

Elf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Male Character Portrait

The music behind my town names.

First link is the very first track i ever heard from them and any subsequent links are my favorite tracks so far.

1. Disturbed - Prayer - Stricken - The Sound Of Silence (New), thanks to whoever posted this link in GC

2. Epica - Cry for the moon - Feint - Beyond The Matrix

3. Evanescence - Bring me to life - Lithium

4. Turisas - Stand up a fight - Rasputin (Boney M cover)

5. Kamelot - Ghost Opera - Sacrimony (Angel of afterlife) - ft. Alissa White-Gluz and Elize Ryd - Sacrimony (Official Live Video) - Lair, Lair

6. Nightwish - Wishmaster - Phantom of the Opera (Live)

7. Powerwolf - Amen and attack. - Army of night.

8. Rammstein - Links 2 3 4. - Mein land. - Feuer frei.

9. Within Temptation - Angels. - Mother earth. - Within Temptation - Paradise (What About Us?) ft. Tarja. - Within Temptation - Dangerous ft. Howard Jones.

10. Amaranthe - Amaranthine. - Drop dead cynical. - Digital world. - Archangel 

11. Muse - Feeling good. - Starlight.

12. Exit Eden - Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Bonnie Tyler Cover). - Unfaithful (Rihanna Cover). - Paparazzi (Lady Gaga Cover).

13. Unleash the Archers - Unleash The Archers - Tonight We Ride - Unleash The Archers - General Of The Dark Army - Unleash The Archers - Awakening - Unleash The Archers - Abyss

14. The Hu - The HU - Yuve Yuve Yu - The HU - Wolf Totem - The Hu - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order


And now the Illy Stuff...........

[8 Aug 21:28]<Ewarwoowoo> Are you just hunting Underworlders Ales?

[08 Aug 21:29]<Alestrenia> No, got stomped by a legion of snakes yesterday, lol

[8 Aug 21:30]<Ewarwoowoo> So your troops are Hissstory?

[08 Aug 21:30]<Alestrenia> Lmao yes


[23 Jul 22:04]<Alestrenia> well my catapult aimers definitely got too much beer before they left. 7 misses again, and then hit a lumberjack and two iron mines

[23 Jul 22:06]<Ewarwoowoo> I saw the pop drop by next to nothing, that time, didn't want to say anything

[23 Jul 22:06]<Alestrenia> lol

[23 Jul 22:06]<Boris> drunkin bums

[23 Jul 22:08]<Ewarwoowoo> Put them on half rations Ales, till they improve 

[23 Jul 22:08]<Alestrenia> lol

[23 Jul 22:09]<Boris> or you could pull the decimation on them, kill 1 in 10 to show you are serious

[23 Jul 22:09]<Alestrenia> nah they're too expensive to do that

[23 Jul 22:09]<Ewarwoowoo> Haha Boris

[23 Jul 22:09]<Boris> you are right on that

[23 Jul 22:10]<Ewarwoowoo> Boris, they know once the siege is over, Ales is going to execute them

[23 Jul 22:11]<Boris> I would be slow as well then

[23 Jul 22:11]<Ewarwoowoo> Haha

[23 Jul 22:11]<Alestrenia> lol 


[23 Jul 23:04]<Alestrenia> 5 misses this time. took out quarry, two farmyards  , then the fletcher and flour mill.

[23 Jul 23:04]<Ewarwoowoo> 

[23 Jul 23:05]<Ewarwoowoo> Men and their aim 

[23 Jul 23:07]<Alestrenia> lol


9 Jun 00:09]<Ewarwoowoo> Well my hair and beard are white, so i am guessing, i am beyond

[09 Jun 00:10]<Arca> same here Ewar

[09 Jun 00:10]<GIGGER> i think we are in same caterglory

[9 Jun 00:11]<Ewarwoowoo> That being old i am guessing.... sadly

[09 Jun 00:11]<GIGGER> no middle age

[09 Jun 00:11]<Arca> lets say well seasoned

[9 Jun 00:11]<Ewarwoowoo> With age comes wisdom

[09 Jun 00:11]<GIGGER> sounds good to me

[9 Jun 00:12]<Ewarwoowoo> Mature like a fine red wine

[09 Jun 00:12]<GIGGER> yes indeed

[9 Jun 00:14]<Ewarwoowoo> [09 Jun 00:11]<Arca> lets say well seasoned - i ain't covering myself in salt and pepper AGAIN 

[09 Jun 00:14]<Arca> rofl

[09 Jun 00:15]<GIGGER> lol


[2 Jan 23:05]<Ewarwoowoo> Hope you have the cotters Selda, also guard that kill, young lady 

[02 Jan 23:06]<Selda> been doing cotters all day in open spots planing on guarding with my life

[02 Jan 23:08]<Selda> look Ewar called me young lady....prancing around the lurker tree!!!

[2 Jan 23:09]<Ewarwoowoo> Nice moves there Selda 

[02 Jan 23:09]<Selda> heck you called me YOUNG!!!!! i'm right behind you Ewar

[2 Jan 23:06]<Ewarwoowoo> Hey Fisher

[02 Jan 23:06]<Fisherman> hey ewarwoo

[2 Jan 23:07]<Ewarwoowoo> How are you?

[02 Jan 23:08]<Fisherman> doing ok what about you ewarwoo

[2 Jan 23:11]<Ewarwoowoo> I am ok Fisher, thank you, sorry i got distracted by Selda and her

[02 Jan 23:12]<Selda> lol should have seen me doing baby shark song on new year eve

[2 Jan 23:13]<Ewarwoowoo> I would of loved to, is it on UTude Selda?

[02 Jan 23:13]<Selda> lord i hope not

[02 Jan 23:13]<Selda> roflmao

[2 Jan 23:13]<Ewarwoowoo> Haha


[20 Nov 20:59]<Marquesta> Well, the chat in the new UI has volume!

[20 Nov 20:59]<Marquesta> lol

[20 Nov 21:00]<Ewarwoowoo> Well i heard you said my name in AC, woke me from my nap and i have no sound

[20 Nov 21:00]<Mirayam> Hahaha

[20 Nov 21:00]<Ewarwoowoo> ^Say

[20 Nov 21:01]<Marquesta> It beeps

[20 Nov 21:01]<Ewarwoowoo> To be honest, i don't sleep with my tin foil hat on anymore

[20 Nov 21:02]<Marquesta> But... why?

[20 Nov 21:02]<Marquesta> lol

[20 Nov 21:03]<Ewarwoowoo> Edges are sharp

[20 Nov 21:03]<Marquesta> Maybe it's just beeping when Cerb comments in GC...

[20 Nov 21:04]<Marquesta> Yep, it just beeps when Cerb comments 

[20 Nov 21:06]<Ewarwoowoo> Never mind it is just a trivial matter 

[20 Nov 21:06]<SirCarl> lol

[20 Nov 21:07]<Marquesta> haha you word warrior you lol


[08 Oct 21:19]<Marquesta> I think he started it as kind of a post-graduate alliance

[8 Oct 21:20]<Ewarwoowoo> Really, oh sweet, i'll have to get an alt

[08 Oct 21:20]<Marquesta> Not sure that's where it ended up lol

[8 Oct 21:21]<Ewarwoowoo> <---- Still wants an Orc alt, maybe one day

[8 Oct 21:22]*Ewarwoowoo when he knows what he is

[08 Oct 21:22]<Marquesta> hmmm, might be a bit

[08 Oct 21:22]<Marquesta

[8 Oct 21:22]<Ewarwoowoo> Thanks 

[08 Oct 21:22]<Marquesta> Lol no problem 

[8 Oct 21:23]<Ewarwoowoo> Hehe


[22:00]<Chululando> Is there a wiki page for illyriad?

[22:01]<Urp the Hand Some> I'm sure Rill's written one. 

[22:03]<Jane DarkMagic> but then you'd end up playing exactly like rill...



[06 Feb 21:49]<Marquesta> Later 

[6 Feb 21:49]<Ewarwoowoo> Have a nice day Marq 

[06 Feb 21:49]<Cuchullain> Hiya Arrn

[06 Feb 21:50]<Cuchullain> Cya Marq

[6 Feb 21:51]*Ewarwoowoo Great the boss has gone, lets go wild and attack H?

[6 Feb 21:52]<Ewarwoowoo> Lucky my towns are not in Tallimar 

[06 Feb 21:52]<Cuchullain> Lol

[06 Feb 21:52]<Cuchullain> Remember, I am the Boss

[06 Feb 21:52]<Cuchullain> She's the Director

[6 Feb 21:53]<Ewarwoowoo> Mmmm nice day we are having.....opps


[20 Feb 18:41]<Ewarwoowoo> lol klip, no i was celebrating because it is Cuch's son birthday 

[20 Feb 18:42]<Ewarwoowoo> Not the return of my car but now you mentioned it 

[20 Feb 18:42]<Ewarwoowoo> Guess i'll be having another after this one

[20 Feb 18:42]<Cuchullain> Everything is a a reason to crack pen a beer 

[20 Feb 18:43]<Ewarwoowoo> Well said,sir, i'll second that...haha

[20 Feb 18:45]<Cuchullain> 

[20 Feb 18:45]*Ewarwoowoo Passes Cuch a beer, behind his son's back 

[20 Feb 18:46]<Cuchullain> Tyvm

[20 Feb 18:47]<Ewarwoowoo> You are welcome Cuch

[20 Feb 18:47]<Ewarwoowoo> You deserve it

[20 Feb 18:47]<Cuchullain> he's playing on another of his pressies anyhow

[20 Feb 18:47]<Cuchullain> beer holds no sway on him atm

[20 Feb 18:47]<Cuchullain> but me . . .

[20 Feb 18:47]<Cuchullain> 

[20 Feb 18:48]<Ewarwoowoo> Thats good, more for you

[20 Feb 18:48]<Ewarwoowoo> No you sway the more beer you have 

[20 Feb 18:51]<Cuchullain> haha


[05 Mar 20:56]<unicornio> spelling is just socking tonight

[05 Mar 20:56]<unicornio> aarrrrghh...shocking its SHOCKING!!

[05 Mar 20:57]<Moribundus> I thought socking was deliberate!

[5 Mar 20:58]<Ewarwoowoo> I have one of those keyboards to Uni 

[05 Mar 20:58]<unicornio> well socking means something very different  we won't go there...Lol!!

[5 Mar 20:58]*Ewarwoowoo Runs off to Google

[05 Mar 20:59]<Moribundus> I don't advise that!

[5 Mar 20:59]<Ewarwoowoo> Oh my

[05 Mar 20:59]<unicornio> Noooooo pls don't

[05 Mar 21:00]<unicornio> rofl....seriously I'm crying!!

[5 Mar 21:00]<Ewarwoowoo> Ahhhh scared for life

[5 Mar 21:00]<Ewarwoowoo> lol me to

[5 Mar 21:01]*Ewarwoowoo Passes Uni a tissue 

[5 Mar 21:02]<Ewarwoowoo> Oh wait, that might not help this convo

[05 Mar 21:02]<unicornio> lmao...that's just set me off again, omg stop please stop :))

[05 Mar 21:03] unicornio> have just had to explain to hubby what the convo is about

[5 Mar 21:04]<Ewarwoowoo> lol


[31 Jan 22:55]<Ewarwoowoo> Please close you curtains Aleaz, as i can see you dancing around from my town of Muse 

[31 Jan 22:56]<Aleaz> lol if you got it flaunt it.....hehehehhe

[31 Jan 22:56]<Ewarwoowoo> Oh my

[31 Jan 22:56]<Durgaya> haha 

[31 Jan 22:56]<Ewarwoowoo> That goes on my profile 

[31 Jan 22:56]<Aleaz> hehehehe and she takes a bow

[31 Jan 22:56]<Aleaz> lol


[04 Feb 21:11]<Lord Nyek> whos going after you?

[4 Feb 21:11]<Ewarwoowoo> Not me Nyek, Cuch's alt account

[04 Feb 21:12]<Marquesta> TheLady, Cuchullain's cross dressed acct  lol

[4 Feb 21:12]<Ewarwoowoo> Cuch has been very,very busy with real life

[4 Feb 21:12]<Ewarwoowoo> Haha


[18 Feb 22:48]<Darae> if at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is not for you


[24 Feb 23:05]<Marquesta> Hi Sir!

[24 Feb 23:05]<Marquesta> You're not wearing your medal?

[24 Feb 23:05]<Ewarwoowoo> Yes basically

[24 Feb 23:06]<Marquesta> You don't have to, but you do have one 

[24 Feb 23:06]<Ewarwoowoo> Oh no SC your are in trouble now 

[24 Feb 23:06]<SirCarl> It needs to be where I entend to build? Got it today but just logged in and haven't found where to attach

[24 Feb 23:06]<Ewarwoowoo> It will cost you 1 gold per second

[24 Feb 23:07]<Marquesta> Profile, medals, activate

[24 Feb 23:07]<Ewarwoowoo> #/Player/Medals/49878

[24 Feb 23:07]<Marquesta> lol nice medals Ewar!

[24 Feb 23:07]<Ewarwoowoo> Opp's that is

[24 Feb 23:07]<Marquesta> haha

[24 Feb 23:08]<Ewarwoowoo> hehe


[30 Jan 23:09]<Zurac> orc ewar is more fun 

[30 Jan 23:10]<Ewarwoowoo> Gee thanks 

[30 Jan 23:10]<Zurac> elf ewar is posh

[30 Jan 23:11]<Ewarwoowoo> Oh my lol

[30 Jan 23:13]<Zurac> 

[30 Jan 23:14]<Ewarwoowoo> You are aveing a giraffe mate, ain't yar

[30 Jan 23:15]<Ewarwoowoo> Me posh, i don't adam and eve it

[30 Jan 23:15]<Zurac> what lol

[30 Jan 23:15]<Zurac> Me no understand

[30 Jan 23:16]*Ewarwoowoo Sighs, Giraffe = laugh, adam and eve it

[30 Jan 23:16]<Ewarwoowoo> = believe

[30 Jan 23:16]<Zurac> im not british sir

[30 Jan 23:16]<Zurac> i dont even know american slang lol

[30 Jan 23:17]*Ewarwoowoo sounds like a YOU problem 

[30 Jan 23:17]<Zurac> rude!

[30 Jan 23:17]*Zurac walks away and pouts

[30 Jan 23:17]<Ewarwoowoo> Hehe sorry Zurac, just pulling your leg

[30 Jan 23:17]<Zurac> i know 


  • "Few": Less than 4 units
  • "Handful": 5 to 8
  • "Several": 9 to 21
  • "Pack": 22 to 81
  • "Many": 82 to 128
  • "Gathering": 129 to 227
  • "Horde": 228 to 462
  • "Throng": 463 to 815
  • "Host": 816 to 2,500
  • "Legion": 2,501 to 9,999
  • "Myriad": 10,000 to 25,000
  • "Sea": 25,001 to 49,999
  • "Cornucopia": 50,000 or more



Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -50 20 40 5
Large Forest -15 5 30 -20
Large Hill -15 0 10 10
Large Mountain -30 0 15 15
Plains 30 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 0 0 0
Small Mountain -20 0 5 10


Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -45 25 30 15
Large Forest -15 5 25 -20
Large Hill -10 10 5 15
Large Mountain -30 20 5 30
Plains 25 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 5 5 5
Small Mountain -15 15 5 15

