
Gaia Nutella Tulips

Human Female
Human Female Character Portrait

'I will adjust your unjustness and you will be readjusted to be one with my justness, I call it justice.' 

I don't "argue" with people; I explain to them why they're wrong. Arguing would imply that there is room to debate about my opinion.


When asking what a week and feeble minded noob was writing :

[00:09]<Garan Aturan> Oh great god-king, I was merely preserving your wisdom for the ages.

Read this before exclaiming how hot I am wink :

[10:51]<Kinesis> GNT IS A MAN.

[10:51]<Kinesis> HE'S THE HUNK OF ELGEA.

One of my many roles in Illyriad :

[11:45]*SimplyDivine meet Gaia the Work Schedule Police

Comment on my medal :

[12:57]<Gilthoniel> All hail to the Banshee Queen. The howler of howls. The screecher of screeches and bayer of the baleful high notes that can shatter a porcelain commode at a 1000 paces 

Question if I should distract GM Luna so Cerb and I could pacify her once and for all :

[13:27]<Extra Life Cerberus> @GNT - That would be amazing. I would BURN HER TO THE GROUND.

GM Luna still believing us to be nice and friendly :

[23:33]<GM Luna> lol GNT very nice medal. 

Alla being a jerk, but an awesome jerk at that :

[23:52]<Allamagoosa> I also seem to have a problem with low self esteem. I have tried to have it for a long time but never seem to get there.

Vibs icool=)
