

Human Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Female Character Portrait

In the ages past... 

Queen Eldrene was the last queen of Manetheren, and an Aes Sedai. She was known as EllisandeOld Tongue for The Rose of the Sun.

Eldrene was the wife of King Aemon, the last king of Manetheren. During the Trolloc Wars, the small but strong army of Manetheren was considered a thorn in the Dark One's hand, so the entire forces of the Shadow were sent against the nation.

Although they were promised aid from Aridhol, no reinforcements arrived after three days, and on the tenth day, they knew no help was coming. From the city, Queen Eldrene organized her people to take the children and find refuge in the mountain keeps, though many went to join the army fighting for their home.

On the thirteenth day of fighting, the army of Manetheren was gone. Eldrene felt her husband die, and driven by grief, she reached out and hurled the One Power at the Trolloc army, washing a hurricane of fire across the land, and the Dark One's host was caught by the flames, even though they tried to flee. Yet she drew more of the One Power than any woman could ever hope to wield, and she was burnt right through, destroying the city.

In spite of the great tragedy, her efforts to organize the people did not go in vain. Those who had fled to the mountain keeps would later rebuild as the humble community of the Two Rivers.


In a more recent time, Ellisande was the founder of the original Wheel of Time alliance in Illyriad in January 2011. After leaving for several years, I'm back along with the reincarnated Wheel of Time alliance. 

"Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!"

(credit to Robert Jordan) 
