Like a "lord of the flies", I'm aware of how rotten my humanity can become if I feed it with ignorance and boredom.
And a fan of "Dead Worlds", the ones you find in online servers that no player visits anymore. I thought I'd find something like that in Illyriad, but behind its interface I found one of the most alive worlds I've ever experienced, thanks.
Freyja Wiki: #/Player/Profile/422387
Wild link: http://forum.illyriad.co.uk/six-cities-in-three-weeks-a-siege-story_topic6399.html
Beer emot =
[ @i=3|12] without the space
Land Claims: https://docs.google.com/drawings/u/1/d/1Xhp5hfHbonm8DttYb1mNMS_r-_RcwLxAw4qr9zlQHgo/edit?pli=1
* censored *
<System> **** <Orlyx> has been auto-silenced until 30SEP99 27:46. Please don't use profanity. You can use [ @c=266] to bring him back **
Ubluntu codes: #/Player/Profile/227319
abandoned accounts: https://illystuff.uk/abandonedaccts.html
battle calculator: https://battlecalculator.dewt.me.uk/
kingdomplaner: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GNnGHRFPfOs7MKdDbWj1iisLNIJOIFXQOiKaWz1m8Zg/edit?gid=28#gid=28