
Lorre (Abandoned)

Dwarf Male
Dwarf Male Character Portrait



Burning buildings, bodies littering the field.
A battle had raged just outside the town, the villagers had fled the soldiers had died.
The young dwarf 17 solarcycles old saw the dead bodies.
Elfs, Humans, Orcs, and Dwarfs met on this field for a reason beyond the young dwarfs knowledge.
Thousands of them fought and died, the young Dwarf  was horrified by all this.
He walked on the battlefield looking for survivors, he made no difference between the races all of the wounded he found who lied there moaning in pain, he brought to the village.
Days went by looking after the wounded many of them died cause the wounds were to severe.
This saddend the Dwarf greatly but this only made him more gratefull for every soul he saved.
Soon tensions rose between the survivors now healed, the young Dwarf stepped in and said if they wanted to fight eachother they should leave and never come back.
They chose to stay and learned to get along despite of there differences they chose the young Dwarf as there leader.
The town grow and the towns influence grew bigger everyday, many lonely Dwarfs,Elfs, Orcs and Humans joined the town.
It grew out to a city mainly populated by Dwarfs, the minoreties are represented in the council of the young Dwarf.
Under the councils rule the city grew out sending out settlers to far and wide to spread the word of Oma Desala.
They, the council made the decission of favoring certain rulers so that they one day can grow out to worthy allies, and when the time of battle comes,  may Atepomarus and Eastre see it never happens, they will come for the defence of the cities proving there worthiness and loyalty.
the day came when the chosen ones of Oma Desala where needed, barbarians overran the mighty dwarven strongholds to the north leaving the kingdom unprotected even King Sigurd with his mighty mammoth cavalery could not be everywhere at the same time.
Battle after battle was fought city after city fell weakend by the fighting amongst eachother the cities simply could not field enough men to stop the onslaught.
The chosen of Oma Desala decided to form an alliance to fight off the barbarian horde.
Elves of the East came,the mighty orcs of the south ,humans from the north and dwarfs from the west. The Battle of Renek's fields was fought and won by these brave chosen ones of Oma Desala, the banner of the alliance waving proudly over the field.
the barbarian horde had been driven back out of the land ruled by Persona Armoniosa left to King Sigurd to deal with.
a peace came over the land new rulers joining the growing alliance some looking for advice some for a safehaven.
armies patrolled the borders to keep the barbarians out of the lands but lately  there has been increased activety along the borders the barbarians seem to be gathering for a second assault making me worrie is that more rulers flee the north a few weeks ago an elven queen named arianna joined us followed shortly by a human king by the name of sunstorm they brought worrieng news.
they have been provided a safehaven and each a piece of land for there people the prooved themselves both worthy rulers who quickly climbed up in the alliance.
they are safe now that is what matters there cities are growing and prospering there people are safe.
chapter 2
Sunstorm dissapeared from the meetings,noone knew where to.
the skies grew darker every day that passed, spending the time in my meadhall with my brave warriors singing songs about love and war and yet  i still had no idea where Sunstorm was.
one dark stormy day while enjoying the company of my warriors brave men and women,above all brave dwarfs.
the doors swung open hitting the walls with a loud bang an elven messenger stumbled in the meadhall exhausted from the many days on horseback he fell to the ground my warriors started laughing making the usual jokes about the pointears. 
two of the women went over and picked the messenger up carrying till the table where i was sitting and placed him on it. i offerd him my mead wich he gladly accepted after the first sip he started coughing once again my warriors laughed they saw the look in my eyes and the laughter died away.
the elf started speaking his voice was melodical it almost sounded like he was singing.
telling me he was send by the Queen Arianna to inform me about sunstorms wherabouts a sorcerer had captured his son and in his quick departure he did not send a messenger.
The warriors suddenly looked grimly i nodded at my captain Psyker Rachael.
i gave the elf a light pat on his back and i heard a snap, i apologised an orderd two of my warriors to carry him to the infermery, looking over my shoulder i saw Psyker Rachael was busy giving the orders. 
i went to my quarters to dress for battle,first the chainmail it gives such a safe feeling made of the finest metals then i put on my shinguards highly ecorated pieces carrying the symbol of the God and the Goddess.My platemailbody looked solid not much to look at it was not made to look at it was made to protect except for the one rune sign there was no decorations on it. i took my helmet,iron of dwarvenqualety just a standard issue helmet a noseguard and chain to protect my neck i put it under my arm then put my crossbow on my back and lastly picking up my twohanded battleaxe.
walking from my quarters to the maingate i was feeling my armour weighing down on me,slowly i put on my helmet passing the people of my city all cheering there ruler.
i could just hear them in the distance my mind was wandering to the dangers laying ahead soon i reached the gates, my soldiers where prepared all where in marching formation most of them carrying the same as me except the weapons mst of them had a shield and a battleaxe only my elite the kings finest could carry a twohanded axe only they knew how to handle one.
Psyker Rachael was riding up and down the lines slapping the heads of warriors who were out of formation, she saw me and brought my most loyal battlecompanion,my boar Tiralnopoal.
noone in my city was amazed anymore by the fact i road a boar instead of a small horse, they know how brave Tiralnopoal is in battle how devastating his charges are. 
I road along the lines looking at my warriors,the order was given we started  marching out to fight the sorcerer and her minions.
The 18th solarcycle was celebrated during the march to war the finest warriors accompanying the ruler.
the brave dwarfs celebrated like it had to be done beer was flowing richly food aplenty every single person in the empire of Oma Desala was on a break.
All Hail Persona Armoniosa,All hail our allies,All hail the imperator!