

Elf Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Female Character Portrait


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The Marauder's Hunting Calculator!


Alliance Military Stats Armies
Available Trade Markets Available Trade Markets
Daily Bonus Diplomatic Orders
Mail Medal Cabinet
Mysteries Regional Factions Map
Research Tree Resource Summary
Trade Orders  
Game Overview
Guiding Principles
Races in Illyriad
Dwarves in Illyriad
Elves in Illyriad
Orcs in Illyriad
City Building in Illyriad
Diplomacy in Illyriad
Trade in Illyriad
Wars & Tournaments
Magic in Illyriad
Bestiary in Illyriad
Forum Home Announcements
Help Topics Tutorial Videos
City Planner City Planner 2.0
City Development Magical 7 Food Mountain
New Buildings Moving Cities
Moving Your Capital Teleport vs Exodus
Tier 2 Buildings Where Do I Put My City?
ILLY FORUMS--Diplomacy
Complete Guide to Thieving I’ve Been Robbed!
Step by Step Guide to Using Illy Magic
Advanced Attacking Armies in Illyriad
Basic Military Development Basic Self Defense
Everything you need to know about commanders
How to Make a Bear Skin Rug Military Equipping
Military units: stat per upkeep NPC Difficulty Guide
Step by Step Guide to Starting an Army
Sieging an abandoned town Terrain bonuses
ILLY FORUMS--Miscellaneous
Choosing an Alliance
Effectiveness of Architects Office
Enforced AccountRemoval Guide for Fast Growth
Gypsy Fortune Teller Watch
Illyriad Data Feeds Illyriad Server Status
New Emoticons Overall Ranking and Score
Player and Town Growth Graphs Possible Paths in Illyriad
Profiles & Screenshots Seasons and Lunar Phases
Strategies, Tips and Tricks Workshop Specialization
Quest guide Step by Step Guide to Quests
ILLY FORUMS--Sovereignty
Coastal Sovereignty Guide to Sovereignty
Step by Step Guide to Claiming Sovereignty
Cotter Changes Gathering
Step by Step Guide to Harvesting Resources
Trade Hub Development Trading For Dummies
Building Charts City Buildings
Critters Chart Diplomatic Units
Game Features Humans
Human Units Human Unit Costs
Mysteries Nature (Races)
NPCs (Non-Playable_Characters)
Research Technologies Settler
Settling Requirements Sovereignty Research
Tools: Calculators Trade Research
Travel Calculator/Dispatch Timers
NPC Locations Chat Codes
City Pop/Taxes/Sov Calculator Combat Mechanics
Departure/Attack Times DillyTools
General Sov Calc GuideScroll/Illyriad
How Do I Defend Myself? Illyriad Institute
Illyriad Resource Upgrades Learning with LadyLuvs
Moving Your City New Player Tips
Stolen By Suspended Players
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Full Script)


NPC Group Sizes

  • "Few": Less than 4 units
  • "Handful": 5 to 8
  • "Several": 9 to 21
  • "Pack": 22 to 81
  • "Many": 82 to 128
  • "Gathering": 129 to 227
  • "Horde": 228 to 462
  • "Throng": 463 to 815
  • "Host": 816 to 2,500
  • "Legion": 2,501 to 9,999
  • "Myriad": 10,000 to 25,000
  • "Sea": 25,001 to 49,999
  • "Cornucopia": 50,000 or more


(All researched in Trade Tree)


Caravans - harvest up to 3000 ea after research and upgrades


Cotter - Harvest up to 100 ea.
Research: Cotters/Foraging - up to 24 hr harvest time (skysplinters can take 4 days)

Cotter - Harvest up to 100 ea.
Research: Grape Picking/Scavenging - up to 24 hr harvest time


Skinner - Harvest  1 ea.
Research: Guilds/Skinner's Guilds/Butchery - 2 hr harvest time


 Miner - Harvest 1ea.
Research: Guilds/Miner's Guild/Geology - harvest time varies with resource harvested


 Herbalist - Harvest 1 ea.
Research: Guilds/Herbalist's Guilds/Herbalism - harvest time varies with resource harvested


T1= Protector, warden, sentenal, swift steed

T2= phalanx, wardancer, trueshot, marshal.

Ubluntu's Profile - great info here

Durc Tools - An amazing in-game extension

Illyriad Institute - Lot of great guides for the new Illyrian!

Gypsy Fortune Tellers Positions (updated after midnight servertime everyday)

ITG Forum (Members Only)

Population Chart for Your Next City

Tips for New Players

Starting Illyriad: An Alternative Newbie Guide

Introduction to Trading and Crafting

A Guide to the Buildings of Illy

A Guide to Sovereignty

Terraforming: The Short Guide

Cerex Flikex's Guide to Exodus

Trading in Illyriad (for dummies)

Main Page - Arcanum Illyria Wiki

An Interesting Profile... kubluntu

Illy Gems


The Illyriad Effect (blog)

The Wisdom of Kurdruk (blog)

Strategies, Tips & Tricks (Illy Forum)

Battle Calculator

Teleport vs Exodus

Moving Your Capital, why not?

7 Food Mountain?

Heroic Human Statue Quest

Illy Suspended Towns

Ten Cities, and Beyond! Population requirements for each new city

Account Abandonment 

Equiping, and other useful info

Audrey (AKA HOC)

Spells List of Spells, Distances and Effects

Terrain and military units

Mountains favour ranged units and nimble spearmen, and penalise cavalry heavily. Attacking swordsmen are also hampered by the passes, gulleys and canyons that make frontal assaults more difficult.

Hills also benefit ranged units and spearmen to a lesser extent, and still penalise cavalry, but also to a lesser extent.  Swordsmen are largely unaffected by hilly terrain.

Forests penalise ranged units and cavalry due to the foliage, but swordsmen and spearmen love all the opportunities for cover and ambush.

Plains provide the opportunity for cavalry to shine - their ability to manoeuvre makes them the masters of open flat space.  Lightly armoured spearmen dislike the open terrain of plains, where they are easier targets for cavalry and archers

Resource distribution for military city specialization:

Unit type             Resource requirement (Major + minor)
Cav                     Clay + Wood
archers                Wood + iron
Inf                        Stone+ iron
Spears                 Clay + iron

Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -50 20 40 5
Large Forest -15 5 30 -20
Large Hill -15 0 10 10
Large Mountain -30 0 15 15
Plains 30 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 0 0 0
Small Mountain -20 0 5 10
Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -45 25 30 15
Large Forest -15 5 25 -20
Large Hill -10 10 5 15
Large Mountain -30 20 5 30
Plains 25 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 5 5 5
Small Mountain -15 15 5 15 


Elite Divisions 

(from Bolism's profile)
In Illyriad their are 2 types of division: Normal Division and Elite Division. Commanders and troops in Elite division, receive a double bonus from the equipment they are wearing.

In general for hunting you want to have the maximum possible number of Elite Divisions, as that improve greatly the power of our Heroic Commanders.

A division becomes Elite when you put less than the maximum number of same type troop under a commander. Here are the numbers:

Troop Type Max Troop in Division for Elite
Spears 200
Infantry 150
Ranged 100
Cavalry 60

Tracking Movement 

Stationary Unit = No arrows
1 arrow = 1-7 squares per hour
2 arrows = 8-16 squares per hour
3 arrows = 17-25 squares per hour
4 arrows = 26-41 squares per hour
5 arrows = 41+ squares per hour

On July 18th, at 0624, the impossible happened in Illyriad....

[19 Jul 06:23]<Kieara> in Ragallon
[19 Jul 06:23]<Marquesta> And she is sending from Aindara?
[19 Jul 06:23]<Kieara> Darbyann's towns...
[19 Jul 06:24]<Kieara> yes
[19 Jul 06:24]<Marquesta> Tell her to forget the catapults and only send cavalry
[19 Jul 06:24]<Marquesta> T1 cavalry
[19 Jul 06:24]<Marquesta> Or this will not work in time
[19 Jul 06:24]<Marquesta> hmmm
[19 Jul 06:24]<Marquesta> I've been here recently..
[19 Jul 06:24]<Marquesta> Woaaah
[19 Jul 06:24]<Marquesta> haha
[19 Jul 06:24]<Marquesta> How are we both on at the same time?
[19 Jul 06:25]<Marquesta> I have NO idea
[19 Jul 06:25]<Kieara> and then I can send the real cats for her in a couple days?
[19 Jul 06:25]<Marquesta> Hullo there Marquee
[19 Jul 06:25]<Marquesta> Hi Marq!
[19 Jul 06:25]<Marquesta> hahahaha
[19 Jul 06:25]<Marquesta> Yes Kieara
[19 Jul 06:25]<JagARMYs> Clown!
[19 Jul 06:25]<Marquesta> You send the heavy duty cats afterwards
[19 Jul 06:25]<Marquesta> Swear it Jag, one of me is TM
[19 Jul 06:25]<Kieara> who is who?
[19 Jul 06:25]<Marquesta> This has to be an awesome glitch of some sort
[19 Jul 06:25]<Marquesta> We're both logged into my acct
[19 Jul 06:25]<Marquesta> haha
[19 Jul 06:25]<Marquesta> that is so funny!
[19 Jul 06:26]<Marquesta> I have no idea how the system is letting both of us stay on
[19 Jul 06:26]<JagARMYs> Lol
[19 Jul 06:26]<Marquesta> I really wanna troll GC now
[19 Jul 06:26]<Kieara> WOW, Weird! 
[19 Jul 06:26]<Kieara> lol
[19 Jul 06:26]<Marquesta> You gonna get me in trouble TM?
[19 Jul 06:26]<Marquesta> lol
[19 Jul 06:26]<Marquesta> Weird
[19 Jul 06:26]<Marquesta> That kicked him out
[19 Jul 06:26]<Tezran> hey Marq 
[19 Jul 06:26]<Marquesta> I claimed my prestige lol
[19 Jul 06:26]<Marquesta> Hi Tez!
[19 Jul 06:27]<Marquesta> Hi TM 
[19 Jul 06:27]<Cuchullain> Lol
[19 Jul 06:27]<Kieara> LOL!
[19 Jul 06:27]<Cuchullain> Hiya Marq
[19 Jul 06:27]<Diodorus> What the heck!!! I've just been reading the thread. I understood it wasn't possible for 2 to log onto the same acct at the same time.....
[19 Jul 06:27]<Marquesta> How are you Tez!? haven't seen you in forever!
[19 Jul 06:27]<Marquesta> Hi Cuch!
[19 Jul 06:27]<Marquesta> It shouldn't be Dio!
[19 Jul 06:27]<Tezran> You have been going to bed early
[19 Jul 06:27]<The Mariner> Yeah should not have clicked anything
[19 Jul 06:27]<Cuchullain> Marq's Special Dio
[19 Jul 06:27]<Tezran> or I have been coming onlate
[19 Jul 06:27]<Cuchullain
[19 Jul 06:27]<Marquesta> Yeah, first world problems lol
[19 Jul 06:27]<Diodorus> Maybe we're in an alternate reality
[19 Jul 06:27]<The Mariner> It was letting me chat fine, but the moment I tried to click and upgrade sovereignty
[19 Jul 06:28]<Marquesta> I have a job, therefore I must sleep 
[19 Jul 06:28]<The Mariner> It kicked me out
[19 Jul 06:28]<Diodorus> lol TM
[19 Jul 06:28]<Marquesta> I claimed my sov at the same time then TM
[19 Jul 06:28]<Marquesta> That's hilarious! Need to save this chat for posterity 
[19 Jul 06:29]<Diodorus> I just started imagining the kind of mischief TM could have caused in GC
