
Kel En'Dar

Elf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Male Character Portrait

Clan En'Dar: Guardians of Lost Wisdom

"The trees are talking to us."

In the misty veils of forgotten time, when the world of Illyriad was still young, there existed a noble Elf clan known as En'Dar. They were the keepers of ancient knowledge, the guardians of powerful artifacts, and the masters of arcane magic. Their philosophy and goal was to live in harmony with nature and to preserve the delicate balance of the world.

Legends speak of the En'Dar's golden age, a time when their wisdom and influence were known around Illyriad. They dwelled in enchanted forests and majestic citadels, places where the natural and the mystical coexisted in perfect harmony. Yet, as centuries passed, the En'Dar gradually faded into the past. Their powerful loremasters, with their centuries of knowledge, became whispers of a bygone era.

Now, only a small remnant of this once-great clan remains, led by Kel, the last scion of the En'Dar's noble bloodline. Kel, with a vision to restore his clan's former glory, has gathered the scattered descendants of the En'Dar and established a new settlement, "The Awakening". Nestled deep within the heart of an ancient forest, The Awakening stands as a beacon of their hope and rebirth.
