war to misjudge what he will be attacking/defending against.

MOUNTAINS - Even the smaller crags in this mountainous area will hinder attacking cavalry, as well as more heavily armoured swordsmen. Unlike cavalry - who suffer from the difficulties in mustering a coherent defense in mountainous terrain - defending ranged units find every advantage in the high lookouts and rocky ground.

HILLS - Difficult for attacking mounted units, but provide opportunities for ranged unit to show their worth. Arms-bearing footsoldiers take it all in their stride, of course. Maneuverability and lines of sight are the keys to defending very hilly terrain. Lightly armoured units such as spearmen and ranged units find it easy going here.

BUILDINGS - The close quarter hand-to-hand combat required when fighting in a building is a blessing to the well trained spear or swordsman. Cavalry, however, find it extremely hard to fight here. Spear and swordsmen find that building fighting is their place to shine. An intimate knowledge of the choke points in a building also somehwat benefits defending bowmen despite their limited arcs of fire. Cavalry detest fighting in and around buildings.

FORESTS - Bowmen hate it - and even cavalry units have difficulty moving purposefully to attack forested terrain. This is, however, the natural provenance of the footsoldier who excels. Suffering the same problems as attackers, defending cavalry and ranged units intensely dislike fighting in forested lands. Like the attackers, however, the extra cover and confined spaces is favourite amongst defending swordsmen.

PLAINS - Cavalry comes into its own when able to strike hostile forces at will, and from unexpected directions - and nowhere is this more feasible than on open plains. Lightly armoured spear units, however, prefer terrain where there's some cover available. Fighting defensively on open plains, cavalry draws strength from the ability to form and reform their lines of engagement depending on the direction of battle, and it is here where cavalry excels.

-- NPC Size --

When NPC groups are within the Visibility Radius of your city diplomatic units (Scouts/Spies), an indication of the number of units is given as a rough approximation of what that group of NPC units holds and is expressed in the following ranges:

Size Min Max
Few 1 3
Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
Gathering 129 227
Horde 228 462
Throng 463 815
Host 816 2,500
Legion 2,501 9,999
Myriad 10,000 24,999
Sea 25,000 49,999
Cornucopia 50,000+  


To get an exact count of that NPC group it must be scouted. The scout report can also give insights about the type of units the group holds and their attributes, in addition to the terrain type.

I advise players to be patient and to take time in settling new cities. Starting a new city is a difficult task which starts first by choosing the best square available. New cities can be placed anywhere unlike exodus which is limited to the 10-square radius of another player's city (but not if CONFED or same alliance). Another new settlement constraint is resource and maintenance. To settle a new city make sure your other city is well developed and has enough upkeep to maintain two cities at a time, since a newly settled city is "a new born child" and needs all the care it can have for at least 2-3 weeks before it starts to run its own business. The chart below is a helpful spreadsheet that indicates the required population and number of settlers needed to start a new city.

City Settlers Population
2nd 1 450
3rd 2 2,000
4th 3 5,000
5th 4 10,000
6th 5 20,000
7th 6 40,000
8th 7 75,000
9th 8 130,000
10th 9 233,550

There are many helpful links and forum posts available to everyone on Illyriad Discussion Forum. I have chosen some of the most requested and asked for links, guides and charts. I hope you find this information most helpful but most certainly you can ask me for any additional tips and hints related to the diverse, complex and huge world of Illyriad.

Enjoy your game, be nice, helpful, funny, friendly and most importantly respectful. Enjoy GC and make friends which are the most important thing to do. Enjoy your alliance and your alliance mates.

Play Safe !
