

Human Male
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Human Male Character Portrait



At the still point of the turning world, there the dance is... (TS Eliot)



Ask not — we cannot know — what end the gods have set for you, for me. How much better to endure whatever comes, whether Jupiter grants us additional winters or whether this is our last, which now wears out the Tuscan Sea upon the barrier of the cliffs! Be wise, strain the wine; and since life is brief, prune back far-reaching hopes! Even while we speak, envious time has passed: pluck the day, putting as little trust as possible in tomorrow!
— Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Horace) 68BC — Ode I-XI, Carpe Diem.


He must have chaos within him,  who would give birth to a dancing star

(Friedrich Nietzsche)



The Tao produces all things and nourishes them;

it produces them and does not claim them as its own;

it does all, and yet does not boast of it;

it presides over all, and yet does not control them.

This is the mysterious quality of the Tao.





The thirty spokes unite in the one nave;

but it is on the empty space (for the axle),

that the use of the wheel depends.

Clay is fashioned into vessels;

but it is on their empty hollowness,

that their use depends.




There's a crack, a crack in everything - that's how the light gets in   (Leonard Cohen)


And those who were seen dancing, were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

 Friedrich Nietzsche



All that we see, or seem, is but a dream within a dream

